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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. allot depends how big your head is no def too big for headgear intended to use mine last night but farmer locked his gates. So whent down the pub instead
  2. Dougy


    ordered a skip that should have arrived at about 10.30 this morning no sighn at 13.30 rang up was told that it should'nt be long. rang again at 14.41 no sighn wont be long an hour and a ahlf and it will be there. nice day for shooting, fishing < clays or whatever sit at home all day for nowt. ring again at 17.25 to cancel skip get it from someone else, on the way sir sorry 10 minutes. by this time i was needing some good stress relief of some kind. PROZAK came 10 mins later. put some rubish in skip then thought ide have a hour bunny bashin got to the farm ****** me all chained up padlocks the lot, couldnt get in not a good day tomorrows here allready gota be better thats my beef for tonight done.
  3. not going to gabble off too much , but the BIG magnet was waving round Ive's head. he keeps showing his 5 shot groups but its funny cus i have 9 in my mag and EVERYBODY keeps taking the "P" out of my groups cus after i put a good group on with 5 i just fire anywere with the other 4. any way didnt buy it to shoot paper with. going bunny bashing in a bit, they seem to like my groups
  4. just thought i should say"- had a split in one of mine the other day as well just as "Ive" said about 1 mil from the top of the neck but from a case about 6 months old.
  5. glad to see your groups have got worse Ive and as you know mine has gone funny on me too see tomorrow what happens. then have to book a few hours next week to sort out the Sako 75 22.250 VSS oh and dont forget your ear plugs :blink: and tissues you will need them when you see the rifle
  6. Dougy

    CB Radio

    the good old days. used to have a few eye balls down the barley shop with other CBers used to have a home base used to push some stuff out got loads of complaints though from others cus of the burner. CQDX CQDX. Then it got me in some big bother so got rid :blink:
  7. 20 out of how many if it was skeet and your 3rd time its good keep going youl soon get the 25
  8. "I say Wabbit" A seriously good days shooting and a nice job on your gun did you do it yourself? I have replied on this post because I dont have the time to trawl 3 miles to the right looking for the reply button on your post D2D :( wabbit i aint no tecky. :( i just open with photo and resize down to 50% save, and bobs your mums mate
  9. good shooting. a tad on the large size see if this is better
  10. Might be able to make it John but wont be able to stay all day as i'll be in the middle of a rewire Will let ya know the night before Have you tried them Venison sausages yet?? will try and get there for 10 ish. had 3 sausages this morning. and there really nice
  11. Any one fancy going for a practice;- skeet, sporting, dtl, pool darts ?
  12. Don't for get the case lenght stripper ,very important :( Ya wot ?? i'm a novice dont forget
  13. yes i get what your on about now. :( i got mine in just 7 days from my visit. a big difference. hope its not too long before it comes "that IOR" :( tell you what its bloody good well chuffed with it. and as your aware i like something a bit different :( yes will put some cheap ammo through it first. and thanks for the offer of the use of your dies and stuff
  14. NO its worse than that :( :( Got the ticket and all that in my hand. but have to wait till it comes back from the smiths and proof house. (having it skrew cut) THATS 2 WEEKS AWAY "I WANT IT NOW CUS IVE GOT 2 WEEKS OFF TO PLAY WITH IT" pic off the nice X in the glass What reloading ger you got John ?..................Come 2 weeks and you'll wish it was longer has centre fire can bankrupt the best of rockafella's ............Very hard not to get the bug mate :( :( Only got cases at the mo, off nice chap on here. but got some good freinds that will help me :( i hope for the cost of a pint or 2 :(
  15. got to wait another 2 weeks until i get my new rifle got cases and all the gear for loading but cant do owt till it comes back from proof house. I WANT IT NOW :o
  16. very sad news and a tragic accident. best wishes to all his family
  17. Thanks very much mry716 arrived this morning, just wish that my rifle was as quick in coming. been told this morning that its another 2 weeks Again thanks very much your a gem will keep all informed as to new rifle's progress :o
  18. nice guns there.i like the stock looks smart i wont put picture of mine up cus it will only show yours up thats just as it was in the shop NICE though in it will all have to have a day on the range when there all at home, thats after ive taken Suzy Sako to bed
  19. Welcome to PW air arms s200 about £250 but you may find a second hand one.VERY good air rifle for the price
  20. Nick can you put me down for rifles sat and sunday. cheers dougy
  21. after some recomendations from folk in the know about 3 mods for 22.250 the T8 / ASE UTRA S5 and ASE S7 big difference in the price. the question is are they worth the extra £
  22. Dougy

    HMR fox

    And wots up with Ruger ???seems to me that it shoots straight Ive, was only a matter of time that i got CF no you cant sctratch it :( and you will have to wear gloves to touch it its beautifull
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