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About ME

  • Birthday February 19

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  • From
    Busty Island & Billericay, Essex

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  1. Yeah finally and I thought you said that if you escaped you would come and rescue me?
  2. I just paid. You have Shoehorn to blame.
  3. Vauxhall Frontera 2.2 Sport N 1998 Petrol 70k miles 3 door 4x4 We have been using this as a spare third car, but we have been offered a newer spare car, so this is now surplus to requirements. You can remove the whole of the back of the roof on these fronteras and also they have a removeable glass sunroof in the back (rather than the front) which makes it an ideal shooting truck. It has just had a new exhaust system and a new ABS pump for the MOT. (£600 just spent) It has a battery isolator, so it can be left for periods of time without the battery going flat. It has got about 9 months MOT and has been garaged a lot of its life so minimal rust. The bodywork isn't going to win any classic car shows, but this car will be a reliable runabout or workhorse for someone for many years to come. If you are looking for an immaculate vehicle to impress your friends as you get out of it at you local nightclub then this isn't for you. This car has been owned by two of my friends previously, so I know it hasnt been abused. Send me a PM if you have cash burning a hole in your pocket and you want to join the exciting world of Frontera ownership. Disclaimer: This car could make you attractive to members of the opposite sex. The seller cannot be held responsible for any unwanted attention you may receive. P.S. This is no guarantee, but I am pretty sure that Madness were thinking about the future design and manufacture of the Vauxhall Frontera when they released "Driving in my car" in 1982. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYZNSyP9v9M Price £ 495.00 come and view and buy in Billericay Essex.
  4. Splat, I am also in the planning stage of the same project. I am waiting for Carlos Fandango to let me know if he can get an account at http://www.vitcas.com to get all the gear. Once you start, I would be interested to help / watch you. Cheers Matt
  5. ME

    N v S '16 ?

    After a two year sabbatical from any shooting, this was a great way to get back into it. I saw many familiar faces & friends and the weather was much better than in my first year as organiser all those years ago. It was a great event and I am glad that Shoehorn and PhilR made me aware of the dates and encouraged me to come along. I hope to see you all again next year.
  6. ME

    N v S '16 ?

    As much as I love old FatCat. My liver will be better and I will be getting an earlier night if he isn't coming.
  7. ME

    N v S '16 ?

    Now then, now then. Who is going this year? I am paid up.
  8. OK, so my pop was there and a very handsome chap he was too. Just like the recent women's "naked selfie" donations, lets post up pictures of our serving and non serving heros. Here is one of my Pop If your Grandad, Dad or anyone else you know had balls and fought for their country then post a pic. I have started off the "My..... had balls" campaign here - https://www.justgiving.com/4w350m3/donation/direct/charity/186735#MessageAndAmount
  9. In that case - http://www.jjscsc.co.uk/pages/tuition.html
  10. Johno, are you female, big-boobed, Swedish and blonde?
  11. A section where all the older members can meet up and reminisce about how PW used to be before the influx of ***-heads and over-moderation.
  12. Morning all, I am in the process of trying to get quotes for a garden outbuilding. I want the main structure built from bricks & blocks but the front elevation (the only bit we see from the house) to be clad in timber. I am limited on floor space but need it to be as warm as possible. My question is how to include the insulation: 1) Construct double skin blockwork, insulate the cavity and baton & clad the outside front. 2) Single skin blockwork, clad the outside front and stud the inside, insulate and plasterboard. 3) Single skin blockwork, use large batons / stud on the outside, insulate the outside and clad over. (would need to clad all the outside) Also, I am looking to construct from two courses of engineering bricks, a DPC and the rest in block up to a height of about 2.2 metres. There are two building areas, one is 6 x 4 metres and one is 3 x 3 metres with no windows but doors in the front of both areas. I would be interested to know an estimate at cost. It seems most of our local builders are too busy to even quote. Thanks all
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