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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. No. It's just you having a pop. You could have PM'd me.



    Im not having a pop, I post it as I see it without favour, you are still very new to this and your enthusiasm runs away with you sometimes, imo you crossed the line with this one.


    Its your decision whether to mod the photos, just as it was yours to post them.


    :hmm: D2D

  2. Bleh Bleh Bleh - Winge On!!! How about posting something constructuve. Like, Well done Lee, but I would reccomend you not posting pictures like that because.... Or I actually would not burn the bodies because.....



    "Bleh Bleh Bleh Winge on!!" Well hardly a mature comment, are we seeing the other side of you?


    As to "Well done Lee" I dont think so, have you got an ego problem that needs a daily fix of appreciation and praise.


    This was a dodgy post and you know it, end of. :good:


    :hmm: D2D

  3. For sale Lightforce 400m beam, hand held with filter, as new in box £50 plus postage at cost.


    (Deben cat price £66.50, filter£14.95 plus p&p)


    PM only please


    :yes: D2D





    Scope mounted still available PM only please.

  4. I think we need to seperate out my dog problems from Shaggy's...


    Mine: Ted is 8 months, I walk him three times a day and try and get 10 minutes or more of training in at lunchtimes during a walk. Ted whines a fair bit and this is something I am working on. Recent success involves putting his feed in an old juice bottle and making him work out the best way to get it out. It's noisy, but it keeps him quiet for a while whilst he figures it out.


    As far as a pro trainer goes, if, at the end of this next six weeks, he's still being a little sod, then I will consider sending him away to a pro to get as much of the basics and intermediate stuff into his head as professionally as possible. I'll then carry on from there to make sure that, before he is 1, he's turned into a half decent dog.


    Good idea about the cane though. I might try that today and see what happens.


    Just so no one reading this gets the wrong idea, the "cane" in question ideally should be a 3ft whippy stick from the hedgerow, staight hazel. With a few leaves left on the end like a flag.


    Walk the dog on the lead on the left side between you and a fence/bank with a space of 2/3ft so that it can only walk to heel straight ahead with you, hold the stick loosely between forefinger and thumb of your right hand with the lead in the left hand walk the dog to heel swishing the stick gently in line with your knee, if the dog pulls forward it puts its nose into the leafy end of the stick, it will jump about a few times but will soon learn to walk with you, give the command "heel" immediately if it puts its nose in contact with the stick.


    After a couple of weeks just carry the stick and eventually dispense with it.


    I have used this method, it works well for dogs that persist with pulling if you do it everyday for a week or two, whenever the dog is exercised on the lead.


    :yes: D2D

  5. Where is the best/cheapest place to get replacement bulbs for the lightforce 140 and 170, please???



    Remember vertical (best) or horizontal filament, alot on fleabay are cheapo asda bulbs.


    You gets what you pay for, £6.95 xenon bulbs in deben cat.


    :good: D2D

  6. For sale Lightforce 400m beam, hand held with filter, as new in box £50 plus postage at cost.


    (Deben cat price £66.50, filter£14.95 plus p&p)


    PM only please


    :good: D2D

  7. I'm faced with a massive dilemma right now. Ted has turned into a right little sod this last week and that has made my fiancee really annoyed with him and me.


    To give you all a bit of background, Ted's an eight month old ESS and he's been reasonably good up to now with picking things up (coming back to whistle, sitting to hand signal, basic other commands like "Down"), but at the beginning of the week he decided he was going to not come back to us during a walk. He decided that he was going to carry on playing and running away when we got close.


    I did the usual "turn around and walk the other way/prey instinct" trick and nothing happened. He decided that he would just carry on doing his thing. Eventually I trapped him in someone's drive and he went home on a short lead. Since then he's been on a long lead at all times (20') and today he had a little scamper about and came back when called (just) three times. Eventually I put him back on the lead for the walk back home.


    Generally though, his level of obedience is slipping. That's bad from my point of view, but the worst part is that he will not stop whining when we leave a room he is in. It doesn't matter if he can see us (through the window) or hear us, he will whine. It's driving both of us mad, but my fiancee more so because it's disturbing her sleep in the mornings (I get up and walk him at 6:30 then pop back for a lie-in, during which time he whines).


    We are going to be taking him to obedience classes for six weeks starting next wednesday and the ultimatum has been issued. If he doesn't shape up at the end of that, I need to make a choice. It's not a choice I want to make, so I am asking, nay, pleading! for help to cure the whining. If that stops, I am sure I can work with the rest of the issues at a more leisurely pace. I _need_ to get the whining stopped and I am not prepared to resort to smacking him.


    Help please.


    You have pm, and your Irving book is on way.


    :lol: D2D

  8. Right, I spotted this funky looking scope/sight on www.allgunsdiscounted.co.uk and I cant seem to find out anything about it. Heres a link:




    I presumed from the information on the page that I was looking at a very small rifle scope as it comes in varying sizes with varying magnification and Mil Dots.

    Because the page had very little in the way of information I Google'd Hawke Reflex to try and get more information about this illusive little bit of kit.

    If I had found nothing I would have been disappointed but not as ****** off as I am just now.

    All that I could find out about it was that it seems not to exist, I typed Hawke Reflex in to Google and all I got was information about Hawke Reflex Mil Dot rifle scopes which is all very well except they look like normal run of the mill scopes, not like the one I saw on www.allgunsdiscounted.co.uk


    Please, if you can help me get to the bottom of this little mystery I've started for myself I would be very greatful.

    Cheers, Craig.


    P.S. here's a picture of the apparent 'Hawke Reflex'



    I dont know if this helps, in the Deben cat they show a "Doctor sight" 3.5 MOA dot Part no. DR8260 RRP £229 plus mounts.


    Its made by Innovation Germany listed as a red dot reflex sight.


    :lol: D2D

  9. hi guys just wondering if any one could help me out im wanting to put a bipod onto my logun solo. can any one tell me how i could fit a bipod. i have sling studs on the rifle already if this helps.



    If you have to fit an extra stud dont forget to drill a fine pilot hole first, saves the tears :good:


    :good: D2D

  10. Gotta say this sounds a bit harsh, fella was offering a decent bit of advice on a rare post in the for sale section. I for one, who have always fancied a go at archery, would have found his post useful as it would have saved me searching google





    I have to agree and it does sound petty, as for the "theres the door attitude" well thats really not on, he meant well and maybe threw his rattles but no need to push members away,IMO as a mod H you need to lighten up a bit.

    You have a point if the forum rules are applied strictly but your actions again have been criticised as being heavy handed,

    A more member friendly approach needs to be adopted, or members will just not post and we will all lose out.


    :o D2D

  11. Just been to the clay ground to try a second hand gun for the 1st time.Bought some 28gr cartridges(a brand I,d not seen before) and was chuffed that they nearly all cycled,in future it will be fed only 32gr and bigger in the field. I decided to have a bash at unloading unspent shells by working the action and found the last one sticking in the mag tube.It cycled nearly flawlessly so why should one stick? I have little experience with semis,am I missing something? Could it be the cheapy looking cartridges? Thanks chaps .



    My Franchi is sect 1 and when used alot started to cycle badly, I used not to clean it as often as I should and was advised to use Hoppes no9 semi auto solvent. After stripping, degunking and using this regularly now it goes right through the cycle on any carts.


    Hope this helps.


    :good: D2D

  12. thanks for the comments guys. :lol:

    D2D,dry yer eyes mate. :lol:

    08Shooter,man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth waits long long time-absolute classic that still makes me laugh :lol:




    Dont be so patronising, as I said you took a shot from an unsteady rest,the gate being leant on by your mate,it could have had disasterous consequenses leaving the animal with its jaw shot away had the gate moved and your round placement been 1" lower. Head shots are fine but not from the rest you described.


    You cant beat experience and I stand by my criticism of your foolhardy action, end of.


    :lol: D2D

  13. Ok so you found your mark, but an inch or so lower due to your mate shifting and the gate moving would have resulted in one maimed fox with its jaw shot away, sorry but not good practice, You will say Im a killjoy but thats how I feel, I have shot countless Foxes and this is a shot I wouldnt have taken.


    If you cant get a positive killing zone shot then leave it for another day, its not worth the risk of wounding and maiming.


    :lol: D2D

  14. I have in the past suffered from rats around the compost bins and chicken house, the methods I used to good effect were tunnel trapping and a couple of scoops of poison, in a plastic coin bag halfway up a length of pipe, the plastic bag stops the damp getting at the poison and the pipe stops wildlife getting at it.


    The poison has not been touched for ages and the traps only catch the Greys, so Rats are no longer a problem.


    As Cranfield says there is nothing worse than the smell of anything rotting under the floorboards, we have only had a Mouse and that was bad enough. I only use mousetraps, baited with chocolate, in the loft.

    Just incase we should have a visitor when the weather gets colder.


    Theres alot to be said for a good Mouser, shame I cant stand cats :lol:


    :lol: D2D

  15. Given the length of the post, the content is another issue, if such a "roundup" were read even only a hundred times and some posters chalking the whole post up each time before adding their comments, the pages containing fresh posts would be forced off the page faster than normal which imo is a little unfair, I may be wrong in my assumption and stand to be corrected.


    As Webber says, and I agree with him, this is primarily a shooting forum and really this is what is of interest to most of us, I for one really enjoy the forum for its variety, it would be spoilt if some members sought to dominate the pages.


    Shaggy is obviously enthusiastic over everything he does and in itself thats harmless, but a weekly "report" on top of the everyday posts and numerous photos concerning the Ferrets, the Landrover and the weather, no sir enough.


    There are more than enough far more experienced countrymen on here who have the time to do a weekly page, but that is not the style of the forum, dont take it to heart Shaggy but this is not the place.


    :lol: D2D

  16. Can anyone reccommend a good gun dog retriever training book for Labs?






    Hi SS


    IMO Training Gundogs James Douglas

    Working Gundogs Martin Deeley

    The Complete Gundog John Humphreys

    Gundog Training Peter Moxon


    These would be my choice for Labs if buying now, hope this helps.


    ;) D2D

  17. This "person" is extremely lucky to have picked on someone who is obviously the type of gent who does not spit his dummy out, as would most of us having received a couple of loony PM,s,


    He was selling his own property, and he pitched in with his asking price, so what if it was a little rich. We have a choice buy or dont buy,I would have named the guy ;)


    Im selling off my collection of books, bit by bit and certainly dont want him nitpicking on my case.


    :oops: D2D

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