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Everything posted by Archie-fox

  1. Thanks eccles...its a fantastic rifle best ive ever had.. Huffhuff i will pm you the details..
  2. Hi decided to go out last night as there was a decent break in the weather, gave russ a phone call..and decided on the location to try a new fox call from the internet.. after 2 mins of getting into position i dropped this decent size dog fox that ran in to about 75 meters...solid shot to the heart... another 3 foxes on that area showed interest but wouldnt give us the shot... moved about 5 miles to another farm and after 3 mins got another fox to about 60 meters but it just wouldnt stay still long enough for me to get a shot off at it..very impressed with the new call as ive dropped 3 big foxes with it this week... used my x-bolt again 223...S&B 8X56 scope. sako rounds. im also sad to say i missed a fox at about 150 meters as it was reliving itself...but better a clean miss than to wound one...it will be there for another time.. once again exelent lamping by Russ..
  3. i have poachers on one of my permissions...they are proper scumbags.. im currently talking with the local crime officer to get this stopped...i know where the come into my land as there is only one way, they use 243 rifles on foxes so all are lamp shy... they were on my land about 2 weeks ago... im going to block them in with a large boulder next time and get them nicked.
  4. orderd the wrong mag so will let this one go for £20 plastic style 10 round mag..will only fit the cz455 or cz 512..
  5. ive got a pair of these...fantastic gloves.
  6. fuse changed thanks to Bluebar and his instructions and guidence....top bloke.
  7. Hi YDS i have a heavy barrel on my CZ 22 WMR i think it ballences the rifle and makes it more accurate in my opinion... and i like the feel of the little extra weight... people will probably slate me for saying it but i do like the heavy barrel rimfires..
  8. thanks mate just what i needed to hear....will sort it tomorrow thanks again.
  9. left home when i was 18 to join the marines...came back 5 years later..and lived with a mate till i got my own house..
  10. 2 large dog foxes friday night lamping 223 Total 1256
  11. thanks steve...sounds like what im looking for...does it have any sort of disk with it or a website you can update the caller??
  12. hello has anyone got a decent vixen call to put on a mp3 player?? thanks rich.
  13. quite liked reading all this...ive been a doorman for 8 years and could write down some storys about all the stuff ive seen/done i only do for a bit extra pocket money as im a manager for a pharmasutical company i have often had to explain black eyes as rugby accidents and broken fingers as slipping over on the ice...its a tough job working on the doors ive been shot at twice and almost stabbed and this is in Manchester...some doorman are bullys and on a power trip but they tend not to last in the industry... we have to watch our backs 24/7 as we dont no who has followed us home and that does happen...i try to be as polite as possible to the punters but somtime that isnt enough and things can get out of hand in less than a second or two...we all try to do our best to make your night as safe as it can be and often put ourselves in danger.. but saying that ive had the best time of my life working the doors but will be calling it a day soon... but yes i have been throw out of a cub for telling a guy i wasnt gay and to leave me alone next thing jumped on by 2 doormen and dragged out on my ****....i just walked off and didnt say a word to them...i wanted to tho.
  14. Morning people i need some help please...ive blown the fuse in my power outlet (cigarett lighter) in my ford fiesta 10 reg....has anyone any idea were the fuse box is and what fuse number i need to change?? im pritty rubbish at this kind of thing so just looking for somke help... id rather just swap it over myself than take it to the main dealers and get a massive bill.. thanks again. Rich
  15. Hi terry yea it's x-bolt fantastic little 223....really pleased with it..
  16. This is the second fox shot.. big old dog....121 meters shot in the engine room.. this fox was lamped but set off running and with a loud shout it stopped to look...big mistake. couldnt leave russ out of the pics seeing as it was his hard work lamping that got the results..top bloke. Rich.
  17. Morning all After being in hospital with a bad infection i decided it was time to get back out shooting again... so on friday morning after speaking to Russ91 from hear we decided to go wildfowling on one of his permissions..on arrival at 6am we could here the geese in the distance but they all decieded to head off in the wrong direction to us whitch was a shame as the day before some 5000 or so were on the fields that we set up in....so as first light came we set about hitting the crows that flew over between us we accounted for 12 crows,rooks and a magpie.. we then decied to hit the foxes in the evening and to be honest it was a master class in foxing, i shot the biggest fox i have ever seen it came running in to the call like a missile full sprint russ shouted it at 151 meters and bang...down he went shot 2 foxes in total.. fantastic night..
  18. 100 % sticks for foxing or stalking...never use a bipod even tho i have 2 harris bipods in a box lol..
  19. well shot mate....ive sold my 17hmr in favour of a 22WMR...but cant fault a shot like that.
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