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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. So how did he vanish when the camera zoomed out ? and its not a certainty its a spent case that goes across the screen, it could be a flying insect if you watch closely.




    Do you not know the sound of the bolt being worked? Its clearly a spent case going across the frame, insects dont fly in a perfect arch. Its too much of a coincidence that its seen just as the bolt is worked.


    How do you account for his shadow which cannot be projected from the camera to the site of the rabbit 60yds,yet it is shown next to the rabbit within 6seconds of the shot being fired.


    Its almost embarassing to watch a second time, the guy is plainly a joker.


    You make up your own mind, but its clearly a case of adding on maybe 40yds :good:


    :) D2D

  2. Hewi


    Thanks for the video, excellent shot.



    Sorry, but you'v lost me, I can't see what you are insinuating. Can you please spell it out.





    The rabbit was shot at 60yds and kicking strongly and within 6seconds(according to the timer below) we see a shadow in the frame standing over the rabbit which is still kicking strongly, the shadow ejects the spent round. This is we are told was a shot taken 60 yds away yet he is there within 6secs, this equates to a 2.9 min mile or has he, as I said, got wings? :good:


    The shot itself is no big deal but the video suggests that it was taken from a much closer range, what puzzles me Is the need to suggest a longer range? :)


    :good: D2D

  3. shot this rabbit last night around 60y sweet as a nut




    And the rabbit was still kicking while you walked ,ran even, 60yds in 6 seconds, to eject the spent round across the frame showing rabbit still kicking, watch it again it doesnt look right??

    It must have been kicking an awful long time..... or you got wings :good:


    :good: D2D

  4. Hi there.


    Where can i get a clicker?

    By clicker i mean a counting device so you can keep track of how manny pigeons you shoot.

    Where can i get one, and how much are they?






    Havnt read the rest of the thread but save your cash and just put an empty case to one side for each bird, simple.


    :good: D2D

  5. For me everyone has jumped on the mullet-sporting shooter, but when did he shoot? How much did he pay? Who took that money and spent it on meths the ******* ******?


    I don't see a problem, wasn't now, wasn't even this decade, lighten up people :good:



    Come on now pull your head out of the sand.... it happened. Doesnt matter when.


    :good: D2D

  6. Don't forget the police would only be there because a member of the public called and said that there is someone with a gun in the street.


    How do you thunk they should respond to that?


    And I would guess that it took the police 1 hour to return the toy gun and about 2 seconds to work out it was a toy.





    .......... Then about six hours doing the paperwork to cover the "incident" Daft,mad call it what you like.


    :good: D2D

  7. Hi all, I hope this does not breach the rules but I see no harm in it,


    On Flea bay now is a max tracer lamp and the bidding seems slow which makes it a reasonable buy if you are interested it has 3 hrs to run, (will finish when most are at work!) :good:


    :lol: D2D

  8. Can anyone reccomend a table or something similar for skinning rabbits. The wife wont let me do it indoors and as I have a bad back I find bending over difficult.



    Any suggestions?


    Some 4x2 and a worktop offcut?


    :good: D2D

  9. I usually allow about 300m for shot fallout, but it depends on the situation. I've been clay shooting before and had pellets raining down on my head, it doesn't hurt at all. If the public are involved it's a very good idea not to give them a shower, but if it's one of your shooting buddies they'll be safe enough even if they're 100 or so yards away (only if you're shooting up and the shot is falling with only gravity power, don't shoot towards them at thet range!). Sometimes if the birds are scarce I shower the guy I shoot with to wake him up a bit, and he does the same to me :good:



    At the risk of sounding a killjoy thats a very silly thing to do and not setting a good safe example to any youngsters or newcomers to the sport, if you must do things like this keep it to yourself. :rolleyes:

    Lead shot can "ball" and if your buddy happended to be looking up could suffer eye damage.


    :good: D2D

  10. Kirky would often send me a pm , because although we never met we live within 30 miles , and would discuss the bags we had taken , or weather conditions. He came across as a person with shooting and field sports in general in his blood . I think his contribution to this site is missed by many . I have not voted because i am unaware of his crime , and until then , i have to take the view that , the mods are here for a reason and they would have not taken the decision lightly.



    I too have had a few PMs with Kirky and also formed the same opinion, but I have voted for his return since whatever he did surley doesnt deserve a lifetime ban, must soon be up for parole anyway?


    :good: D2D

  11. ha ha ha, funny joke bud, look out for all the anti joke members who will respond telling you its/ S---e, old as there grandads johnie, heard it all before, etc, blah ,blah , blah, merchants and like me decide not to post any more jokes on this forum, ha ha ha, i liked it anyway!.


    Go on Son, get it off your chest....you'll feel better for it :lol::lol::lol:



    Take no notice of them, you keep posting the jokes, cheered me up on many a morning.

    Most of us like a good chuckle and if the sourpusses dont like it move on..... :good:


    :good: D2D

  12. The mag is a remington? I am confused now :good:


    You can adjust the CZ mag spring by sliding the top plate off through the the front of the mag.

    It can then be stretched or adjusted if required.


    Out of interest my 527 does exatly what you describe, I thought I had got it wrong when I re stocked it, but I assembled the action into old stock the other day and it exactly the same.


    The answer is to get the magazine up into the action some more, I am still working out how to do that nicley...



    Spoke to my dealer today and it looks as though they have mixed up the mags when it was in for some work.

    So tomorrow when I go in all should be resolved.... I hope. Thanks for your input.


    :good: D2D

  13. Kirky says that he is happy where he is! He visits another site now and as a moderator on that other site I can honestly say that his attitude to other users has been nothing other than polite and gentlemanly! I know that he had issues on here, but I do believe that this was a clash of personalities with one moderator! He knows who he is, some of you do too! I don't need to mention any names! Not saying that anyone is right or wrong but Kirky is a good bloke, was he unfairly treated?




    Hi DM, say hello to him for me please, is he able to see all this "from the other side" :good:


    :good: D2D

  14. Just got a semi auto and have found myself loading with 6 on fields where i am likely to see rabbit then reload bb for where i see fox.With the sounds of even quiet reloading and possible lost time is there a good general load that would do both?I know even light loads can kill fox but i dont want to leave that to chance.I might be asking the impossible.I would spend a bit more too if need be.Thankyou.



    Im a bit spoilt because my semi is the full monty so I load a heavy cartridge maybe 3rd one, and reload with 4 after 2 shots at bunnies if they are for the pot, but if on an organised vermin shoot I load alternate bb and 4.

    I do think 6 is a little light for Rabbit at any sort of range........ get down behind the parapet now :good:


    :good: D2D

  15. Flash, they are put out during the day empty to be exchanged for full trays when the baker calls very early in the morning, yes it would be theft, but for the price of a pint or two Im sure they could be had without getting your collar felt :lol:


    :rolleyes: D2D.

  16. Im after some trays to take quarry to game dealers in, you know the kind they use for bread in supermarkets.


    Where can i get some?


    Thanks for any replies



    There is a sandwich makers in an ind unit I know of and they have loads just stacked outside all day and half the night, have you got one near you, im sure they could lose a few for a token sum??


    :rolleyes: D2D

  17. I have one of these and the pickup from the mag isn't reliable - so I <may> be able to help...

    Some questions though:


    How does it jam?

    Does the bolt skim across the top the round, and not pick it from the mag?



    Hi just sitting here with it and the first round in the mag is up in position ready for the bolt ,the bolt moves forward about a quarter inch and the bottom edge of the bolt is butted against the round by about the thickness of the collar around the cap, if pushed fairly hard the round will enter the throat, but its not at all satisfactory.


    :rolleyes: D2D

  18. Can anyone help please, my CZ 527 has started jamming , it will not pick up from the mag cleanly. :lol:

    I recently removed the bolt to bore sight a new scope and now its playing up, I have replaced the bolt and it cycles cleanly without any ammo in the mag.

    I couldn,t find any previous topics on this problem, maybe someone could point me in the right direction apart from the obvious visit to the Gunsmith. All advice greatly appreciated. :lol:


    :rolleyes: D2D

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