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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Stuart Skinner shot a leopard cat on the Isle of Wight after thinking it was a rampaging fox that had been taking ducks and chickens from a farm on the Island. He did not report the incident for several months thinking he had shot a protected species. (1993)


    Thats a bit bad if it was!!!The ol thing of know what your shooting at!!! :lol::/:lol:





    This begs the question,


    what would you do if you had a big cat in range and was shootable, would you shoot it?


    Personally I would be concerned that if for any reason it was not dropped and escaped wounded there would be hell to pay as it would no doubt start attacking goats and punker wallahs!!


    :lol: D2D

  2. I have never seen a bullfight so I cannot comment, BUT I would like to see one before the nambys ban it, also the bull running in Pamplona again something I would like to see before it is stopped.


    So much to do and............



    :lol: D2D

  3. Just heard on the radio that sussex police are to put extra men on the streets of Brighton during the period of the full moon, it seems that after a recent survey they have discovered that the level of violent crime increases during this lunar phase :blink:


    I wonder how much the survey has cost the poor old sussex rate payer? :lol:


    Watch out Sussex Lad they are on to you :yes::lol:


    :blink: D2D

  4. I saw the original post and thought it was written by a genuine guy with alot of feeling for our songbirds, it was not particularly urging us to shoot cats but he stated that a particular cat,s days were numbered as it had killed a fledgling Thrush that his family had become attatched to and he was emotionally disturbed enough to post his feelings on the subject.


    My reply was to point out that I had read an article recently reporting that the UK songbird population was being heavily predadated by the domestic cat and suggesting that all cats should be fitted with little tinkly bells to give their positions away when stalking songbirds. :blink:


    Cranfield is quite right when he says its illegal to shoot cats and I dont think for a moment anyone of us would without an exceptional reason, ie gone feral and raiding pheasant poults etc.


    :lol: D2D

  5. I also like the humble Spitfire :yes:



    Its just everything about the jets.. amazing machines :lol:

    So tempting to just give in, quit trying to find work, and join the RAF. But im not their kind of matiriel.. and my maths are poor :blink:

    I do have some spitfire photos, may get them up if I still have enough photobucket room.



    Humble Spitfire...... Dont think so, you must be confusing the Spitfire with another, theres nothing humble about that plane. :lol:


    :blink: D2D

  6. You would hate living near me then, we have Spitfires, hurricanes, havards, mustangs and tiger moths flying sometimes less than a hundred feet or so high over us most weekends. :blink:

    I expect they wander over Cranfields way sometimes as well.


    :lol: D2D

  7. Many thanks one and all :lol:



    Good to hear it was nothing too serious. Make sure she enjoys her retirement, if she's like my old girl she has certainly earned it.



    Retirement ! she still lives for it!! She picks up on a grouse moor in August and at the partridges in september to get her fit then does 1/2 days until late Dec early Jan when she is tip top for full days.


    Wiping the youngsters eyes last year........



    Good stuff and nice photo, glad shes better, is it a common problem when bitches are speyed?


    :blink: D2D

  8. please can someone tell me the reason why, my male dog has started to pull all his bedding out of his kennel into hes run .he been doing it for about three weeks now . not all the time but every now and again .but it is now starting to get more regular now .it has not worried me to much . but this morning it was laying in the soiled area of the run. plus when it rains the runs get wet and no matter how much i love housework :blink: :yes: i really do not want to be washing dogs bedding all the time so please if anyone can come up with a answer to this please do . first thing i thought it might be cause hes bored but he is only in for about 4 hours while am at work . and sometimes mr sweepy about so it not even 4 hours plus he will do it if he is only in their for 20 mins.has anyone else had this prob or have i really got the dog from hell









    Mrs Sweepy how can you possibly think he,s the dog from hell, just look at him, bet he,s full of character he looks great. :blink:


    :lol: D2D







    xxx suzy

  9. hi all


    ive just got back in from a planned night of lamping rabbits with my aa s410 xtra fac which ive had since the begining of january and not yet used (except zeroing). I collected all of my gear together,charged up the battery,filled up the air reservoir and filled up the pellet pouch. I arrived at my permission (about 12miles from my house) set up all my gear, loaded the magazine and found a place to leave my bag etc .Only to find out the lamp doesn't work at all.



    Lesson for the future:- ALLWAYS DOUBLE CHECK MY EQUIPMENT.


    Ive done similar.. Took the lamp out it ran for ten minutes then blew a fuse.. :drool: ive also got to my shoot before and had a rifle and ammo but no mags :good::drool:



    Ha Ha, I did that once and never since, I had to load single shots all night in a semi auto with bunnies everywhere, but it did sharpen my aim 100%, SICK OR WHAT :drool::drool:


    :drool: D2D

  10. Thanks for the advice guys. I have taped some tail feathers to the dummy, but like you say, it's the little 'downy' type feathers that she was spitting out. When she retrieved to hand properly she loved the fuss she got and kept wanting the pigeon again....that's why I thought I'd try one more time albeit unsuccessfully.


    I think the issue with her was that once she'd dropped it and the wings had flapped out, she was struggling to pick it up by the body again..she'll get the knack of it I'm sure!


    I'll keep putting a pigeon in the mix once a week or something like that now...I want to keep her keen!



    Hi B, when I had this problem I overcame it by putting the pigeon retrieves in a nylon "popsock" and knotted it, this also made it easier to throw further, soon we were able to do away with the covering and problem seemed to be resolved, hope this helps.


    :blush: D2D

  11. But what is the point in having mods if they cant do their job?, which is as I see it to try and temper common sense with fair play, its a catch 22 where not everyone will be pleased and therefor a thankless task.


    Tonight we hear that the many "gis some shooting posts" are to be curtailed, IMO a good move, but to some not so acceptable.


    This is my personal take on this,and for what its worth think the mods do a good job.


    :good: D2D

  12. Had an accident at work today i ran into the back of someone.....i say ran into, i just nudged the rear of the car

    and the fella got out raging, he was (3 ft tall) a dwarf and said he wasn't happy!!






    A mate, unrelated to shooting, text that to me here in Kent about 11am today, do these "jokes" sweep the country, an amazingly powerful communications and advertising tool. :D


    I thought it was good though. :D


    :good: D2D


















    I said which one are you then. :lol::lol::lol:

  13. so you shot all those ferals and squirrels with a gat in the woods of Hampshire in the USA in half an hour while travelling with the army?



    :D:lol: especially loving the GAT gun!



    I traded a whole bucket of Micro Machines for one of these babies when I was a kid.




    "The famous GAT air gun is probably the most popular single shot pistol in the world.


    Being the only air pistol on the market that fires darts, pellets & corks its know wonder millions were sold world wide"



    I had one of those, always shooting at next doors cat with plastic?? slugs, aged 10 I think :lol::lol::D


    :good: D2D

  14. is the 22lr a semi auto or a bolt action the one you allready have if so ask for the different one and suggest the difference that one might be used lamping and the other for vermin and targets.




    I have semi auto .22 and wanted a CZ .22 bolt action as well, my FAO told me to put on the application that the new rifle would be specifically set up for dedicated night shooting. He would ok it.

    Worth including if it will swing it.


    :good: D2D



    Edit... got it back approved 13th Aug.

  15. Ah, Doh!!!


    I have taken 1000MG of Co-Codomal tonight. Not cos me back's hurting, cos I wanted to get through the England game :lol:



    Seems to be working :lol:


    BTW, I did call you earlier Dan. I was excited about the FAC permission and could'nt think of anyone in my phone contacts that would be the slightest bit interested apart from you :lol:

    lol ok I did wonder why I had a missed call from you, I guessed that you had decided to buy that X3 and was down in my area hence the call. Well congrats on the land anyway just need to decide on a rifle (or could you not apply for both .22lr and .17hmr??? If money isn't a object get Anschutz too.



    Which Anschutz would that be then.... a 525 semi?? :D


    :good: D2D

  16. Thanks for your words D2D, it's amazing that we can be told this time after time and we all ignore it until something comes a long and proves it to you. All that stats in the world won't make people stop unless they're shown on a personal level that it kills. By the way how long were you smoking for?


    I've smoked for about 12 years and tried to quit several times per year for last 5 years, got it down to 5 per day and going to stop permanently in July, also I get hitched in July and have promised the long suffering girlfriend that I'll stop then.


    My downfall has always been the pub, I can stop for ages but then go into a pub and i think I'd just like one and then several weeks later I'm back to 5 per day.


    I can't wait for this July ban as hopefully I'll stop permanently.



    A visit for an hour or so to any oncology dept would be enough to encourage most people to stick at trying to give up..... :yes::lol:;)

    I started with a pipe when I was 23 mainly as a "recreational" smoker always trying out different flavours, never indoors and mostly in the company of country people some of whom were shooting/fishing oldtimers several of them enjoyed their pipes so I must have been influenced by them.

    I used a pipe almost every day without so much as a cough, always thinking I would be okay as I didnt take it down.... wrong!!



    :/ D2D

  17. I have Parker Hale on .22lr with Ely subs its no louder than a loud thinnly gloved hand clap, almost a plop certainly not a crack.


    It is possible to shoot a cople of wabbits before they realise whats going on. :yes:

    Descipton as close as it sounds hope this is helpfull.


    :/ D2D

  18. I think that anything that can potentially kill you should be banned.


    This busy body government should ban gun ownership too. :lol:


    Thank god I'm a keeper and work outside by myself.................I can still smoke to my hearts content.





    Like you Charlie I worked outside as underkeeper on a commercial shoot for many years and smoked a pipe, nice peterson it was and enjoyed black cherry, so aromatic and a flavour you could taste, it was said to be very pleasant by all that smelt it. :P


    This went on as a daily ritual, me and my two labs out in the landy day after day, it was a very pleasant way of life, one day I realised I was trying to do physical work with it in my mouth and was reluctant to take it out, I even shot smoking it , my tongue was getting hot with my laboured breathing taking in extra oxygen due to exertion. :/

    I tried to cut back and finally succeded, I was also worried about how hot my tongue had felt so I decided to give it up entirely, this was a huge task but I succeeded about a year later in 2002.


    In July 03 a lymph in my neck came up, I was dignosed with cancer in the throat, after max Chemo, Radio treatment and 3 Trachys, also shaking hands with the big man, a journey I would not recommend, I am left about 85% fit and still undergo laser surgery to keep my airways open every 10 weeks, but I enjoy life and can still get out with the guns on good days, the forum has been a major source of entertainment and info, I really wish I had found it earlier.


    If there is anyone reading this, particularly outdoor guys, if you can, cut it out, to anyone who doesnt smoke but likes the idea, leave it well alone its not worth the risk. ;)


    Sorry if this sounds a little gloomy but it has to be said.

    The smoking ban as unpalateable as it may seem will undoubtably save lives, I consider myself to have been very lucky that they got me in time, it is difficult to kick the habit, maybe think of your families, whatever it takes, but it is a lose lose situation.


    :yes: D2D

  19. SOLD Pending the usual




    Is this the same one that has 1hr 20mins to go on that popular auction site, also located in Norfolk?


    :/ D2D

    I would not give your day job up, as detective your not, scope was sold on the May 26th , ARE WE THAT BORED :/


    Maybe not, but since a 100% of your posts on the forum are "buy sell or swap" can you honestly say your not dealing, not that it matters to me but you ARE protesting rather loudly, and being not just a little rude.

    All you have done is drawn attention to yourself and your activites.


    :lol: D2D

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