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Everything posted by crazyfrog

  1. I have sent a open letter to various MSP's here are two replies I have received back Murdo.Fraser.msp@scottish.parliament.uk 13:00 (3 hours ago) to me Many thanks for your message of the 6th of June in relation to the proposed new legislation on control of air rifles. I would share many of your concerns about the approach being adopted by the Scottish Government. Certainly we have a problem with abuse of air weapons, but it seems to me that this is largely covered by existing legislation. What these proposals will do is simply increase costs for those who comply with the law, whilst those who currently break the law will no doubt continue to do so. I shall certainly scrutinise the legislation when it appears very closely and look forward to reading all the consultation responses, but as I say I have a great deal of sympathy with the viewpoint that you express. With kind regards, Murdo Fraser MSP Member for Mid Scotland & Fife (Scottish Conservatives) Convenor, Economy, Energy & Tourism Committee of the Scottish Parliament This is one of them I will post the other one shortly
  2. Muddy, I was just thinking the same, fish are fair game (pardon the pun). My missus thinks it's a shame when I nail a Corvid, but then when one comes into range she draws my attention to it, women ?
  3. As stated, where, and any photos available, Thanks
  4. Kelsie, I sent you a PM ref yours, please PM me, Cheers
  5. Hi Danny Boy, I was out shooting and my phone was going nuts,,,,,, I have just sent a PM ref this will send another one to you now as I see what the state of play is etc etc, Cheers Gary
  6. im in scotland my husband is out shooting at the moment and his phone is not working right on pigeonwatch im sending the messages for him he'll send you a message when he gets back if you RFD it he will buy it we are in scotland just north of edinburgh
  7. as long as you will RFD it then consider it sold to me regards gary
  8. Hi there, if you will RfD consider this sold to me. I am out shooting at the moment. But I will sort out finer details when I am home. Cheers Gary
  9. I am about to start reloading and I am happy in all respects, but one thing I would like a few bits of info on, I will be annealing .223 and .308 I contacted Walters and Walters a UK distributor of Tempilaq , they could not help and told me to contact the states direct. The info I am after is this. What Tempilaq do I need for the neck on both the .223 and .308 and also I wish to apply some along the length of the case so that I can ensure that the heat does not travel to the base of the case and potentially cause case seperation, once annealed I will be dropping the cases into water to quench etc etc. Does anyone know the temperature ranges I need to do the neck in both calibres and also to apply along the case etc etc. Regards Gary
  10. Typical, I watch the site hour after hour and the minute I let my guard down something like this pops up, Oh well enjoy anyway..............
  11. It just seems that as they get further devolved powers they want to flex their muscles and change this. that and the other just because they can, namely minimum 50p per unit alchohol, reducing drink drive limit to name but a few, I do not drink so these parts of new legislation won't effect me, however air rifles, FAC etc do...... What next, read the book 1984 by George Orwell and that is the way we are going I am afraid to say......
  12. I received a email earlier from the President of one of my shooting clubs, he had received it from one of the club members, basically it was a link to a newspaper article with Kenny MacAskill being quoted as saying that all Firearms Certificate holders should be restricted to a maximum of 3 rifles etc and there is no need to retain any more than three, he will push to change the law, first air rifles now FAC, what next http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/political-news/macaskill-demands-gun-crackdown.17714091 Absolute vote pinching Terrible unbelievable Very Unhappy Let's stick together before we lose anymore of our rights
  13. I don't want to hijack this thread, but this could the poster as well, my question is which neck or full length dies would you recommend for .223 and .308 calibres and could you point me in the right direction, I have a RCBS press thanks
  14. crazyfrog


    Cannot help I am afraid, but just a bit of info PS1 games also work on PS2, so even if you find a cheap PS2 then these games will work on it, Cheers
  15. Hi there, I just noticed on Gunwatch you have sold the .410,,,,,, thanks for letting me know, even though I have sent you a couple of PM's without reply, Regards
  16. Do you require a operators licence to use these due to their power output
  17. Yes are they flush fit ten , banana 10 or 25 shot etc etc, Thanks
  18. My local RFD normally pushes out about 60% of RRP, obviously this is dependant on condition etc as well... Hope this helps
  19. Hi mate, just followed the link on Gun Watch and see it is listed as sold, cheers
  20. Hi Mate, I just bought a brand new one, same make and model on fleabay item 190668208108 for £12.60. Good luck anyway
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