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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Apart from occasional heavy rain, we have extremely high winds here today.

    I have measured 62mph on my hand held digital wind speed reader, whilst I accept that this may not be accurate to the nth degree, its a good indication.


    Being so open down here, it seems to exaggerate the wind and its really howling round the chimney.

    Fortunately, we live in a low level cottage, so most of it passes over us and leaves our slates on. :lol:




    I used to live down there, "where the men are men and the sheep are frightened".

    Dont miss the winters one little bit, I like a few good trees around me, and not growing at 45deg to the prevailing wind :lol:


    :good: D2D

  2. 90% of the shoots I go to "catch up" and sell on the eggs for a percentage off the poults they buy back. Therefore they need to thin the cocks out to save any remaining stock that may breed in the wild from being too overstocked by cocks. This prevents over treading of the hens and prevents too many cocks getting killed from fighting.


    This has also been the practise followed by the shoots I have been involved with, and is recommended by the leading authorities on shoot management. Some shoots start catching up hens the minute the last paying gun has walked off the shoot and the cocks day incurs a penalty for every hen shot.

    Dark Melanistic hens come to mind :lol:


    :good: D2D

  3. out this morning in the rain with my mate and his HMR. spent an hour or so sat up in the landy on the edge of a rabbit field but they must have all lost their raincoats as not one bothered to come out to play :mad: plan b: drove over a few fields and decided to sit near a bit of wood that opens onto a stubble covered field that the crows usually like to come and nit pick over. after a while, no crows but out of the wood pops mr fox. he didnt seem bothered by us at all until he stopped for a better look upon which time he was whacked in the noggin with the little HMR round at 80 yards. little bit soggy looking but nice and fat, no doubt full of pheasant. quite impressed with how well the little bullet stopped him while not making anywhere near the mess of a centerfire.


    You could have waited 5 mins for him to get a bit bigger :lol::lol:


    :lol: D2D

  4. For pressure pads use Ladies sanitary napkins....(pads).... as they have a quagulant in them to help stop the bleeding faster. Usually you can stop the blood flow in 1/2 the time.




    Ta for that, see you learn something new every day, so I will carry a pack of "those" :blush: in the bag from now on.


    :unsure: D2D

  5. hi guys

    can anybody tell me if ferrets get kennel cough cos mines coughing a bit not all the time but it worrying looked in its mouth nothing in there ( only sharp teeth ha ha )

    or do they get hairballs like cats do.

    any help will be appreciated.


    thanks alot :unsure:




    Hi CJW this one interested me so I googled "ferret cough," the answer imo is in the Yahoo section page 1, together with the remedial action required to restore good health.


    If you cant find it let me know and I will post the content for you.


    Something I had not heard of before, I think LB will have some experience of this?


    :blush: D2D

  6. I really dont know what to do now other than to take him to some dog training lessons.



    Sorry to have to tell you this, but!! You need the training not the dog.


    Nobody is born knowing how to train a dog. It's a skill you have to learn. Some of us have been lucky and have learned off others as we grow up. We also have mentors in my case it was NTTF when I came across something that I had never experienced before.

    The idea to take him to "dog" read owner training classes is a good one and it will help you both.




    Thats what I am asking if I take him to dog training lessons they will hopefully teach me as well. he is all right when alone but as soon as he see's another dog he just ignores me.


    Now I do think this is my fault as well because when he was younger my mums german shephard sliced open his tongue, until recently I have not let him socialise with other dogs, cause I have a fear that he will get hurt again. And I dont like taking him to busy places cause all the people just fuss him and give him junk food.


    I think I might start giving him treats then maybe he will start paying more attention.


    If you go down that road, limit them to 1 in 3 returns then phase them out asap, really only as a last resort.

    You can substitute the treat for extra fussing and lots of encouragement which dogs respond to just as much as treats.


    Too many treats on the return will lead to him spitting out retrieves to clear his mouth for the expectant treat.


    He,s your dog, tell them to leave him alone?? Training classes are probably the best way forward.


    :unsure: D2D

  7. anyone know of a good item thats on the market to stop lurcher bleeding often he gets cuts some times bad ones that bleeds kinda heavy


    As LB says alot depends on where the cut is, but as with any wound apply a clean pressure pad for as long as it takes, I would like to know of anything that will do the job quickly and safely.


    :unsure: D2D

  8. Hi people


    I am really getting :blush: by my dog at the moment, so much that I just want to give him to someone else.


    Everytime I take him off the leash and he see's another dog he will run up to it and just ignores me when I tell him to leave it.


    What puts me to shame is that I go out with another person with a 16 week springer and his dog doesnt chase other dogs and comes back to the owner when he calls him.


    I really dont know what to do now other than to take him to some dog training lessons.


    I dont give him titbits but would this help if I do.


    Please help I dont know what to do now with him.






    IMO you should go back to basic training on the lead and take him anywhere that there are other dogs, the problem as I see it is that he is giving in to the temptation of a romp and breaking from heel. Try walking him past other dogs and when he shows the slightest interest tell him no with a jerk on the lead in to heel.


    There was a recent thread on rolling in Fox poo (jan 22 0951) and the two problems are similar in as much that the use of a check cord when out walking him to heel would work, if he broke away from you, he could be stopped with a stern NO.


    If he is walking freely at heel but breaks away and ignores you just walk after him, but dont scold him if he returns, you must consistantly reprimand him in the act of breaking away from heel, within seconds.


    Hope this helps


    :unsure: D2D

  9. For Sale


    Double entry, run through galv live catch Squirrel trap.


    Highly successful when used as a tunnel trap, can be used as a baited single entry.


    Not a cheaply made trap its well built and will last for years.


    Please PM if interested.


    £18.00 posted


    :good: D2D

  10. I agree with all the othrs but the farmer sholdnt lock a bridal path should he ?

    O W

    It depends if there is still access for a horse/pushbike to get down it. I'm guessing there is a gate also which gives access to the field and this is locked.


    We can't drive onto any of our shoots at the minute due to the wet ground. The farmers quad is actually stuck in his third field. Even he won't put his own landy on there to tow it out at the minute. You will just have to be patient and wait for things to dry up a bit. Also bear in mind he doesn't know you from Adam either so I would personally play by his rules all the way and not cause issues or moan about not being able to sit in your car and shoot. At least not until you know him much better. Moaning and causing problems will only end up in you losing that shoot and him talking to other farmers about kicking some 'arsey shooter..' off his land. :good:


    I may have missed it but this is the only post that mentions the way farmers talk to each other, upset one and you are marked in the area for some time, mud sticks :lol:

    Be polite to him and maintain a good relationship, but have a look round for a more shooter friendly permission.


    :good: D2D

  11. Well red has had all her jabs now and has been out and about for the first few times. Took her to the woods for the first time today and let her off the lead!!! To my supprise she didn't bolt off into the woods, she just runs around me and out to about 10 metres and back again, also when off the lead in fields etc she will do the same unless i am throwing something for her to bring back.


    Is this normal for a puppy? i like the fact that she is loyal and doesn't run off at all and it will help when i take her beating in later life. Will she grow out of this or do you think she will stay the same?:devil:






    Try to keep her close and eager to return to you it will pay dividends later when you start whistle training, if you havnt got it already I can rec Joe Irvine or Peter Moxon,s books on springers. You wont go far wrong following their advice.


    Best of luck with the training.


    :lol: D2D

  12. I would estimate that in the last 2 years I have fired maybe 20,000 shells accross 10 to 15 different guns and not once have I experienced or seen such a thing.


    In 2 years I have had maybe 15 miss fires, 10 of which would have been D&J's.


    Me thinks this is more poop from the poop meister general.


    Tell it to the Roses matey.


    I hope you have protected your hearing throughout the 20k shells "young man" :devil:


    :lol: Gramps.

  13. YTeah will let you know. He put 4 Coats on it to make sure :devil: He even done the inside of the bonnet to my ammazement. He said he would not touch it and we had discussed me hammerite'ing it. So I was well chuffed when I got home, lfted the bonnet to begin the hammerite painting, and it was done. I touched up the rubber along the back door this evening that you can see is yellow, i done it with a cheap artisit brush.


    I will roller the bits he could not do along the rear door edges that are hidden by the Tarp Roof, inside, I think all I will do it rub down and Hammerite it black.


    Good tip on the plating. I guess wire brush then Matt Black spray can?



    I brush painted mine to make sure plenty went into the pattern it also save masking tape which might just pull your soft paint off., it will need touching up over time so a can and brush is better imo, Iwirebrushed it then cleaned with white spirit.


    :lol: D2D

  14. hi im lookng for abit of advice my 3 year old spriner has devoleped a lump on it/s front leg wich is very red and inflamed has any body any idea what this may be before i take him to the vet :devil:



    Is there any pus, could be a blackthorn, get someone to hold his muzzle while you have a good look with a mag glass, if its a thorn it should work its way to the surface in a day or two and you may be able to remove it with tweezers.


    If you cant see anything and hes in pain then its off to the vet ££££.


    :lol: D2D

  15. So many questions are asked on here by newbies i thought as i had some free time on my hands i would write a small paper on the basics to woodpigeon shooting with what brain cells i have left. im no writer but any newbie interested in it just send me your mail addy.

    its not for the already initiated to rip apart :lol:


    Good idea, but will you not share it with the rest of us, we could do a "review" as they seem to be fashionable on here :D on the art of deceiving Palumbus.


    :rolleyes: D2D

  16. Thanks for that D2D, im going on sunday il take my dummy launcher, the owner has stated he'l give me a full demo of commands etc, so im hoping for the best!


    Dont be afraid of writing notes, Food type,worming etc. you may not remember half the info he tells you when you get home, note carefully the whistle number he has used 211 1/2 or maybe 210 are popular, when you buy one get two :huh:


    Good luck I hope it works out for you.


    :good: D2D

  17. Ferrets and Ferreting by peter whitaker, Nice little pb contains good info, circa 1980 £4 posted


    Shooting Times guide to Ferreting by fred j taylor pb £4.50 posted


    Rabbiting and Ferreting by British Field Sports pb £4 posted


    Ferrets and Ferreting by Iain Brodie hb £6.00 posted


    Ferreting and Trapping for Amateur Gamekeepers by guy n smith hb £7.50 posted


    Pugs and Drummers by john marchington hb collectable £15 posted.


    All of these books have been owned and used by me they all contain invaluable info on the keeping and working of ferrets.


    The lot can be bought for £35 posted.


    Pm please if interested.


    :lol: D2D

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