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  1. Lambourne canvas cab takes me back, I remember when they used to get so tatty and shredded they didn't afford any benefit at all.
  2. Stunning. What’s the day/night temperature there just now?
  3. Absolutely. I believe similar sentiments were expressed during the First World War, however the chances of getting such a law through parliament, made up of MP’s, is probably non existent.
  4. Certainly was a tad fresh out there today. I've had rabbits that have been hard hit only to kick themselves down a hole as the nerves fire off after death. Annoying. I found one of my two remaining ferrets dead at feed time one morning this week. The remaining hob is still fairly young but even though I've kept ferrets for years I think this will be my last as I'm not as healthy and able as I used to be. We shall see.
  5. I was told something similar when I was young by a chap who had been in the army and present at the liberation of Belsen. He had a number of bring back souvenir's [SS, HY, daggers, medals, insignia etc] that he let me see. My wife and I visited camp Westerbork* in Holland with some Dutch friends who had lived through the war and had maintained an interest in the era including one gentleman who's immediate family had family members shipped off from Westerbork to one of the death camps never to be seen again after the germans discovered that they had sheltered a couple of Allied airmen. I can't recall the specific details of how the chap evaded being sent with his family but walking around the museum at Westerbork with him - the first time he had ever been and he had opened up about his feelings - was one of the saddest and darkest days I can recall. Horrible stories. I do not wish to visit another place like that again. One of my family had a relative who lived opposite who had lost his family in a concentration camp, he was there too and had showed me the number tattooed on his arm on more than one occasion. He lived a quiet life postwar, and had a 'girlfriend' who used to come to tea and occasionally stay over at the weekends. He would talk of wartime his experiences in quite a matter of fact way, I wish I could remember more. Some years later we hard that he had gone to the coast, got changed into swimming trunks and had swum out to sea, never to be seen again. A note left with his clothes on the beach indicated that he had eventually found the memories of the camps and the family and friends he lost so painful that he had indeed purposefully swum out and never intended to return. *A temporary collection and transit camp for Jews before they were sent to the concentration camps.
  6. Our last move was similarly just over the border from Suffolk to Norfolk. That was 11 years ago now but I don't recall that it had any impact on costs as such other than our last place had a fairly reliable landline, mains drainage etc. The 'new' place is more off the beaten track and has neither yet council tax is just as expensive.
  7. Our two did not, well at least not in a school setting. We were not that impressed with the 'education' our son was receiving at school that after two years we deregistered him and home educated him. He eventually completed an engineering apprenticeship and has not stopped working since. His younger sister never went to school and was also home educated. She is currently in her last year at university.
  8. I don't disagree with any of that. Rest In Peace Mr Martin.
  9. I am now regretting trading in the early 20b AYA sidelock that originally belonged to Lady Fisher at Kilverstone that I bought for my son when he was getting more into shooting. The stock had been shortened so was ideal for him when he was still a squit. After a bit he wanted to get a Browning O/U so I had the AYA off him and kept it for some years. I got the itch for a steel proof O/U last year so traded the AYA for a Beretta but wish I'd not traded and bought the ting outright now. I had a No2 Sidelock that I bought fro Elderkins over 30 years ago but it didn't really do it for me, unlike the XXV sidelock which I really liked. Wouldn't mind another if I could find one locally.
  10. If Kevin does not want the more gamekeepers tales I'd like it MM. No problem if Kevin would like it though 🙂
  11. Oh yes, I remember her. Rest In Peace.
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