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Everything posted by Muggins.

  1. I don`t think people want them banned full stop, i don`t because it`s part of our heritage. Blunderbuss .. do you think it`s ok for kids to be letting them off twelve months of the year?? By allowing fireworks to be bought twelve months of the year you have got rid of a tradition.
  2. Look in other sales 2nd page, Stratts is scrapping a Vitara.
  3. This is the result of an organised firework display at the Taunton Rugby Club in 2011. On Friday November 4, seven people died and 51 people were injured on the M5 near Taunton following a collision between 34 vehicles. The police have just announced that they have charged a 50-year-old man with seven counts of manslaughter following the horrific M5 pile-up in November last year.
  4. I`ll bet the Mrs had alot of sympathy for you.
  5. Resign now then Camoron will have him back in at the next reshuffle.
  6. You dressing up 1940`s style as well?
  7. What gets me is the lack of respect some people have for others in their own back yard. IE. The odd moron that decides it`ll be fun to go home from the pub at midnight and start letting them off with no regard for the kids that have to be up for school or the working person that has an early start or the umpteen animals cowering from the louder every year bangs. Keep bonfire night for November 5th or the nearest saturday night to it.
  8. A brilliant night, two hours of non stop laughter. His daughter (Jenny Talia) was excellent also. Such a shame that he won`t be doing another tour of the UK but his daughter is apparently back next year. Mostly he did his older stuff with others thrown in but wel worth the money.
  9. I969. Decimalisation was what, 1971?
  10. Ban the things every night exept for November 5th. They scare the hell out of my dogs.
  11. I come over to Dorchester every so often with work. If you still have them next time i`m over i`ll take them. If you don`t sell them can you pm me a contact number please?
  12. That`s what is called "Look and learn" How did you get him to pay up?
  13. I want to bulk buy a load of hooks, a mixture of sizes 2`s, 3`s and 4`s. Does anyone know of any websites that sell cheap ish??
  14. Seen it but always worth another watch.
  15. They had a few bits which didn`t last long .. they have gone to their new home tonight.
  16. When i saw the title i thought ooh haven`t tasted that one in a long while. Reminds me of when i worked in a chipshop in the mid 70`s, used to listen to his show back then.
  17. There`s a few decent fish being caught around the country at present. I had this bass the same night as i found the kittens.
  18. They`re to friendly to be feral. You can pick them up no problem, no hissing or spitting. They have definately had human contact as they came over to us. They have been curled up asleep on my granddaughters lap this afternoon ... not the habits of a feral cat i wouldn`t have thought .. would you?
  19. Definately .... Will keep you posted.
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