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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. Bang on. I bet if a DNA test was done on the blood found on the dogs, it would match that of a calf/cow's. Sad, but invetatble if you disrespect the rules of the countryside.
  2. Im not having a 'dig' at you for driving, im having a dig at thoes who complain about it and do nothing. IMO what needs controlling is short pointless trips.. Picking up a pack of fags from a shop 5 miles away is pointless in my opinion when thats all you drive for. We shop once a month and load the car up rather then doing many short trips, or bring the recycling stuff to the center once a month rather then weekly. Things like this do a lot to help preserve fuel But hey theres hardly any point when the Americans are driving 5liter cars to the 'mall', and the Chinese are using more fuel then half the world for their economy boom so unless EVEYRONE makes a change then we are in simple words, doomed. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  3. Welcome to the real world Martin, you are one of us now, and theres no going back
  4. My teachers said that there's only 40 years of oil and gas 10 years ago so is it only 30 years supply or are they guessing? I dont think you can estimate how much fuel is left in the world, its scientist guessing again so they get put in the paper. cost of the crud oil reseovoirs in the north sea have not been found and are being tapped. Once the source of oil is located, its fairly easy to measure the volume of the resovoir, and estimate how long it can supply for. It really is running out. Nothing lasts forever.
  5. Company I work for has a fuel card in each car, I have no idea what the cost is, just swipe and go :lol: and I can use the cars for personal use, but as said above.. I am seriously cutting down on how I use cars. we all should.
  6. Haha last winter I went on the main roads from Brasov to SF George, in a little mini bus doing about 70mph on icey roads, in the snow, dodging potholes with no seatbelts. I have lost all fear since then Pure madnesss. R1H sorry for derailing your topic, back on topic peeps
  7. Hey Bob your damn right, but then again, Helath and Safety is unknown there. I love it, its so stress free to live there, you dont have to worry about getting sued for doing some garden work on your own land etc Everyone just gets on with their own lives. If theres an accident, you just hope everyones ok and do your best to help, tidy up, and thats it, everyone goes there own way without all the bull that we have here at times
  8. As a new driver I hate the rising fuel costs as I enjoy a drive, but Id rather do something about it then let it overcome me, theres so many options for alternative fuels and energies, I just wish the whole world would adopt them But what can we do eh.. Im sitting here watching the world destroy itself, because everyone convinces themselves that it will all go away if we just moan about it. Well wake up guys it wont. Its US that decide how the world is going to be for our children and grandchildren. Its US who can make a change, but its US who have to start doing something.. For most of us this is like a warm bed. We know we have to get up, but its just too comfortable to get out just now.. so we stay a bit longer untill its too late and we miss the chance. Its amazing how many people dont realise that the increasing cost of fuel is not only due to profits, its due to increasing demand, and a reduction in the supply. Crude oil wont last forever. and il be damned if I leave my (possible future) kids in a world with nothing but horse and cart to get around. When I was in the Romanian mountains recently, this was a regular sight. People cant afford trucks and fuel like we can. But they have found a way to work, and be happy doing whatever they do, wherever they are. Its a tough country, people dont have much money but somehow they get things done whith what they have. It is possible to live without traveling 50+miles to work everday. Oneday, I assure you, things will be different.. even here. how hard the change is depends on hwo we manage our recources and economy. Anyway enough babbling on about it heres a pic at 2800feet elevation in the Carpathian mountains. You see this sight int the streets too, not just remote areas.
  9. If I had my way, I would be seriously reducing the amount of fuel supplied to the public, and saving vast amounts for the millitary and emergancy services. Fuel is running out faster then most of you imagine We need to start cutting down. Im doing my bit by walking to work, cycling, or using public transport for college. The less driving the less it costs, and the less crud gets pyt into our air that we breathe/eat food from. If you are that concearned, stop moaning, and do something about it. Help scientists develope new energies, more efficient transport etc and no, im not taking the p!ss. Its time to start changing.. the planet changes, we must change with it.
  10. I think shed died of the heart attack rather then the stampeding Townsfolk movingto the country, and dying of fright when they get close to real animals. Then again the dogs were covered in blood? Hmmm me thinks something is fishy about this story..
  11. I hope you are prepared to a learn a new skill that takes 7+months to learn and 5+ years to master Good luck, youl enjoy it
  12. This is the 7th time I have seen this on two forums (no joke!)
  13. Hang in there Webber Rememebr everyone has different ways of dealing with mess. I keep quiet and let time/thinking sort it out, I dont like to involve other people in my problems, but for some people, just talking and being heard does a really big favour in helping deal with issues that get you down. However luckily I dont have any traumatic scenes in my head (yet) aso in your shoes I cannot say what best other then to get enough rest both mentally and phyiscally before getting back to work, or talking to anyone about whats one your mind. I hope you recover quick, and get back on your feet 100% in good time.
  14. Love it Number 4 made me laugh
  15. Smashing Now get her on the forum, Mrs Sweepy needs company from the female side
  16. Terrible news. For those who dont know, Mel's wife was fighting with cancer a while back. All the best Mel, I hope you come to peace with your loss.
  17. Thats what Binos and spotting scopes are for ^^^ EDIT: Yes deer heads in the bush have been confusing before especially here in my woods, they just stare at you Really must get my stalking rifle, I counted 21!! Fallow deer in oe field behind my house..
  18. Hunter


    Sunny here too! I have been welding all day making a BBQ out of an old tractor tire rim. Looks great Did a bit of welding in a tshirt as it was too hot for my leather welding jacket.
  19. Hunter


    Remember first aid certificates expire and need updating. A local Ghillie I know in Sevenoaks has up to level 3 DSC, as well as varius other qaulifications enabling him to instruct and teach the DSC course to others. You will also need to be covered by insurance etc. All the training and qualifications such as mentioned above by Flash, could easy cost in the four figours. Its not really something you can learn at University and get a grant for. Learn a trade first, get to work and save some moeny up, Deer stalking is becoming more popular, and there may be more work available in that sector. But remember things like foot and mouth, and blue tounge, will prevent you working for months at a time when it hits. Also closed deer seasons means no work in the stalking department of the job. But having a trade skill means work almost everyday of the year is available.
  20. Armed Forces, Police Armed Response Unit, or a professional Deer stalker.. (the second two of which are very difficult to get into). EDIT: Game keepers do plenty of shooting as pest control to protect their livestock.
  21. Hunter


    I look forward to it!! now just the long wait for the pplication etc to go through but im starting another new job this month in a tool shop (5 mins away from the station) so it should all come together nicely. I will keep you all updated if I get in
  22. My Tikka T3 Varmint .222 seems to work nicely Also a fan of Varmint barrels (but thats another can of worms). Good tactical type guns, and you dont have to worry about the wood. Nick loves a good bit of wood on the gun which is fine, but I find I worry about it too much rather then just shooting it, and putting it away with no maintenance done to the stock.
  23. Hunter


    Cheers HD, just what I want.. plenty of work, not to much faffing around with paperwork, and another part time job to relax in What im a little concearned about still is the maths test (I did GCSE's with a grade E.. ) but I should be fine on fitness, health, heights and the practical side of the tests. Application pack is in the post. I really look forward to it if it works out, as my life is a bit dull at the moment. Im sure il have some qeustions for you later HD :blink:
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