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Everything posted by taffygun

  1. So there is bigger than mine :(
  2. But I had a cracker of deal from someone see Paul hmm wonder who that was :o And Mark = Bugga orf... you been pickin on me a lot lately ya tart !!!!!
  3. Good rule of thumb when buying a gun cabinet - buy the biggest cabinet you can possibly afford..... you'll fill it :o
  4. I'm glad to see that i'm not the only cynical 'hard hearted' person who thinks that they are lapping up the limelight whilst god only knows whats happened to their daughter. I reckon they should be tried for child abuse or neglect.
  5. I bought the wilko's ones too 5 for £10, i'm in the process of making the kicker spikes from kettle irons and 1" angle. quick cut and weld and bolt into the bottom of the washing poles and hey....5 poles £10 and a pack of chocolate hob nobs for the welder
  6. Hell on wheels have you not had it yet.. I've had mine and done my mentoring, got my variation and almost completed the terms of the variation for the .222
  7. Nice shooting lads, I think the police are becoming more aware to the sporting shooters now. They would rather see a licenced shooter than otherwise and its no longer an us and them situation. The forces over here are coming around the same way, I have only ever been pulled up once, after a nights lamping on a golf course and we were about to head off to another farm for some early morning shooting and we were stopped for a routine check. The cop was a really nice guy - even telling us that they are frquently looking for people with dogs on the golf course and surrounding farms, but could see that I was not his target and we went on our way.
  8. Why not just give Paul Hart a shout on here, for the price you'll be paying second hand, I dare say he could get you one brand new
  9. Its a Smidt & Bender, 3 to 12 x 50. German. Oly, most dont recomend the .223 for reds, but, in my opinion, if you know exactly where to aim, it is deadly. I am lucky that i can use it over here, i am trying to get isued a 6.5 for the job, but red tape ect, is getting in the way Frank. I would have thought with your name on so many Section 42's that would be reason enough
  10. taffygun

    Hi Guy's

    Welcome back 'HOME'
  11. I bought a 7/9 gun with locking top and they will fill up real quick. Give Paul Hart a shout, aka the pigeonshooter<dot>com and ask him for a price on one of his brattonsound cabinets
  12. Ya sister's MP3 player my *****
  13. Phillip is the name of the guy who makes them and he lives locally. I have 2 of his mods, 1 on my hummer and 1 on my 22LR, I'm hoping to get one for my CZ527 .222 when it gets opened for land use but I hear he's run into some troubles at the moment :blink:
  14. As said already - each to their own. I, personally don't see the point. If the so called hunters weren't there then the animals wouldn't charge at them. I know that the tribesmen usually allow the shooting in return for the kills for the food for the tribe, so I suppose there's the excuse
  15. lol i only use Eley VIP shot 6 32gms on most suits my auto sorry mate Bry No worries mate, i might have to make that trek into Bristol tomorrow then, see how i feel. There's NJ Guns in Builth Wells, Bale's in Cardiff
  16. Where did you go missing to for the last year or so Roy...... we thought Martin aka Sniper296 and Bex had come to see you
  17. Buying from Barry Shooting Centre?? I am Mike yeah.....as its the only place that will admit to having them in stock...
  18. Yes but thats for the .17REM not the HMR......there probably won't be a lot left of the rabbit below 300yds with that :blink:
  19. Dave Mercer aka DM80 over on the BBS and also Target Sports of Bolton's resident gunsmith(i believe) IIRC they are �60, they are an over-barrel and 1/2" unf screw threaded moderator. A mate of mine has one on his CZ Varmint .17HMR and it slips over the barrel about 3" as well as screws on. would it bring down the sound much more than the sak? Yes they do but you have to trade that for weight, the DM80 does make the gun slightly more front heavy but its nothing that you can't compensate for. Also Dave makes them rifle specific.... so if you have a 16" barrel or a 20" or varmint etc....
  20. The Hornady V-Max 17gr have been in short supply here for months with almost all of the gunshops saying none in stock, my rifle club is the only place I can get them from at the moment.
  21. Dave Mercer aka DM80 over on the BBS and also Target Sports of Bolton's resident gunsmith(i believe) IIRC they are £60, they are an over-barrel and 1/2" unf screw threaded moderator. A mate of mine has one on his CZ Varmint .17HMR and it slips over the barrel about 3" as well as screws on.
  22. Who cares !!!! just as long as you can go shooting :look:
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