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Everything posted by TaxiDriver

  1. Thats handy as I've looked through my old posts but couldn't find it I'm afraid I can't help with the police issue, How about getting the BASC Permission slip signed up and maybe the adjacent farmer can give you a map showing his fields/land, then you write to the Firearms Licencing manager detailing what you've been doing, your experience and how ever long you have had your existing ticket and request they either add this land to your ticket or better still, amend your ticket so that its open
  2. On the BASC site there is a Permission form that you can download and print off, don't think theres anything on there specifically for FAC but as a way of getting a signed 'Permission Slip' its good. I'll see if I can find the link and edit this reply to include it.
  3. Is there anyone in/around Chelmsford Essex(30 mile radius) who would take me along to help me gain some experience Please. I have air rifle only whilst awaiting SGC and FAC (22lr) and have a very limited experience of sporting clays. Also interested in Ferreting, and learning about rabbit trapping. Can do pretty much anytime evenings/weekends and some week days after Easter. Thank you for reading. Neil
  4. Jeez I hope you sell this real quick, then you MIGHT cheer up ya miserable ol' **** Don't think the other chap questioned it's usuability or rabbit count, merely complimented you on your refreshingly honest description, and all you can do is bitch about it
  5. I know nothing about old guns, (hell I know not a lot about modern ones) :unsure: I don't know how that works . . . But It is gorgeous
  6. he or she probably doesn't, they probably use the forum just like the majority of us, but in addition they spend a little of their own time 'moderating' the forum to ensure the forum rules are followed and some order is maintained, which the majority of people are able to do with maybe just a little nudge in the right direction (such as a polite reminder to add a price to a 'for sale' listing). The forum has simple rules that the majority of users can accept and follow, Of course if someone doesn't like these rules or can't follow them.....other forums are available....shut the door on the way out
  7. Couldn't pick a break so got both eventualities covered ?
  8. Isn't this the same as the thread that goes summat like, If you could only have one gun what length barrels would it have to be ? Or was this a rehash of your original post ?
  9. OMG :look: Only One ? You're sounding like my wife :unsure: Well, as I've not long bought it, It'd better be 28"
  10. NOW, That Sir, Sounds like a very fair swap indeed
  11. Did you mean its highly likely that he'd get conditions imposed on his ticket..............
  12. The idea behind the 20g IS the lighter weight to carry and swing as I have a bit of a bad back/hip, secondly Im hoping to include both my 10yr old son and/or wife in my new found hobby, so a lighter gun and cartridge might be the order of the day. Thanks for the input.
  13. I'm going to try out a 20g O/U at the weekend with 21gram and 24gram carts'(don't know the shot size) At a local clay ground. It's a s/h gun I'm looking to buy for my wife and son to use(when Im not using it that is) So for clays, would I be wasting my time? What would I use in a 20G for clays and pidgeons/rabbits.
  14. French Diplomats wanted to know what steps they should take to get out of Libya ? Flippin' BIG ONES was the general conclusion
  15. How much are they ? Complete with pole/stick thingy ?
  16. Really ? :unsure: What makes you say that ? I know of 3 people already who have them in bedroom cupboards/alcoves, ones my next door neighbour, another an RFD........ :blink:
  17. Don't know if it's still available but used to be a product called HBK Brushkiller, other methods I've heard of have involved drilling large hole(s) into stump and using Jeyes fluid poured into the holes, or need liquid weed killer concentrate, or paraffin or paraffin/jeyes combo. You don't say what sort of stumps ? Can you dig around stumps and saw through as many roots as possible?
  18. I think inline with forum rules you need to state a price, else mods are likely to remove
  19. Image links not working chap
  20. I think the only thing with that is I might have to get longer fixings to go through the extra depth of skirting/filler panel
  21. Another thought, With the cabinet stood on the floor and pushed as close to the wall as possible the skirting board means higher up the cabinet is away from the wall by the thickness of the skirting, So I guess I need to remove the skirting in order to put the cabinet flat back against the drywall surface then drill through into the blockwork using the bolts that came with the cabinet
  22. Sorry if Im seeming thick but no building/diy experience to speak of, are you saying I cut out a small area around the bolt positions or an area the size of the back of the cabinet ? What's wrong with me drilling through the drywall and the little voids in the adhesive behind the panel into the blockwork which I'm told is concrete ?
  23. Thats me ****** then, Im in a rental property and cant see my landlady wanting me cutting holes in the wall The whole thing (no pun intended) seems awkward as they can possibly make it, just for the sake of it. Bloody gun cabinet is 5ft tall by a ft square, took two of us to get it up the stairs and into the built in cupboard in my bedroom, and that was when it was empty !! Now I gotta cut holes in the wall ?? *** !!
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