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Everything posted by rab61t

  1. No problem. Looks like a real nice motor. Good Luck
  2. This is a great man to deal with and when he says WELL PACKAGED he's not joking
  3. Thank you for the reply. I am a little too far away. Sure it will be gone by this evening.
  4. Where you at. And what year is the saw
  5. Sorry to far away i was hoping ruffuth or thirsk . good luck with the sale.
  6. Where in the great county of North Yorkshire are you.
  7. bar length please and year cheers
  8. Used to work on my phone but not now any ideas welcomed. Thanks
  9. Please SELL the saw or I will have to make another purchase. PLEASE
  10. Yes. Tried that for some reason i just can't get on for sale items .
  11. Hi there Can any one tell me why i can't access sales on iPhone . ever had a problem before. Cheers
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