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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. At 5 feet the shot will still effectivly be a slug, nothing really starts to spread until at least 15".


    Go and try it on a watermelon.


    No thanks Id rather eat them :hmm:


    Alot will depend on the length of the barrel and the choke, I must say that I have never actually played around with a shotgun never seemed to have had the time or felt the need. I just know what mine do at sporting ranges but did once shoot a mole as it came up under a molehill at about 10ft, that made a furrow 12" wide and fairly deep.


    My query was that I thought it unlikely that a shottie would make just an 1.5"hole in the wall and yet it showed pellets from a defined pattern?


    Anyway the guy was a danger to himself and that was the point of posting.


    :yes: D2D

  2. Apart from the fact that the person should not be allowed to have the shotgun, he is a danger.


    Looking at the wall in the film it shows an approx 1.5" "entry" and a 6"-9" "exit" TOGETHER with a spread pattern of pellets that appear to be some distance from the hole?


    In my experience either the pattern develops or it dosent dependant upon the range from the target , from 10ft I would have expected a larger hole with the pattern around the hole in an even circle,from the hole shown it looks, if anything,like the type of damage a rifle round might do.


    From say 5ft, a smaller hole but far less pattern, what do you think? Unless the shot had balled I cant see a shottie making such a small hole.


    :yes: D2D

  3. I read somewhere very recently an article in a newspaper/magazine on the concerns over the free movement of dogs with passports between the UK and the continent, mainly the import of super ticks that carried this disease, it also mentioned Foxes and rabies from France.


    Did anyone else happen to read this article and can enlarge on it?


    Hope you make a full recovery very soon.


    :good: D2D

  4. Hello All


    This will be a stupid question to those of you who know (I don't), but if you shoot a rabbit, or wood pigeon toddling along the ground with a 22RF sub sonic at say 50yards - does the body of the animal actually stop the bullet, or does it continue straight through ?


    If it goes straight through how much energy does it have left?




    If you assume you have missed and the round continues it could be a danger for over a mile, hence the obvious need for an effective backdrop well within sight. It is essential to shoot safely at all times.


    At 50yds if the round struck solid body tissue, was hollow nosed and subsonic, it would be unlikely that it would exit the body and travel very far, this is my opinion and it is a difficult question to answer precisely.


    I have only ever used Eley subs and cannot comment on other ammunition.


    :no: D2D

  5. When the rechargeable battery on one of these runs out how do you charge it up again? Is it as easy as using a 12v car battery charger or is there something else I will need to do it? Sorry if this seems daft but I just dont know for sure. Thank you



    I use an 800mhz deben charger overnight, if its a sealed batt theres nothing you need do, just remember to give it a boost charge every 4 months when not in use or it will not recharge efficiently when you next want it.


    :hmm: D2D

  6. I keep an Ely diary every year, has all the important dates for ref, fits in the back pocket comes with a stubby pencil and I get a new one in my stocking from santa every xmas when the old one becomes dog eared.


    Reading back they remind me of when I first started out with an electric hen and a rearing pen down the bottom of the garden.

    drying off "drowned" lifeless chicks, that had tipped into a drinker, with a hairdryer because everyone was precious, good days out at game fairs, pulling my hair out training my first springer, coming second in my first ever working test.


    Eyewiping HM,s Sandringham dogs picking up, she has never spoken to me since :lol:


    Shooting my first Fox as a standing gun at a farmers fox drive aged 15, shaking as it came towards me.


    Being bitten by the Pigeon Shooting bug, couldnt get enough of it, out in all weathers 4am in mid summer(madness).


    If you dont already keep some sort of a diary think about it, its well worth it to compare notes year on year, above all its fun to read back on some of the things you got up to. ;)


    :hmm: D2D

  7. hi lads


    first time posting on here


    but good luck bb07 and if you need any help give me a shout i am in glasgow as well and could get some people with terriers to bolt them to a waiting gun which is leagal




    The law is quite specific now for the UK with the exception of Ireland, ie with written landowners permission, only One terrier to be put to ground for fox at a time and then only on ground that is the preserve of gamebirds.


    Earthstopping is now illegal and as for Badger setts dont even go anywhere near them.


    It would appear that the ways of the Terriermen of old are long gone, too much red tape too, many rules makes me sick. ;)


    :hmm: D2D

  8. my opinion is,if you cant hit it with first three shots ,give up shooting :good::lol::D:D:D:D



    Its the reloading that counts, sitting in a hide with frostbitten pingys, or shooting out of a cab when breaking the gun is difficult, to have 8 carts pre loaded is useful.


    I seldom fire more than 2 anyway, except when a flock of woodies come over :) thats when the adrenalin starts kicking in, never had more than 4 dead in the air at once though......... the others had already hit the deck :huh::lol:


    ;) D2D

  9. I have an FAC shotgun for 'vermin control', plain and simple. I use it for pigeons, fox, rabbits and rats.



    IMO its a tool, its not for posing with, james reply is also about right, someone recently posted that he was "getting" a 10shot and this was a guy posing with a shottie over his shoulder standing in front of an old car gangster style wearing shades.


    Someone will say lighten up D2D, but imo the guy shows an attitude, it could be a problem.


    I worked hard for my sect1 shotties, showing a need not a reason, which I think should be the basis on which granting them should be based.


    :good: D2D

  10. Assuming we know a portly gent of around 15 stone or 95kg if you prefer, what size engine would our friend require in his Quad to get him round the wet fields :)



    A big one with a trailer..... :D:D


    sorry :good:


    ;) D2D


    I was 15st once thats not fat, unless your less than 6ft?

  11. A report of the pig farmers protest in London today was on the radio this morning, the reporter.......


    Sarah Muckaty...... well I chortled, I larffed til the tears came.


    Its suprising how the simplist little things you hear can amuse. ;)


    Whats more Wogan never said a word.


    :good: D2D

  12. Depends on what kind of kit you have there sir :lol:


    Do you have a good quality VHS deck and a reasonably modern PC?


    Or were you wanting to buy a VHS & DVD writer combo and do it that way?


    I think its time we replaced our recorder, but I am concerned by Blu Ray, whats that all about?


    Anyone work in an electrical retailers or have just bought the kit?




    :good: D2D

  13. Assuming you dont have a dipstick of any sort, the normal way to take a reading is to run the engine up to working temp then switch off for 10mins and let the oil drain down to the sump, a reading taken then will be at engine operating temp.


    As suggested check the hand book for clarification and peace of mind.


    :good: D2D

  14. Hi I have a collection of Vids ranging from warrener to gundog training that I want to transfer to dvd,

    when I have done it I will put all the vids on here, point is how do I go about it, what are the latest machines on the market?


    Any advice gratefully received from those in the know :lol:


    :good: D2D

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