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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. Hunter


    Hmmm See if you can figour me out too while your at it
  2. Hunter


    Pest controller (small amounts of vermin shooting) Game Keeper (moderate amounts of pest control, fox-rabbit-vermin and the odd day on the birds) Armed forces (The real deal this is not a walk in the park choosing what animal to shoot for dinner) Tactical Fireams (police marksman, very hard job, and not so much shooting except in training) -Suggestion: Find a good job that gives you the time and flexability to go shooting without being paid for it. There are very few shooting jobs, the ones that do exist are hard to get into, and even so have their drawbacks.
  3. I believe resident nutter, and Essex Mafia member Mungler, is a solicitor and may be able to point you in the right direction, or give you advice.
  4. I am a qualified Oxy/a welder Best type of welding you can do apart from TIG welding. (also qualified) I miss my TIG, I only have a small mig welder (clarke) and a micro portable Oxy/A set. My tip: take care guys, oxygen can cause big fire hazards, and Acetalybe is pure explosive gas, and will do serious damage if you do not respect its dangers and hazards in the workplace. I prefer Plasma for cutting as its so much safer, but you need the Oxy/A cutting axe for the big stuff, as its got some much potential on thick plate for fabrication, or demolition work on old steel structures/vehicles. Oxy/A sets have a tendancy to catch stuff on fire wherever you use it unlike a little plasma cutter.
  5. Welcome to the forum Miles, enjoy your stay!
  6. Hunter

    An Apology

    I really dont want to read your posts if you are typing them with your 'stick'
  7. Hunter

    An Apology

    Dont really mind, its the quality of the post that matters. Im not even too fussed with how people spell (unless they keep making the same mistakes without picking it up). What matters is that posts are either helpful, funny, or interesting to read. Its treu about the BBS, theres a chap who writes all of his posts in caps and people just get used to it.. whatever works for you, dont feel put off. Its just because we are used to reading capital words as OUTSTANDING or AGGRESSIVE words, and it changes the tone of the post while you read.. wherease reading in lowercase letters is a bit more relaxed and normal. Dont worry about it, enjoy the forum how it works best for you.
  8. Hunter


    I can easily stay up 24 hours, doesnt bother me Sleeping is a waste of time. I love to be out at night when no one else is around.
  9. Hunter


    Cant find it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds#B Also try this as I havent checked it: http://caninebreeds.bulldoginformation.com/
  10. Never been a fan of cammo guns, but I like that one, looks great. Congrats on first foxy, I have quite some memories of fox shooting, some quite intense.
  11. Hunter


    If you carry out any illegal acts with an Air Rifle, it is classified as a Firearm. The charges are exactly the same. :lol:
  12. Adjusting the trigger wont make a difference to the muzzel velocity. Welcome aboard Dom
  13. Its a tough life.. I feel for you..
  14. Will all this BS ever end? get a grip, lets turn this forum into a quality forum, not a playground. If you have an agro problem go to a footbal match, or busy pub and vent it, not here. We are a forum of responsible, behaved shooters, and we want to help eachother, and promote our sport, not feed the public with such topics of nonsense. A lot of us fell for YL's tale of glory, (including me) but the best thing to do is let it die down. The mods have already taken the required steps, now its our turn. Sadly I received a PM from a good member who no longer uses the forum as much as he used to due to the rubbish going on. Now, for crying out loud pull yourselves together and write something constructive, or dont bother using the forum.
  15. That is exactly what I thought! I've had 2 pigeons with one shot, but never a fox and a duck! Nice one! ZB Nailed 3 rooks with a single shot from the centerfire, at around 150m And had a couple of pairs. Just have to wait for them to line up in the patch, the the trigger. The BT bullets I use pretty much explode after the first bird and send fragments into the others.
  16. Welcome to the club.. you arent alone
  17. YES!!! infact I wanted to do a topic on this a while ago.. WH Smiths in Airports in the UK do NOT sell gunmags, I have looked int WHsmith Luton WHsmith Gatwick and WHsmith Heathrow, none sell gunmags I think its to do with 9/11 :thumbs:
  18. Hunter

    Roulette Wheel

    Now stop going on those naughty websites...
  19. Madness Oh and the guy doing all the digging is a Polish guy, and everyone standing around him are british, such as the health and safety officer, worksite manager, machine operator, and numerous supervisors. Hope you get some rest..
  20. I work on short placement (95% of my kills are head shots) instead of worrying about how big the gun is But actually the nockdown DOES play a part in the kill, I dont care what the FBI say, its down to pure physics.. think about it, chuck two stones in the water. One a golf ball sized stone, and one a brick. The brick leaves shockwaves (that do the damage) greater then the pebble. Penetration only kills when you hit the right spot such as a vital organ(s) or spinal cord etc.. but the massive effect of the shockwaves will do big damage to surrounding tissue and organs, where as a small bullet may pass through the body entirely, missing major organs and doing less shock damage. Explosives kill, by hammering the body with massive shockwaves that damage the organs, even if there are no visible flesh wounds or limbs missing. Messy, but true.
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