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Everything posted by TaxiDriver

  1. I went there after going to Ronnie Crowes in January looking for an air rifle for myself and one for my 11yr old son, Both places gave me the impression that the customer service was dependant on my budget and how quick the cash was gonna come outta my pocket. At Leech & Son I was sold a gun for my son that came with a scope which the chap in the shop pointed out wasn't right as he fitted it, But he fitted it anyways and sent me off. After a few days and a couple of hundred pellets trying to zero it I rang the importers SMK who said I should take it back to the shop and ask for a replacement scope which I did. The response in the shop was 'well what do you expect for £100'? he took the faulty scope off and then tried to give me a scope to take away and got humpy that I asked him to fit it for me, again bemoaning the fact I'd only spent £100 on the gun in the first place. I reminded him that I'd also spent £250 on my Gamo SFX with scope and that surely a bit of customer service never goes amiss especially when possibly trying to cement a future customer/retailer relationship. I don't think he got the idea or agreed and I still came away thinking that he thought he was doing me the favour taking my money. Ronnie Crowes in Gt Baddow was similar/worse, went in, was ignored on entering, looked around for 20 mins, eventually asked about an air rifle for myself, first question was how much did I want to spend, I said I didn't really know as I didnt know what they cost, was told that it wasn't worth bothering if I wasn't gonna spend £500. When I told him I'd figured on £150 - £200 to start I'm sure I became invisible. First port of call now is Eastern Sporting :good: helpful beyond the call of duty, enthusiastic.
  2. I cant see a locking pin (would this be to stop the mounts from creeping back along the dovetail?) the rear mount is butted against a small plate secured to the end of the dovetail at the stock end.
  3. No the front OB is clear of the rifle, the 32 obviously was clearer still.
  4. OK, A bit more info, the rifle is an SMK Syntarg in .177 Scope is a well loved Appollo 3-9x50 which was given to us by someone off PW I don't know what you mean about centering scope turrets before starting ? or how to do this ? What's 35m ? and why would I have any lying about ? OB clearing the barrel ? Whats OB ? All I did was to take the tops of the scope mounts, remove the 4x32 and fitted the 3-9 and fit the top half of the scope rings/mounts back again. I don't know if the mounts are high, mid or low but they are both the same ie a pair,
  5. Combination of reasons really, I used to have air pistols and air rifles as a kid, just plinking at tins in the garden, got taken ferreting a few times as a kid. More recently I've wanted to buy an air rifle to do a bit of plinking with my son in the garden, the idea being to get him outdoors & off the games console, and to spend time doing something together, 'Father & Son' time I think owning/using an air rifle is a great tool for teaching my 11yr old to act responsibly, and to think about safety and generally developing good character. I keep chickens and 3 allotments so am interested in shooting anything I can eat as an extension of my 'grow your own' values. It was for this reason I didn't think I'd find sporting clays particularly interesting as I can't eat them, but it's proven to be a very social activity and so far I've met a nice bunch of people who on the whole have been very welcoming.
  6. This is on my sons little garden plinker, Hyflier vey kindly donated a 3-9x50 scope to my son to upgrade his 4x32, I've put in on this AM and been having a plinking session this AM to try and zero it in, but its shooting low and I've adjusted the UP/Down turret to the end of its adjustment (ie, it's up as far as can go) Could I fit a thin piece of packing under the scope tube in either front of back mount to change the angle of the dangle and then give me back some adjustment to fine tune ? We'e talking about being an inch maybe inch & quarter low at 10-12 metres
  7. I forsee another episode of ..........Cowboy Builders
  8. As soon as they know you're the person who feeds/waters them......you've pulled With regard getting hold of them, When they come in to lay, when you get near to them, put your hand over them and spread your fingers open, you'll find they sort of hunker down (squat) you put your hand on their back and slip a hand underneath and secure their legs with your fingers. Theyre great characters, very comical and therapuetic to just sit and watch, keep a minimum of 3 as this prevents squabbling, bullying. If you find hybrids you can get plenty eggs, if you want table birds then there are different breeds that will lay and or can be slaughtered for table
  9. OIYYYYYYYY Thats a bit harsh :o :o Well, You doubting So and so, DHL have just delivered the new one (2pm Saturday) And this one's perfectly stitched and finished, so job's a good un, AND I got to keep the original one which just needs a few minutes stitching Anyways, here's a link to the item, and I'd recommend the guy as being good to deal with from what I've experienced. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WAISTCOAT-4-PIGEON-DECOYING-PHEASANT-HUNTING-GAMEKEEPER_W0QQitemZ180638489458QQihZ008QQcategoryZ52509QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ht_2000wt_824
  10. The fact there is so many posts both in favour and against Hatsan Semi's is no doubt relevant to the number of Hatsans sold and their popularity. There seems a great deal of 'brand name' snobbery within the hobby. There's far more scope for better profit margins for RFD's selling a gun costing £1000 plus than one costing £400
  11. Ohh shurrup, nobody loves a show off . . . . :P :P
  12. Well, I've downloaded the Chairgun programme :unsure: So thats all good, Something else on my hard drive that I don't have a ******* clue what to do with So, its back to the big bit of paper at 35yrds and fire of enough shots to get some on the paper and start from scratch then ? but should I set the front Parallax adjustment to the distance I want to zero in at or infinity or........... I can see the start of a 'For Sale' thread looming.......Game SFX Used solely for weight training & throwing at barn doors
  13. I'm confused by this primary and secondary zero business :unsure: :unsure: Am I wrong to think that the pellet is leaving the gun straight and after a while begins to drop ? One of the earlier replies here gave me the idea that what they were saying was that the pellet leaves the gun and climbs then begins to fall again ? I'd like to be able to shoot out to 30yrds for rabbits and squizzers, as thats about the safe effective range of a <12ft/lbs air rifle and also of my new red led torch.
  14. Sounds like I'd be better throwing the dam gun at the target then
  15. If nobody is going there shooting, why dont others get in there ? If they're not gonna turn up and fulfill their commitments why the hell do they get the rights in first place ? Is it greedy farmers own fault for selling the shooting rights for big bucks/quick cash ? Do they give up the right to protect their crops ? Should they have been more careful about setting conditions when selling the shooting rights ?
  16. My local RFD zeroed in my Hawke AO scope the other day using a gizmo that used a sort of target holder/grid thing that fitted in the end of the barrel and then holds a card on which is a tiny squared grid, you then adjust the scope up/down & left/right so that the crosshairs of the scope fall on the centre lines of the grid (with me so far ?) this is done with the scope set to 100yrds. If I understood the idea correctly, the scope is zeroed at 100yrds and then when you adjust the parralax down(for example to 30yrds) it should maintain zero at 30yrds ?? Trouble is,......... I now can't hit a barn door at 30yrds never mind a rabbit or pigeon :no: Before I go back to the RFD, Have I misunderstood the principle/idea of the adjustable Parralwotsit ?
  17. Nobby, you've only posted a week ago? Give it time, as you'll have gathered it's not always easy to gain permissions and when people do gain them I would guess theyre jealously guarded to some degree. I've also posted a while back now, seeking rabbiting experience using air rifle and/or ferrets, shotgun experience and as yet, nothings come along. All I can suggest is to keep actively looking, be active on the forum pages and put yourself out there. ATB - Neil
  18. I recently bought a shooters waiscoat after seeing one of the guys (SemiautoLee?) on here post a pic of him in his and a link to the item on ebay. Price was a reasonable £30.00 and it was delivered pretty quick AND it was a 3XL and fitted like a 3XL On unpacking the vest I noticed a tiny bit of loose stitching but wasn't overly concerned as I thought I'd tidy it up meself. On wearing the vest sunday for the first time, within a matter of minutes the action of putting my hand in/out the cartridge pocket on the front the darn thing started to come away, the stitching was just pulling as I hadn't been finished off properly. I emailed the ebay seller, and sent him a couple of photo's to illustrate the explanation and received an email back to say that he'd physically checked a replacement one before despatching it DHL, I rung him and asked if they were going to uplift the faulty one at same time ? He told me........to keep it, use it as a spare, get it fixed if I want........Result
  19. Have just received my new red led torch and velcro mounting, batteries and pressure switch, and normal end cap swich, couple of velco bits, good price, delivered next day, looks promising. NOW I need me some wabbits Aww c'mon mr bunny wabbit (Elmer Fud styli)
  20. How many people would say that about Shotguns and yet look how many buy Hatsan Escort Semi Auto and Hatsan make Air rifles too
  21. Send UKPoacher a pm and ask about the ones he does, including the red led one just got mine today.
  22. I Love the look of the top one(BSA Ultra?) with its' Short barrel
  23. Pardon my ignorance but what's an sl140 scope attachment ? Lamp? Night vision add on ?Im thinking I should have put in for .17hmr along with .22lr and FAC Air
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