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Everything posted by MaybeNextTime

  1. It is well worth remembering that oil will not simply run out. Oil supply rates will dwindle causing successive price spikes as we go through boom and bust cycles. I don't believe in peak oil, peak oil is on it's way whether I believe in it or not. The only question is 'when?'. Mind you exactly the same can be said for the next Ice Age that will send mile high glaciers charging south burying the UK and most of northern Europe. Personally I can't do anything about either of those end games so I just enjoy today.
  2. Saudi has declared that it is investing in building nuclear power stations as its projected energy requirements by 2030 would mean it would have to use all it's oil internally leaving none for export. Despite the current high prices Saudi oil production has fallen by 800,000bb/d to 8.5 mbb/d. They insist that the market is over supplied and that no further increases in supply are necessary. I suspect they are unable to pump it out any faster than they already are and that their fields have already peaked. They are staring at the down slope with alarm. Of course if world production has peaked then we are about to slide down our own steep down slope in to the agrarian Olduvai future. Duncan's well argued theory puts us with the same access to energy in 2030 as we had in 1920. We'll know soon.
  3. Nissan main dealer parts desk. They'll fit perfectly and you can also get the big end bolts, sump gasket, seals and whatever else you'll need. Ebay for big ends - £90 Do you need over size? Crank grinding?. As main bearing failure is often due to lubrication failure and it's a Japanese engine what's the state of the big end bearings? Small ends?
  4. On the other side of the coin.... You studied entrepreneurship, had the drive to get a placement in India and now you want to work for someone other than yourself? Sounds like you either were no good at entrepreneurship or you just want to spend enough time at a new company to learn enough to start up your own in competition. Probably your best bet would be to just turn up there at 8am on a Monday morning with your CV and ask to see the boss. In any event, good luck with it! I did my MSc at Surrey
  5. That engine bay is really, really neat. A credit to him.
  6. You are quite right. L200 of course. Thanks for the correction. Fella over the road is on his 3rd head. :look:
  7. If you make it 'a big thing', he'll make it a big thing. February, March, April.... each to his own but be careful, eh?
  8. £220 !!!! How far away are you from proper Internet?
  9. 'cause it is a lot harder to weld with cheap kit than with decent kit. You'll be constantly frustrated between blowing holes, things only being stuck together with slag and it cutting out due to it's pathetic duty cycle. Nothing worse than trying to work with a cheap welder. For that price, buy a magnet.
  10. Until it breaks or needs servicing at which time you will cry at the prices charged by Mitsubishi dealers. If an odd fault does develop (and they do, just ask a long term HiLux L200 owner about heads and intercoolers) they can be so complex that many non-Mitsi garages can't help you. Pretty much the opposite to an old Land Rover then - expensive to buy, economical to run, mostly reliable but expensive to repair
  11. If you actually bought fuel then it's more likely the bloke behind the counter memorised your security code that's printed on the back of your card and sold it along with your card number to his mates in Pakistan. Very, very common. Best defence is to pay cash.
  12. Worse than that, cat **** contains toxoplasma gonii that can infect your brain and modify your behaviour towards more risky pursuits. It affects your ability to gauge acceptable risks, has been cited as a factor in an increased likelihood of being involved in a traffic accident and even as a cause of schizophrenia. Should be allowed to treat them as vermin if they are defecating on your food crop. However, it does explain a lot about why cat owners are so confrontational about the rights of their pet to **** on my lawn.
  13. Not really, success usually has naff all to do with hard work and a lot more to do with luck. Lot's of people work very hard, very few of them end up successful in materialistic terms. However everyone always thinks that their own success is down solely to their own hard work. To believe anything else is to admit the fragility of their own lives. Investment bankers probably work a lot harder than firemen or nurses or soldiers and are usually much, much brighter but that doesn't sit well with the opinions people are told to have by the news outlets of the billionaire Rupert Murdoch. If you want to get a job as an investment banker start by getting a 1st class maths degree (or Physics PhD) from any of the top 5 universities. If you can't manage that it's okay as the Internet means anyone can now bet their house on investment trades and prove just how over paid and worthless the guys that manage their pension funds really are
  14. I think it's used for bleaching stuff. The Sodium Chlorate you buy probably has Sodium Chloride cut with it to limit it's effectiveness as an explosive. A bit daft if that is the reason given how fertilisers are a better bet for a bang :yp:
  15. Ah. Fair enough. I'd expect real time video to be fairly cack over a bog standard GSM mobile connection - let me know how you get on as it'll be interesting.
  16. MaybeNextTime


    Because it is almost impossible to identify you on most CCTV systems. You become just one of thousands of faces and are mostly anonymous. With mobile phone tracking they know exactly who you are as well as where you live and what your credit rating is and what web sites you like to visit. I like PAYG :-)
  17. Often this just means that your door bell is broken. It is pointless for a courier to go all the way out to you and then deliberately fail to deliver - they'll only get paid once so every extra journey costs them in fuel and time.
  18. So far as I know it's only banned for sale as a weed killer. It's perfectly legal to buy it for other purposes should you be able to.
  19. The Royal Mail are top dog if you want it next day for low cost. They even deliver on a Saturday which is more than most couriers do. City Link is spot on for secure stuff - it genuinely won't go missing. Hermes sounds like a bunch of cowboys - subbed out to local agents who use their own cars? Bet that pays real well.... I wonder what their trunk back haul is like?
  20. Unless it's mounted inside a building then it will eat your credit in the first hour or so. The professional solution to this is to cable the camera back to a hard drive video recorder which is attached to an ADSL line and just get the alarm event manager in the recorder to email/SMS you when it goes off. Then you find an Internet connection, log in to your box and view the alarm events or live action. Boxes like that start at about £350 these days.
  21. Sump oil will kill the hedge as well (probably). It works by fixing all the nitrogen in the soil so the plant can't get any. Or so I'm told by people that know what nitrogen is.
  22. +1 avast also avira & AVG Beware online virus checkers or other anti-virus freeware. You have no idea who's writing the code.
  23. Dig in a few gallons of used diesel sump oil. Kills everything and it's organic (ish)
  24. I meant 'right' as in managing to remember who actually owns the product after they have sold it. The iPhone was evolution not revolution, fanboi iPhone 2007 Blackberry 2002 Ericsson R380 2000 Sure any new product built on 2011 technology will out shine one built to 1991 technology but that still doesn't mean that Apple invented the smart phone.
  25. So far as I can tell the UK has always had binge drinking and low morals as issues. There have also always been skivers. London voiced official fears over how the clean cut farm boys of the US Army would stand up against the onslaught of East End whores in 1943. The original pub licencing laws were brought in to stop factory workers being late to work during WW1. At one time the London mob was famous throughout Europe as a lawless riot just waiting for an excuse to kick off. Don't think anything we do today wasn't done to death by our grannies in their youth.
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