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Everything posted by taffygun

  1. So you would write e.g. .22lr + mod under "calibre" in the appropriate table? It's just there is no mention of moderators on the form itself. I'm sure it's a slightly different form to the one I filled out a few years ago... That's right yes, you always add ' + mod ' otherwise you will not be granted one. It is classed as a seperate firearm.
  2. I remember seeing such things advertised by JML in places like Focus, Robert Dyers etc..... but we got a pair £9.99 from Focus and they were kak. I treid to cut through a bunny leg bone and they would flex, if too much pressure would bend altogether, they were only good for cutting through the join of the bone through the sinews.
  3. You have to apply for a slot for the moderator, you need to do this for each individual calibre that you apply for, i.e FAC air rifle + mod, .17HMR + mod, 22LR + mod etc.... The expanding ammunition will be granted automatically if the vermin(land)use is granted, If you have target condition only on your ticket then you won't be granted expanding ammo.
  4. A good pair of strong secateurs would do the same job
  5. taffygun


    :blink: I take it you mean the bird in the garden variety
  6. Now you see what the wrong part of this will be, when you report it to the police, they will do absolutely <insert lots of swear words here> about it, telling you that they will probably never catch the perpetrators. BUT on the other hand, if you were to take matters into your own hands you would be treated worse than a paedophile or a wife beater, its a joke. This is a cowardly act. Now I must point out that revenge attacks are not the way to handle this. Retaliation is merely a way to lose the battle. If I had upset someone then I would much prefer that person to knock my door and smash my teeth in than act behind cover. I sincerely hope you do find out who done this and they are made to pay, but unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath and put any faith in todays justice.
  7. Pretty much nothing for a good few miles(8-10 or so flight miles I expect) But the thing is there have not been any flocks coming into it at all this year. I see the odd one or two and so has the owner but nothing worth writing a book about.
  8. On the one crop farm that I shoot over the OSR, last year yielded a good season shooting, but that was at the request of the farmer. This year I would like to be able to notice when the pigeons are likely to be coming back. Now its starting to flower(well last week), the fields are a colourful yellow. When are the pigeons likely to start feeding on this crop now..
  9. Therefore I see no reason now for the replies, can a mod please delete. (Before it does get deleted - I wish I had the folding my mate had the same scope and it was crystal I liked it a lot)
  10. in n ireland even a 12 ft ibs air rifle needs a firearms certificate thats why everyone in n ireland shoots fac air rifles as either is on ticket.shotties are all restricted to 3 shots or less. aah right...thanx VS Didn't know they were that strict.
  11. Looks good what did you use for the scope tube..
  12. I assume that by having a FAC for a shotgun its a Sec 1 shotgun (holds more than 2+1 carts) therefore you just apply for a variation to your certificate asking for whatever calibre you need and giving good reason for. Not sure on the terms in N.Ireland of how long you must wait to ask for variations but that would need to be answered by your FEO.
  13. Thing is you need to find an alternative use item that would be both light enough and rigid enough for use when connected together for lengths of 20-30ft maybe more. I would only assume that these poles are specialist type and I can't think of anything that would connect together and achieve the length other than the chimney sweeping brushes, then I would be dubious of whether it would be rigid enough at 30ft.
  14. Completely crazy that you can buy a scope cheaper from the states than you can from the original distributor in Wiltshire I believe he's from...
  15. I apologise for (maybe) hijacking this thread, but can I just point out that, (AFAIK) there is no such thing as a post-dated chq anymore. If a chq is presented to the bank it will be processed straight away regardless of date. This happened to me when I sent 3x cheque's for monthly instalments back last year, all 3 cheque's were cashed immediately, when I contacted my bank this is what I was told. If this post offends original poster, I apologise and I will remove
  16. As title, wanted BSA Superten mag in .22 cheap as please as its gonna be a spare
  17. And where are you moving back to mukka..?? :wub:
  18. Or if the budget extends :yp: http://www.airgunbbs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185622
  19. Or a S&B 8x56 Failing that I have found the WTC 6.5-20 x 50 a decent scope.
  20. You could always lodge your guns with your local RFD for a fortnight, not sure on the cost but it can't be much I would have thought, or if you're a member of a rifle club you could leave them there I wouldn't have thought there would be a charge there as there isn't in the club i'm with... damn my slow typing
  21. If you've had a SGC for 3yrs then a FAC is a matter of course. My advice would be when you have got the application pack from your local firearms dept, send it directly back to the firearms admin and not through your local police station, its much quicker and when sent directly via recorded post it doesn't get 'lost'
  22. Could try this guy http://www.tonyscamo.co.uk/ tell him I put you onto him
  23. No you don't need to send your ticket back in. Whoever you bought it off fills in your ticket and you just send in the transfer form. It stays as hand written on your ticket until the ticket has to go back in for either renewal, variation etc.
  24. may sound quite dramatic but my experience with vauxhalls (i own one myself) and have done for around 15 yrs are prone and i mean prone to cylinder head gaskets blown. the newer models with the ecotech engines are,nt so bad though. my gamble would be the head gasket even if there isnt any oil in the water or vice versa i'v seen many and i mean many with the same problem HEAD GASKET Won't that pressurise(sp?) the coolant system..
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