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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Get four large ( huge ) mushrooms, a red onion, streaky bacon, mature cheddar and sausage meat ( I use venison sausages or wild boar ).

    Peel the mushrooms and de stalk, slice the stalks and put to one side.

    Finely dice the onion and chop the bacon into small pieces, add the sliced stalk and fry in butter and olive oil til brown.

    De skin the sausages and place the meat into the mushrooms, adding the contents of the frying pan.

    Place the mushrooms into an oven and cook at gas mark six for fifteen minutes.

    Remove from oven, sprinkle chhese over the top and cook for a further five minutes.

    Remove from oven, open a decent bottled beer ( I find any bottled beer goes well with this snack ) and enjoy :lol:




    Stop it im drooling........ :/


    :/ D2D

  2. LB forgot to warn the unitiated and especially lone lady motorists to stay well away from KWIKFIT, go in for a tyre and they try it on something awful, ok they say they will give a free brake check, but then try to relieve you of as much cash for parts that still have lots of miles left as they possibly can. :/

    This has happened to alot of people I know and too many for it not to be company policy.


    :/ D2D

  3. Sorry to hear about that DD but glad your safe, make sure you keep moving/using your arm, becuase although it maybe painful you don't want it seizing up (just don't over do it). B)




    Hi DD dont do a thing with regard to injuries for at least a week or even more, if you can, settle for the damage to the bike but keep your personal injury claim open, I went through a similar scenario and my brief really did me proud, at the time I wasnt thinking straight. :stupid:


    I hope you havnt but you may have done some undetected nerve damage that might emerge later,causing a persistent backache?? :)

    All the best.


    :D D2D

  4. Hi we have just been trying to zero a lads new .22 rifle he has bought an AGS Sapphire scope, we cannot get the rifle to zero at 50yds, it is shooting approx 4" low and the scope elevation will not come up any higher, its on med mounts, any ideas please?


    :stupid: D2D

  5. ISTR that any light fitted has to be working




    Yes, if its fitted it has to be working.

    Due to timed and dated electronic issuing systems, MOTS cannot be backdated, although an MOT can be carried out up to one calendar month prior to the expiry of the existing certificate and then run concurrentlly for a further 12 months, seems daft.

    This is in line with the RF licence which can be bought prior to the existing disc expiring provided that the vehicle is already registered in your name.

    The good side is that failure to have a valid MOT is not a points issue.


    :blush: D2D

  6. Brilliant pigeon gun mine still has full mag (FAC) For that price well worth having in the cupboard sorry cab, fitted with a twist C-Lect choke then it cannot be beaten in a hide situation. :)


    Interesting the comment about the recoil as I havnt noticed it , mine seems to use up the gasses in reloading the next round. So I wouldnt be put off by that at all.


    :blush: D2D

  7. Quite a few wildfowlers I know, encourage their dogs to run in to shot, this can be very useful when shooting over tidal waters.


    In my experience, most US guides dogs run in to shot.

    The quicker the limits are shot, the quicker he can go home to bed. :)




    Fair comment, its a very different style of shooting, the vid portrayed it to be a bit of a numbers game similar to our commercial driven days of the Eighties now long gone thankfully.


    :blush: D2D

  8. My mates brother has just got 3 points on his moped licence and a £60 fine this evening for..... when sitting in traffic stationary, putting his hand in his pocket and looking at the time on his phone.


    I know he shouldn't techniquely have done this but really was he being dangerous? He was completely stationary and definately not going anyway and he didn't even actually "use" his phone.


    what do fellow PW members think? I am pretty sure it was a a case of him being 16 and the police being a tad harsh. Apparently tonight anyone caught in broadstairs under 18 after 930pm gets a warning, then after that an asbo! Is that even legal?!?



    Dan if his engine was running then its a fair cop, almost driving without due care..... the law states clearly that a handheld phone is a no no unless you pull off the road but not like the plonkers we see every day who pull over to answer their phones and are straddeling the solid white line on the nearside edge of the road.


    :blush: D2D

  9. Lamping rabbits? With air stick? I'm not an expert by any means, but happy to share how I do it.


    When lamping put the lamp on low, and use the "top" of the beam to scan the field slowly but uniformly from one side to the other. If you see eyes don't stop the lamp! keep moving, marking where they were. Try to get closer with the lamp off, ideally get within shooing range and don't lamp them up if you can help it until you want to shoot. If they are not too lamp shy they will sit for a few seconds in the lamp, shoot!


    If they run try and follow the speed and direction but nock the lamp off, and light up where they might have got to. If they run close to cover try a squeak, sometimes they will stop a second and let you get a shot off.



    How close is "shooing" range :) Sorry couldnt resist it......


    :blush: D2D


    Ps Might just add that still, calm moonlit nights are a waste of time, the windier and darker the better.

  10. just got pulled over for my L plates not being on ( broke) and i get fined and 3 points. im not happy to say the least, and i havent even passed my car test, im gutted ( this was on my bike) :blush::):) :( :angry::angry::angry:




    The L plates are there for your protection as a learner rider to warn other roadusers that you may not be as good a rider as you think you are, sorry but you deserve the points, we moan when the police do nothing then moan when they do.


    :good: D2D

  11. http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173754


    have a look at this link, relates to coyotes but the principles are the same


    I disagree, as the animal and the firearms are different, 17HMR and 22 mag. The first is a flat fast projectile, the other less so but a heavier projectile.

    Under 50yds, if and only if you can hit a 2" target 90% of the time, then I would THINK about the shot at the head. The body is a No-No IMHO as the 22lr is a bouncey projectile at the best of times and if it hits a rib then the likelyhood is the bullet will be deflected to some degree and that may result in wounding.



    Unless you use a .22 semi auto, then you could weigh him down with lead :):) (joking)


    :blush: D2D

  12. Top video, well trained dogs they have ( compared to mine ).

    Trouble with youtube is I get sucked in for hours looking at the shooting / hunting vids, beats the hell out of coronation st.

    Watched one just now where dogs had a boar at bay and the hunter dispatched it with a rifle while the dogs were dancing round it. Either a bloody good shot or not worried about the hounds :)





    Compared with the standard of steadiness required of normal gundogs these dogs were rubbish, although its not the dogs fault they have been allowed to "run in" at will and have become so "hotted up" that they no longer respond to the handlers.

    Its a different style of shooting, not one that I personally would enjoy but would be interested in the cartridge to kill ratio using the semi autos.


    :blush: D2D

  13. I have protected bonus have done for years and always will you never know,been drivin 14 years this is first time havin to deal with ins comp.



    Sorry Rabo, for some reason got the impression you were a youngster (no profile info) but maybe the advice and information will help our youger members without them having to find out the hard way..... :blink:


    :blink: D2D

  14. B) As some of you know i had been asked to get rid of a fox which has been worrying a local farmers lambs, if you look in the bullets cartridgespost etc, you will see the debate on which carts to use etc, there were some that accused me of not having the experience or even the "savvy" to get him, but after several nights studying his movement patterns, i felt confident that a small hawthorn bush would hide me at the point it entered the second sheep feild. he was entering the first sheep feild at 8.50, having a mooch and then entering feild 2 at 9pm, so i waited absolutely still, i didnt squeek him or bait him, he came accross bang on time, did the exact route from the previous few visits and then kited down the side of the feild straight at where i was sitting, I remained motionless with gun raised and he walked basically up to 10 yards away from me.......whallop, one 36g bb in the neck and chest and game over....folded up like a leaf and didnt even twitch!!!


    The farmer was delighted and now wants me to reduce the pigeon numbers that are eating his cabbages and other leafy crops.....permission granted!!!!!!! :no::P:P:lol::lol::lol::lol::P:lol::lol::P B) :D:D:D







    TEN YARDS... hope you allowed for windage and elevation my boy :lol::lol:


    Seriously well done, you certainly did do your homework and after all the questions deserved the result. :blink: Looking forward to hearing about your next one.


    :blink: D2D

  15. Sometimes your insurance company will pay for the repair , then bill his insurance company for the money, which means you are making a claim.

    so make sure your excess is passed on to him. :blink:




    Others may be able to confirm this but If you successfully reclaim your excess from the third party then your insurance cannot hold you liable and load your premium next renewal. :lol:


    When you shop around for quotes all insurance companies will all ask if you have had any fault claims, and if you were repaid your excess or didnt have to pay any excess then you can truthfully answer NO and save a packet. This becomes vital after the first year as NCD builds up and the discount grows. :lol:


    If you have not already taken out Legal Protection with your motor insurance its a good thing to have as not all claims are as simple as this, and for what it costs, less than £20 its good value and peace of mind. :no:


    :blink: D2D

  16. I was coming up to T junction this morning turning right,a car drove straight out the guy never looked left once,the front wheel of my car drove well in i got it home ok but it,s not driveable,the guy has admitted responsability no probs,his insurance company is fixing my car hire car etc. do i insist on or have to get original parts my car is still under warranty for 1year :blink:.thanks for any help



    Hi you dont say what make of car but if I were you I would insist that my car was repaired by a main dealership, as its not your fault and your not paying for it the cost is of no consequence.

    A main dealer will warrant their repairs to a higher standard that independant bodyshops cannot, if rust appears later, paint colour isnt matched, or a body panel is not aligned correctly you have a redress with a maindealer.


    As already mentioned dont be persuaded to go to a backstreet repairer or to accept a sum of money in settlement its suprising how what appears to be a simple bonnet repair becomes a complete front end when its stripped down, too many young people get ripped off through inexperience, good luck.


    :blink: D2D

  17. you packing in then? :lol:

    SADLY - having been caught with my trousers down so to speak I have left the marital home and moved into a mobile home on a farm. Shotgun security is an issue in a mobile so will be selling all my shotgun / pigeon stuff and moving down to air rifles for a little while to avoid a midnight visit from old bill! Moral of the story is if you want to continue enjoying your pigeon shooting keep your zip done up or don't get caught!







    Sorry to hear that, was there a few years back :blink: , but sense prevailed and all came well again, as I sincerly hope it does for you..... Everyone jokes about the male meno, but its not good news if it strikes :lol:


    :blink: D2D

  18. All this talk of washing line poles, copper pipe and vice squashing>>>>>>>>


    Get some money spent and buy the real thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Waste of money, been using Wilkinsons poles now for some time and they do the job at a fraction of the cost, anyway who says what is, and what is not "the real thing", they do the job what more do you want??


    :stupid: D2D

  19. this is a fascinating thread....it has everything.....good advice......smart **** comments.....high horseness.... learning possiblities.....funny posts...miss the point postings....and as said most miss the point and go off on a tangent.....I read it as I" i would like some info but I would not shoot unless I was very certain of a kill". All this about patterns, loads, oil cans etc are interesting......I find chucking a half house brick from 3 yards the best load of all.







    Glad your enjoying the show DFB, thats what its all about, a melting pot of opinions and experience,

    your probably right with the house brick :lol::P


    :lol: D2D

  20. i had been thinking of taking the shotgun down to get one of these crows for days. Becuse usally all the crows roosting in our fields fly off before the quad even entered the field but this one stayed so finally got round to taking the gun down, i got the other one on the way back to :lol: Thats two less weve got loads round here.




    Hi DE, interesting post but where is "round here" your profile has no info.


    Makes it even more interesting if we knew what part of the country you were talking about.


    Alot of newcomers don,t fill in their background profiles ... if you don,t then you wont get a "Happy Birthday" :lol:


    :sly: D2D

  21. Just wanted to say im so existed with the text message I got from the farmer that I have "shooting rights" over!

    (PS not shooting the farmer lol) ;) B)


    Last year I said to him: You should sow peas, because its mayhem for the pigeons!

    And he replied: Hmmm not sure, but maybe ill give it a go some time.


    Today I did send him a text message asking what he was sowing, and he said Peas and wheat!!!

    Just can’t wait until the 20 August (season opening for hunting)


    BTW guys, I have never shoot over peas before. Does anyone have any tips for me?

    Or is it straight forward like any other grain?


    As I don’t know much about peas... just that it’s the pigeon favoritte, can the pigeons hit the field before the peas are done for harvesting?


    What part of the peas do they eat? (Maybe a stupid question) but I mean do they also eat the plant or just the peas inside?



    Just wanted to say im so existed with the text message I got from the farmer that I have "shooting rights" over!

    (PS not shooting the farmer lol) :lol::P


    Last year I said to him: You should sow peas, because its mayhem for the pigeons!

    And he replied: Hmmm not sure, but maybe ill give it a go some time.


    Today I did send him a text message asking what he was sowing, and he said Peas and wheat!!!

    Just can’t wait until the 20 August (season opening for hunting)


    BTW guys, I have never shoot over peas before. Does anyone have any tips for me?

    Or is it straight forward like any other grain?


    As I don’t know much about peas... just that it’s the pigeon favoritte, can the pigeons hit the field before the peas are done for harvesting?


    What part of the peas do they eat? (Maybe a stupid question) but I mean do they also eat the plant or just the peas inside?






    Hi Kikkan, one of the best times for shooting over peas is when they are first sown, also when they are harvested, because of spillages and poor seed planting, some of the peas get left on the surface and for a couple of days the pigeons provide excellent sport until it is cleared up. It would be good if you had the date or timing of the harvesting so that you could prepare.


    Nice to hear from you and good luck.


    :good: D2D

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