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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Brill LMAO doesnt smell that bad surely mampy pampy
  2. Just found this on another forum. apparently 9 out of ten times the bullet will fragment. thinking about a post a while back when the question was asked about ballistic tips not doing the damage expected of them. Its was fired right to left by the way
  3. i found that the new german one about the best (the one that i cant spell cus i cant pronounce it begins with "W") found the EVO, well ****. its in the spare parts box. FAC says mod for fac air gun but not which make model or such like.
  4. jokin apart nice one shoots good too. no not envious really B) havin another day on the range this week you comin ??
  5. looks really nice that makin a good job But however hard you rub it. It aint going to get to look like my new Baby "Suzy Sako"
  6. looks lovely well done on fishing just sorted my stuff out after reading that. BTW what smoker is it looks a decent size
  7. I thought i could of helped you there, just looked for my old mounts and there the same size as yours, sorry about that. the problem is that the scope has the paralax and it is just that to big to be mounted on those mounts. best of luck and sorry couldnt help
  8. maybe it was just the ones you'd been lying on that split
  9. Blackthorn i had a little dealing with them some months ago, must say great service when i actually found the shop
  10. think i might have to open the chamber up a bit
  11. forgot to tell you you cant spray plasti coat direct onto Ali cus it has an effect and weakens the alloy QUICK GET IT OFF
  12. EVERYTHING is cheaper than running a woman Dougy LB just havin a cupa then we'r going to bed havin an early night
  13. cheers guys, i must say i do love it no i mean it really. the scope is a cheapo well not a mega expensive one. its an IOR 4-14 x 50 with a lumi ret. it looks the dogs danglies and a really good review against the nightforce. i like it cus its different. thats me all over, LB.. the cost ? was lookin forward to getting a Twincab for May time but have to put it back a tad now. still cheaper than a woman in the long run- but just as noisy
  14. picked it up this morning put a few through on the zeroing range this afternoon. doing some homeloads at Miffy's later then have another go tomorrow another one of same
  15. i would have stayed for a bit longer
  16. cheers Ive i was going to get opti's but thought that if the mounts that were on were in some way on par (if they fit) i couldnt see the point in changing. but most proably will any way yes just had a peep think i will go with the advice cheers there only £33
  17. sam just the same here picking up my new rifle tomorow then off on the zeroing range i have just packed my bag with a cleaning rod and patches thats all it will get to start with, plus butchers bore shine, after a few shots through it. I will ask my rfd his views on cleaning though just for another opinion.
  18. Dougy


    dibbz2000 wouldnt you be better off using shredded paper. then you would be sure not to have problems of this kind again you can buy it in large bales
  19. I have bought a second hand scope and it has on it some mounts that have a small tightning lever on the side instead of allen key. The ? is as the scope is not what i would call cheap i am wondering if the mounts are suitable for fitting onto a Sako 22.250 is it worth changing the mounts if they are of good quality. i have looked on tinternet but cant find simalar looking mounts, any one have an idea what sort they are? cheers Dougy
  20. mine too noticed the other day feds split on the neck. still got the bunny though
  21. got just the stuff for you will put it in my car and let you have it tomorrow if your going to garlands
  22. Dougy


    can beat that my cousin had a big dutch rabbit huge thing it was used to chase you round the farm yard, bark and bite your ankles really bad but yes you should be carefull when you close that gate behind you well it could be the end
  23. Dougy


    already filled it sorry mate Wouldnt have though if they had sent the size i asked for. besides aint you got room in that new motor of yours
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