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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Hi All


    I have a 10 week old springer dog who is showing some good initial signs (sitting and coming back to hand / voice commands) but I can't seem to get his attention to start trying anything else.


    He just wants to bounce around constantly!


    I was advised to start training as soon as I got him (8 weeks) but am I trying to early? If not, how can I keep his attention so that he at least looks at me, so that I can give a command?


    I do the "sit" training before meals - but he doesn't stay still long enough at other times to trying any other commands!







    Books by Peter Moxon or Joe Irving for Spaniels, this will not be the only prob you will encounter and to train properly you will need to read up from the experts if you want the finished dog.

    Gundogs their learning chain by Joe Irving is very good, this starts at puppyhood and goes through to field trials.

    There was a copy for sale on here recently :oops: But it may be sold.


    Your springer is still only a baby out of the nest, you are expecting way too much too soon.


    :good: D2D

  2. hi guys i was just wondering how spme people fit deben tracer mini pro with ir filter on to there rifle when they have there NV scopes on the rifle.




    Hi Russ I asked this same question about my maxpro lamp when testing an NV unit recently, I found that building up the dia of the barrel with black ins tape and clipping the lamp under the barrel worked for me, until I bought a dedicated Illum unit for the NV.


    :rolleyes: D2D

  3. Okay Lee a few hints for ferreting with LB.


    Be sure once you are at your chosen location to be first out of the truck. Grab lots of stuff to carry, just be sure you grab all the light stuff.


    When you are approximately 1/2 way in to where you are ferreting "accidently drop"....place it so you know exactly where it is as you do not want to find it too quickly......an essential piece of gear. Notice this just as LB starts to net up. Be sure to belittle yourself some and go to "find" said item. Note this should take just as long as it does for LB to net all the holes....especially the ones in the nettles and under the thorn trees.


    Be sure to stand quietly while the ferrets work. If you see a rabbit hit a net some distance from you wave LB there as he is very light on his feet and seems to float over the ground.


    If by chance a rabbit bolts close to your feet. Pick it and the net up. Wave LB over to get a new net set in the hole, once he has done this hand him the netted rabbit to dispatch and untangle. Of course if another rabbit hits at another net be sure to point it out to him.


    Enjoy your day out and be sure to let him buy the breakfast :good:





    :lol::lol: When he came over to mine we sat and drank tea until gone 9am, we set off and walking down a track he proceeded to adorn every other bramble bush with a net falling from his bag,we picked them out on the return trip, when we got to net up we hadnt enough nets having left them hanging on the bushes :rolleyes:


    The wabbits won the day though didnt they LB?


    A cracking day though, had a laugh, must do it again :wub:


    :lol: D2D

  4. Hello guys,


    Am thinking about tagging/ringing my pheasants before i release them this coming season, just to see how far they can go. Now leg rings seem to be expensive, and apparently not very effective, so ive looked into wing tagging but wouldnt have a clue how to tag them using the device.


    Anyone any ideas on what rings/ tags i could use for a growing pheasant poult of 7 weeks of age?


    Many thanks


    Alex :rolleyes:


    I only ever did this once and the results were interesting, we shot more untagged birds, where ours went we dont know.


    If you are shooting enough birds then leave well alone,or your syndicate members will be asking where "their " birds went and do you need to put any down?/ you may then have to really earn your crust by sustaining the wild population or become redundant :lol:


    I say that tongue in cheek, but seriously the results are not always what you would prefer.


    :good: D2D


    :wub: D2D

  5. £1500 For The landy. £200 respray :blink:



    I bought for all the things you want one for. Rag top so roof can come off in Summer. V6 engine so little vibration when shooting out the window or from the roof :lol:


    best of all, cos i has a frod engine in it, it dont leak :lol:




    Oh come on now, everyone knows that Landrovers are meant to leak oil, tis the only way you know theres still some in there, its when they stop leaking its time to worry :blink:


    :blink: D2D

  6. Whats the best and quickest way to kill a pigeon if it comes down alive?


    In another life I was picking up 3 days aweek, every week, over 6 seasons on a large commercial shoot and have despatched well over a thousand live retrieved birds, a priest is the only humane,efficient and discreet way to do the job.


    If you have it on a lanyard connected to a belt loop, it can be kept in the pocket and brought out quickly when needed without fear of losing it.


    You can make your own with an 8" length of hazel, drill a hole in the thicker end and weight it with lead. Drill a hole at the same time in the handle for the cord.


    :blink: D2D

  7. Morning peeps , I was amazed at the concern shown by members on this site who have asked about my wellfare. Thanks, The funny thing is it was mainly members who I had fell out with big time when I first came on here, but who have since proved to be nice blokes.Again thank you all, I cant think about anything funny to say at the moment,(A first for me,) as I dont feel in a humourous mood. Thanks again my friends , Good health to you all , Ron.




    First time you have posted and no ones groaned outloud :blink:


    Glad your feeling a tad better, not very nice to be feeling under the weather.


    All the best


    :blink: D2D

  8. For sale


    Gundogs Their Learning Chain by Joe Irving.


    A leader in gundog training, especially Spaniels, Joe Irvings book covers everything from puppyhood, care, basic training and through to the finished dog.


    Selling all my Spaniel books as I want to concentrate on Labs.


    £9.50 posted


    PM if interested please.


    :huh: D2D

  9. tiercel, those birds of yours become hypnotic after a while. :huh::mad:



    Have you been at the Sherry Cranfield? I cant see any birds, or did you mean al4x now thats hypnotic :lol: Oh Yes......


    :lol: D2D



    Just looked again and spotted them :lol:

  10. For Gundogs it has to be Peter Moxon, Joe Irving and Martin Deeley.


    In my time I have, I think, read 95% of available books from Col Konrad Most 1914, R Sharpe 1924, through to Susan Scales, James Douglas and the "modern" icons.


    What strikes me is, that apart from a greater understanding and willingness on our part to appreciate training from the dogs perspective, nothing really has changed very much apart from the training aids.


    For Fox control it has to be Robert Bucknell, a bible for Fox Shooters.


    For Fly Fishing ...... J R Hartley :good: Yes its on the shelf, remember the yellow pages ad on TV?


    :unsure: D2D

  11. It does chat on a bit doesn't it. I didn't want it too short though as I'd like to give a background for my reasons rather than just telling him what I want. The 6.5 doesn't matter, so as it's going to be the gun that holds him back I'd rather have it restricted than have all of them closed. As for the not trusting them bit, I'm sure he knows that I don't already. It took me two applications and over ten months to get the certificate in the first place because of their balls up! I'm going to remove it though, and send the certificate in with it. He can then have a think about it and send it back in whatever state he's prepared to let me have it in. I'll also add a witness statement saying I'm good at judging ground :good:


    The permission slips are not going to happen though. As a lot of these shoots are a one off, I wasn't planning on having it in writing from all of them unless I have to. It's all going back to the bugging clients thing if I start that.


    Hi, I have a small form that I ask everyone to sign before I will set foot on their land with a firearm, it saves any future complications and satisfies the local bobbies, who at 1am may come along when you are just loading up to go home.


    Photocopies of these and my FAC/ SGC are carried in my truck, the originals remain safely at home.


    I usually just say that its an insurance requirement and no one has ever objected. IMO its worth doing even for one off jobs.


    :lol: D2D

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