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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. But longer term are we doing ourselves any favours as shooters? The quicker we are to highlight loopholes on the law, the quicker those loopholes are likely to be closed, whether that be carrying a ticket, using an arguable round, or otherwise. Rights eh, good while we've got 'em Just a thought.
  2. Racing pigeons - where do you stand? .......on them if I had my way
  3. The system is far from perfect, but it amazes me that some would rather risk having their guns confiscated (and the aggravation of getting them returned) and their activity for the day ruined on the basis they won't carry their ticket as this is their 'right'. I assume they don't carry any other ID as this is also their 'right' in this country, therefore they will always have an uphill struggle with the police if stopped with a gun. As was said earlier, sometimes we really don't help ourselves, then get upset when things go Pete Tong. A little common sense could go a long way
  4. Bagsy

    The Weather

    BBQ weather in Essex, Bagsy's even got his pins on display But not for long, rain due tomorrow
  5. What's wrong with pigeons? I love 'em yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum
  6. We are going round in circles......my original point was: quote "is it not fair to assume that it is reasonable for the police to remove firearms, or in worst case scenarios arrest a person, until such time as they can satisfy themselves as to the users legal right to be in possession/use of the firearm" I'm no legal eagle but I think you will find the answer is yes, but you may of course wish to have your day in court. Me, I'll happily keep my licence in my cartridge bag and co-operate with the police, regardless of their knowledge of the law at the time.
  7. Mr Logic, you are not making sense. First you say it's not reasonable, then quote scenarios whereby it would be reasonable. Is this not what I said when saying "is it not fair to assume that it is reasonable for the police to remove firearms, or in worst case scenarios arrest a person, until such time as they can satisfy themselves as to the users legal right to be in possession/use of the firearm"? Here's the scenario: Mr Logic is pigeon shooting legally in a field and a neighbour, unaware the farmer has given anyone permission, calls the police claiming someone is trespassing with a firearm. Mr Policeman "hello sir, would you please put your gun down and show me your licence?" Mr Logic "err....no....I don't have to carry it while shooting" Mr Policeman "can you prove you have permission to shoot here" Mr Logic "no, the farmer's on holiday" Mr Policeman "ok, please hand me your gun and accompany me to my car so we can deal with the matter further there" Mr Logic "err, no, I won't. I'm conducting a legal activity, I don't have to carry my licence and I have a right to be here, therefore you have no right to stop me" Mr Policeman (still unaware of who Mr Logic is, whether or not he's a legal gun owner, or indeed whether he's trespassing or not) "in that case I'm arresting you.....blah blah blah............" Reasonable or unreasonable given the circumstances the policeman is presented with? Right or wrong, I'm on the side of the copper. He's not making up laws, he's dealing with the situation and protecting the public until the matter's resolved properly.
  8. This is all well and good, but is it not fair to assume that it is reasonable for the police to remove firearms, or in worst case scenarios arrest a person, until such time as they can satisfy themselves as to the users legal right to be in possession/use of the firearm? Surely common sense comes into play at some stage, no matter what 'rights' we have?
  9. Bagsy

    Yob Seekers

    It also helps with vetting. Loads don't bother signing on because of the stigma then fall down when trying to verify their whereabouts when applying for jobs - ex squaddies (or those just about to leave) take note, I forget how many I've interviewed who have fallen into this trap when leaving the services
  10. Bagsy

    How quickly

    8.15 on the lappy with fat fingers.
  11. A new ambassador has taken over at the US embassy and will follow his predecessors policy with regard to the London congestion charge - refusing to pay it claiming it's a tax. So, with well over £3m owed to the British are the yanks right to make a stand against a charge from which they claim we have no right to charge against embassy staff, or are they just sticking their fingers up to a country too scared to do anything about it? I don't agree with the congestion charge but think the yanks are taking the **** when everyone else has to pay up. Thoughts?
  12. Great shot but not the sort of thing I'd want splashed all over the news
  13. Another, a little closer to home for you...... Hatton Jewellery - Leigh-on-Sea. Small family concern we've used a few times. Everything done on site. Ignnore the flash stuff on their website, they do it all. http://www.hattonjewellery.co.uk/index.html
  14. No, but then it wasn't the owner of the glowbomb who smacked it with a frying pan was it
  15. Stopped off at JJs for a round on the way back from Bisley. Headaches, aching limbs, stinking armpits and half closed eyes proved a rather unsuccessful combination. Lesson learnt
  16. Damn, you saw more of them than me
  17. His dancing was one of the highlights of the weekend for me, skanktastic
  18. Cheers for a great weekend all! Is SS still asleep what remains of his tent?
  19. Absolutely tragic news, sorry to hear of your loss. Condolences to you and your family.
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