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Everything posted by rab61t

  1. Dunsely stove. Multi fuel or just wood burner. BUY BRITISH Geordie can't go wrong. Just search Dunsley stoves. Ours is 12kw multi fuel boiler stove runs heating and hot water. Eats wood like its going out of fashion BUT THE HOUSE AND RADIATORS ARE MADD HOT. Smokeless coal will burn turned down for 14 + hours. The Dog loves it more than we do.
  2. rab61t

    Trail cameras

    Thanks remi / ukp / and I will have a look at the site btg. Did a little research and found one that sends pics to your phone if you put a payg sim card in. Thank you ALL for your help and advice. I will update if I get lucky and get the THIEF on camera. Thank you once again. Shaun
  3. rab61t

    Trail cameras

    Thank you Hayburn. No schools No houses. just a railway line and allotments, Oh and the odd Thief or 2. Thanks again all Shaun
  4. rab61t

    Trail cameras

    Ha Ha Thank you JimLondon. I will use that very line. Thanks for reading post. And thank you Walker 570. Any answers funny or not Welcome they might calm me down a little bit. Cheers Shaun
  5. rab61t

    Trail cameras

    Thank you all for the input. I understand you can buy these with Black led so that they can't be seen by the THIEF. I look forward to any more replys. Thank you Shaun
  6. rab61t

    Trail cameras

    Spoke to chap who runs gardens. He is happy for me to set up the camera. They have an idea who it is but can not move without evidence. Thanks heads up Shaun
  7. rab61t

    Trail cameras

    Hello PW I have a small problem with someone stealing fencing timbers from the allotment/garden I have just been allocated. I was wondering if any one has any info on how good these Trail camera are. Is their a beam that they THE THIEF could / would see in the dark and if any one has other ideas I could take on board. Cheers Shaun
  8. Sorry should have read it more than once.
  9. Ok thanks a little too far for me. Good luck
  10. Where are you based Richy
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