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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. well it's half time and the ammers are 1-0 up, just tucking into a hot dog for £162.50! C'mon you Irons!
  2. Postcode for the Chequers pub is CM14 5RG - or RM3 according to Mungs link, or NW16 if you fancy a drive
  3. Oh well, if it gets called off then I've still got tomorrow afternoon to look forward to. I'll be freezing my **** off at Upton Park watching the Hammers stick a few past Chelsea after a few down the Queens
  4. Strangely enough I reckon they're the only ones who do get along on there. That pint's looking good for the Chrimbo meet
  5. How blooming inconsiderate. I'm up for Orions, never tried it before.
  6. Thanks for the invite Matt but, alas, I won't be able to make it. Have a good one chaps
  7. I read the site from time to time and fail to see any value in it other than giving the sport, or those that take part, a terrible image. If I'd looked at it before picking up a shogun I doubt I would ever have bothered One example was the totally unnecessary, very personal rantings towards Richard and Tanya Faulds. It seems some don't even have anything nice to say about those at the very top of the sport who at least give it good publicity and credibility. Shame really Pete - I wouldn't bother mate, their loss
  8. Swing round to the blond bird - white hat, yellow dress with black spots - camera won't pan down far enough, can you get it sorted Back on topic, Mung, want to borrow a 1930's digital camera
  9. Sounds like a plan for a Christmas beer - a shooting shed party
  10. another option could be a trip to Mr Pots neck of the woods......just thought I'd chuck that in.
  11. As a starter then, how about High Lodge on Bank Holiday Monday 28th?
  12. I'm up for a shoot and a drink if it the final dates work out - probably working the 29th to 31st Dec though What about Mon 28th? I'll be dying to get get out of the house by then!
  13. Milan (or Jonah as you know him) buy's everything on his Tesco credit card and clears it off each month. He's got some system worked out whereby the points earned, plus double points, gets him a decent free holiday each year including flights. He did explain it in detail when we were recently in Cyprus, problem is I was tanked up with Keo beer and remember nothing other than it sounded bloody complicated Must be something in it as he swears by it
  14. Very nice........................ ..........................................table and chairs
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