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Everything posted by monkeyjaimz

  1. To to tibet, retreive the ajanti dagger, rescue the golden child and save the world in the process ... well thats what I have penciled in for this weekend anyway ... what do mean it's been done? bloody hell! I I I want the knife . . . please
  2. I take it off on the cutting board at home, same technique as skinning a fish
  3. I've just had one of the best weekends in memory (as far as shooting goes anyway). I have a permission (500 acres-ish) that was my main permission last year, until the game season started then I had to leave it alone until the end of february this year. When I returned back, I was expecting it to be alive with rabbits due to my absence - what I got was exactly the opposite it was completely dead, I decided to leave it alone for a couple of months and in the meantime obtained another 500 acre permission which I have been shooting fairly regularly since I got it. So this weekend just gone, I managed to get the whole weekend to myself (usually im in Leeds with the missus) so about 4pm on saturday I ventured out with the newly procured cyclone to my newest permission. I wasnt in a mad rush to fill my bag so just had a lesuirely stroll around the fields, banks and hedgrows taking shots when they presented themselves which was thoroughly relaxing especially with the weather as good as it was. By the end of the night, i'd collected this little lot:- which I was pretty pleased with On sunday morning I was supposed to be going to HFT with a very good buddy of mine, but he said he'd much rather do a bit of hunting instead - so off we went, we started at about 9am - finishing about 1pm and managed 4 rabbits between us not a bad result but not record beaking either, still it was nice to be outdoors and spend some time with a good friend When sunday tea time arrived I made a last minute decision to re-visit my other permission that I had been leaving alone for a while, and was very pleased to see it had made a decent recovery. Much the same as the night before, I had a steady walk around the place then finished up at my favourite bipod-ing spot, after another thoroughly enjoyable day - I collected these guys: some of which went to the butcher, some in my pot and the rest to the farmer for his call birds (saves him shooting rabbits with his shotgun and scaring them all away). So all in all a very good weekend for yours truly, im loving the cyclone, the best word to describe it I think is 'surgical' it's that good
  4. I wear a pair of old realtree trousers, a dpm fleece and a camo face veil when im shooting and it does the job perfectly well, probably cost about 40 for the lot and I shall continue to use the same thing until it wears out
  5. I had one of these in .22 ages ago. I bought it brand new with a very simple scope and gun bag for £120. It wasnt completely horrible and was capable of killing rabbits out to 30 yards humanely. It was however very noisy, kicked like a mule and after almost 3 months of use a bolt worked its way loose from the action :blink: I did manage to find it however and ended up swapping the rifle for some camo netting and other bits.
  6. Nice one mate! nice to see somebody really appreciating and enjoying his sport, glad you had a good night :yp:
  7. Well, after selling all my shooting gear to put the funds towards an impending house purchase in a month or so and a wedding next summer, my best shooting buddy took pity on me and lent me his new FX Cyclone. Complete with weirauch silencer and half decent scope! (well, I say lend - he's letting me buy it and pay it off over time) What a cracking gun it is, very lightweight and bloody accurate to boot. Really pleased with it, I went out with it tonight on one of my best permissions last year and managed some marvelous shots from standing, kneeling and a few prone. Cheers Tim, you're a true friend and a gent to boot :yp: Heres a few of the ra's that took a bis mag to the noggin, courtesy of the cyclone and yours truly
  8. My mum used to type the scripts for button moon, not something that gets mentioned often but hey ho
  9. monkeyjaimz


    I just finished my tea and now im full. ta ta im not really into video games as such, but I hope you get it sorted matey - its annoying when things like that happen
  10. I used them in a falcon I used to have with pretty good effect, I tried them in my daystate also - didnt group very well but made a really cool noise when they zinged down the barrel
  11. Dont worry about it mate, it's not a daft question. And if you dont ask, you dont know Basically, a regulated air rifle has a regulator on it that 'measures' the amount of air that is released when you pull the trigger. Whereas, unregulated rifles just have a valve that opens for a fraction of a second when the trigger is pulled. Regulated rifles are therefore more consistant and you get more shots per charge because the regulator will make each discharge of air almost identical. The discharge of air in unregulated air rifles varies with the amount of air and therefore pressure in the cylinder, have you heard of airgunners talking about the 'sweet spot'? that refers to the peak pressure that their particular unregulated air rifle runs at and produces the best shot consistancy. I used to have a Air Arms S200 (unregulated) and the I found that it's 'sweet spot' was to fill it to 180 bar, dry fire the first 10 shots then i'd have around 45-50 perfectly consistant shots before the pressure started to drop a little and therefore, there wasnt as much air forcing its way out of the valve when it opened as I pulled the trigger. My Daystate on the other hand, is regulated, and as such every time i pull the trigger - the amount of air that is dispensed is the same. Hope this makes sense and helps mate
  12. I had a S200 mk2 for about a year and it was a storming gun! light, very accurate and never let me down. I ended up putting a brass bolt, 10 shot magazine, adjustable butt plate and thumbhole stock on mine. Brilliant peice of kit both for hunting and target work. Great value for money too, you've made a good buy there mate
  13. monkeyjaimz


    That guy should be made to walk aroud the city centre wearing nothing but his underwear and a sandwhich board bearing a picture of that poor dog when they found it, and a slogan saying 'I did this'. really gets to me when people do things like that to animals. Sad thing is, i'd bet that the puppy would have done anything for that guy and protected him till the end etc.
  14. Try here chief: http://www.pellpax.co.uk/acatalog/Pellpax_SAmple_Packs.html
  15. Just stick to head shots mate, then discard the head with the skin and presto - lead free meat for the table
  16. I've had a couple of chats with the police when they've driven past my car parked in a field at daft o'clock in the morning and on closer inspection they get confronted by me camo'ed up with an Air Ranger over my shoulder and a bag full bunnies - they **** themselves both times and were very wary of me until they did their checks etc and we had a chat, the last time the officer even asked if he could have a go with my nv monocular, he was very impressed with it and the Daystate (may have been a closet airgunner methinks). The best thing one guy said was "suppose you dont see many kids messing about with these on the estates do you?" to which I replied "I bloody hope not mate - this rigs worth more than my car!"
  17. Surely if it was proven in court that the gun was not tampered with after leaving the factory, the responsability lies with the manufaturer not the owner of the gun who was presumably ignorant to the velocity it was putting out? although it must have seemed to have an awfully flat trjectory for the 12 ft/lb gun he thought it was?
  18. cheers peter, actually the first three are at Barton on Humber and the last two are the Humber itself
  19. I ended up working late today as had to get a couple of grass fields cut while the weather stayed fine. I would much rather have been out shooting, but I had my walkman to keep me company and with scenery like this to squint at - who would mind staying late once in a while? Also spotted this little sweetheart, built her nest out of pine needles - almost invisible! Well worth the price of a few extra hours, and it did me good to remember that while bank managers, mortgage underwriters, politicians etc can balls up your mindset all too easily - they cant stop me from standing back and appreciating a lovely sunset out in the fresh air
  20. Not enough meat on him mate, otherwise he would have been in the bag with his bigger brothers
  21. Now then guys, I shot this little guy yesterday, clean kill no problem (Im not proud of the fact he was only a small-ish example - but my permission required his demise), Anyway, as he was too small for the game bag, i left him where he was (the farmer actually likes to see that i'm doing my job - but doesnt like to see them hanging off fences). Off I went into a neighboring paddock and returned about half an hour later to find the rabbit moved about 10 feet, surrounded by bits of fluff strewn on the ground and with his head pretty much hanging off there were no tracks of any kind that I could see either. I showed the picture to a guy at work and his thought was bird of prey - what do you guys think?
  22. I take it you have met my wife then? TC I thought he was talking about my mother in law
  23. I'll be using the push iron to get to and from work for the next couple of months so will be immune to fuel madness for the duration (unless I get lazy).
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