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silver fox 1

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Everything posted by silver fox 1

  1. I'm loading 22.250 mainly for fox i've allso been using varget. So far so good. regards fs1
  2. I think i will try the blitz king's as well. As i can get these too. Regards fs1
  3. Thanks for all the lnfo. i'm in the process of trying too find the best load. and wondered what the difference would be. regards fs1
  4. Thanks Alan should have thought of that myself.will have a look. I just thought it a bit strange there's nothing on the box to say if they are boat tail or not. Yes boat tail are suppose to be easier, looks like i'm about to find out. Reloading is new to me. Regards fs1
  5. hi all, i've just brought some hornady v-max in 55 gr 224, i've just opened the box and found their not boat tail as i was expecting, the last lot of 50 gr 224 v-max were boat tail. so i phoned the shop where purchased them and they haven't come across this either,there nothing on the box to say if they are boat tail or not, has anyone come across this or knows the reason why?. regards fs1
  6. All the s/h ones i've come across have double triggers not good for me as i always just pull the front one.
  7. Hi all i hope you all had a great xmas. ok i'm thinking of buying a new o/u m/c baikal what i would be interest to know is the new baikal still built the same older ones? thanks in advance. sf1
  8. Hi chris good to see you on pigeon watch at last
  9. Thanks for reply will do atb sf1.
  10. sorry to hear that bud. scumbags thats all thay are. hope you get him back soon i will keep my eyes open. regards sf1.
  11. Hi all l have 18 month cocker dog. My question is, it has been said to me that i shouldn't work him in standing wheat or barley because of the bits working their way into their feet and ears.Does anybody know which crop it is or should i keep him away from wheat corn or barley as i'm not sure which crop it is. Regards to all sf1.
  12. hi buddy try chris at cbt ramsgate for sk 22 no 018433855077 regards keith.

  13. hi i have 900 winchester subsonics for sale due to my rugger 10/22 not likeing them.70 pounds the lot i'm ln kent pm me if interested thanks.
  14. theres no teal/tail signs of that though and on that rifle shel
  15. yes chaps i thought the forum was adout helping others. or dont you want to give to much away. woodpigeons have white bars on the wings you can see from quite a distance the bird is normally bigger than racers and ferals and al so have a slower wing beats. ps i have to :yp:
  16. hi have look on youtube for a strip down vid come in handy when i had my 1022 to bits. sf1
  17. i share a farm wlth a few other guns that do the same. i eat some of mine but if i get a lot i sale them to the local game dealer dont get much for them but it helps out with carts. i cant see the point just throwing them what a waste?
  18. yes your probably right that what most owners say. i never ment to start an argument just to say probably the owners fault. ive also got a cocker he hasnt got a bad bone in his body either. but thats just my opinion.
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