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Everything posted by taffygun

  1. I thought that was bad grouping tbh with better control on my breathing I know I could do better. The bipod is purely for the photo, its one of those JS Ramsbottoms econo-pod's....£8 I think
  2. Here's a pic of my CZ American with Dragon Mod and a pic of my first attempt of grouping since I put the Hawke Varmint scope on it. pics now resized
  3. I need a change of job and a change of scenery, maybe I also need to buy a house in Mundford. What an offer !!! all that sport for a few days graft, better than being paid in money if you ask me. Ballie, if you ever decide to manage land anywhere near me in South Wales you gimme a shout..
  4. Here in Gwent you gotta apply for land to be used by me(with permission obviously) for the calibres I want to use on such land....They can tell you over the phone by checking on the computer if the land has previously been passed and for upto which calibre.
  5. I was lucky as I had already been informed by the FEO previously that my land was already passed for upto .222 calibre, so that saved a lot of time. I also made a phone call on Monday about another farm I got and thats already passed for upto .223 so I can use that land but they would like me to send in the land usage form anyway so they have it on file, but it won't need inspecting
  6. Thats a good grouping with remmy's....mine groups like a shotgun with remmy's even at 50yds.... Have you tried Hornady Express 17gr's...:(?
  7. I never got to know Konings, but he developed a respectful reputation on this board, for that he will be greatly missed. My condolences to his family.
  8. I bought the 9+ from Paul very cheap and it was very cheap even though I paid £54 for delivery....Pauls a top man to deal with :o The 9+ has got enough room for at least 4 scoped rifles along the back but you just have to sit them side to side not front to back....and there's still enough room for 4 shotguns on the foam dividers on the side... And I paid a lot less than that too. I was charged delivery by Brattonsound because I couldn't wait for Paul to pick it up and meet me, with Pauls commitments it was too far away..
  9. I bought my 9+ from Paul for cheaper than that :o The only difference in those two cabinets is the spacer bar bringing the foam away from the back so you can stand scoped rifles up against it. Also there would be no room for shotguns/rifles on the sides of the cabinet.
  10. Any Welsh man proud to stand by his flag....
  11. Went to Clay2000 today and only managed a 12/25 on the sporting....helluva cross wind up there today
  12. Its the same down here, I have a farm that is entirely crop 360 acres of wheat and OSR and there's not a pigeon on it so far.... A few crows but not enough to warrant setting up for the day
  13. Put him back in with her for a few days, ain't very nice having a one night stand...she may feel unloved... as said earlier, she will get bigger as she goes on and if it is a successful pregnancy then its around 40-45 days for term. Then don't just open doors to the hutch or anything like that, listen first for faint squeals, if you hear babies in there DO NOT open that door and frighten her she probably will attack and she will end up eating her own young(sometimes this happens anyways and i'm bugga'd if I know why ) Coax her out into the open and use slow hand movements. What I have used in the past when my Jills have given birth is Welpil milk on the back of my hand and let her lick it off. Then continue to put her feed in and leave her well alone for at least the first week, even be a bit more cautious and carry it on for 2 weeks..
  14. No what I meant was now the wife can't use it til its paid off....so I now have to live with her wrath for a few weeks at a time ....hehehehe
  15. Nice one Si.....get the cards maxxed on new bang sticks.....but be careful, I done that and i'm still paying the higher price
  16. Where in Wales are you.. There is another (better) option, which is the dragon moderator, a guy from Merthyr makes them and they are much more effective on my HMR than a Sak or PH.
  17. Not to worry fella...i'm here and i'm sane
  18. :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: as you are probably guessing... 'appy burfday
  19. You know what they say about guys with big hands and big feet..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . They wear bigger gloves and bigger shoes
  20. I travel 42 miles round trip to my main shooting land....there are 7 farms all next to each other, that I shoot over but I do have another farm up in Mid Wales that is 120 mile round trip.
  21. taffygun

    sgc cert

    There is a difference in violent criminal history, I am ashamed to admit that I have convictions for violence in my past, and I would rather curl up and die than go back to the way I used to live. i'm not saying I was a hooligan or a thug but my convictions were for retaliating. I have changed my life around and I have direction now. I have a future ex-wife and 2 beautiful kids, people can change if they so wish. So I believe that everyone is taken on their own merit. I have been given my credit as well as i'm now a proud SGC and FAC holder, I sat down with my FEO's and answered every question he had to ask, even though it made me embarassed beyond belief. That only shows convictions or arrests from the last 6 years Mark. It may be of no use to most applying for certs, it wasn't for me
  22. taffygun

    sgc cert

    Oh hell....racially motivated threats to kill, looked upon probably as severely as actually beating the kak out of someone. Your M8 might be better admitting defeat and trying again in a few years, and staying well out of trouble in the meantime
  23. taffygun

    sgc cert

    You're mate might do well to phone his FEO and ask him if he's been declined for his offences or the fact that he did not supply the information. If its the latter then its probably be declined as it looks like he was trying to cover up his past offences and hope they wouldn't get brought up, as said earlier - absolutely everything you've done is kept on file, its just the rehabilitation of offenders act that stops anyone other than government bodies knowing what has happened in the past. That act does not apply in FAC/SGC applications. If he's been declined tell him to ask if he's allowed to reapply, if he is then when he fills his form in the next time tell him to write in the convictions box " Please refer to your records of my previous convictions as i'm unsure of exact dates and offences " Then also tell him to put in any driving convictions or on-the-spot fines he's had in the last 6 years.
  24. There's a wealth of knowledge on here, and then there's markbivvy to lower the average...
  25. Or tarmaccing or tree cutting
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