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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. I am starting to fill the form in but asks how many rounds will i need to purchase how many do i want to store in house etc etc etc :oops:?:lol:?:lol:?:lol:??? i am thinking of a .22 firerarm for rabbits on my newly aquired farm. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Hi Mosa,

    The usual in Kent for .22 appears to be 250 in hand and buy 200 at a time, it works well enough, but there are always a few more around !! :unsure:


    If you add another 50 to each they can only knock you back.


    :good: D2D

  2. Hello there thanks for all who replied about skinning a rabbit. I now need to know what to do with the skin. I have removed it and just nailed it stretched out on my fence, not sure if i shold have done this. Please help as i need to convert this into a dummy :unsure:


    Hi Mosa,

    Rub loads of salt into the "wet" side every day for a week and keep screwing it up in your hands to prevent it going hard, peg it out to dry, repeat this every day and you should end up with a nice supple pelt.


    To make a training dummy get some hession sacking and tie it into a sausage roll shape with a throwing toggle sticking out from one end, just smaller than the size of dummy you want to end up with, obviously smaller for a pups first dummy, tie the finished pelt around the hessian dummy it doesnt have to cover the dummy just enough to get the idea across, you might have enough to make one larger weighted dummy and a small one to start off with?

    Good luck.


    :good: D2D

  3. Hi Guys


    The fitter at work has just about finished the magnet he is making for me so i need to get a speed controller any ideas or a link to where i can get my hands on one ??








    Hi Rayo, Im keeping the one I have for a future project, but it came from Magtame, Tony Cooper on 01277 899591 current price £19.95 plus postage or realtree camo £24.95 plus post.

    Its a good unit and very small, good luck with the rotary.


    :good: D2D

  4. i have a nine month old cocker bitch and a 5 month old cocker dog.

    one of them continues to hoowl none stop from 4.30 every morning ( i suspect it is the 4 month old ).

    it has now got to the point that the neighbors are complaining , has anyone any advice or tips as how to stop

    it or even try to reduce it.i have tried getting up from bed and walking the dog pup but as soon as i am back and the dog is back in the run it starts again.it decides to shut up at about 7 - 7.30 am. all advice - tips would be greatly appreciated




    Are you able to keep the dogs in a completely dark (blacked out) kennel so they dont know the sun has come up until you are ready to let them out in the morning?


    Do you feed them first thing in the morning? If so they may be trying to"wag your tail" by howling to get you to bring their food earlier?


    Either way I hope you get it sorted soon before the council get a noise complaint. :good:


    :good: D2D

  5. Hi Dec, there is an insurance element attatched to an HPI check, if they say its clear of debt and not been a write off etc etc. and it later turns out that the report is incorrect then you will get paid out,

    For £2k plus its worth every penny to get a history, esp as its a Fourtrack, as said before shop around to get it cheaper but my advice would be to get one as its a private sale, before you part with your hard earned cash.


    ??? D2D

  6. wanting to pick up a fourtrak tomorow, and i've just tried do do a hpi check, £40 :lol: whats all that about. how do traders go on checking every vehicle that comes through the gates???


    anyone know off a cheaper way to check the history???



    Hi,Depends on the value of the vehicle , I have used HPI many times and its surprising what it turns up ??? , money well spent, if you dont know and want the full rundown I will PM you, dont want to bore the pants off t,others. ???


    ??? D2D

  7. Went fishing today and enjoyed it so much I'm going to take it up.


    Though I don't have any kit. Anyone recommend somewhere online to get the kit from?


    Thanks ???



    Hi if you just want to get hold of some basic kit to start with then Lidle take some beating, excellent lures.


    ??? D2D

  8. This is the land I'm allowed to shoot on, I use a shotgun there at the moment. I own 3 .22lr rifles for target shooting and would like to use them on this land and probably a .223 or similar for foxes. A mate of mine uses his .22 on the same land though I think he's got a (cant remmember what they're called) free/open? certificate so I don't think the land's been "approved" as such by the police.


    It's about 1.5 miles long and just over a mile wide (at it's widest point). Yes there are two public footpaths on it but from what I can make out as long as I can convince the fao that I won't be shooting towards them, the roads or any houses. I should be alright. What do you guys think? and any advise please?





    Hi FW when you apply ask for a mod at the same time, essential kit, does your mate shoot with one on the land at the moment?

    IMO the only way forward is on the grounds of vermin control and if you can get the shoot manager to write you a letter confirming that you will be helping the shoot as well as the farmer I think you will be there.

    An open ticket should follow after 12 months or so, the CF comes later when you have a proven safety record but I very much doubt you will get it for the land shown with the A46 so close, good luck with your application.


    ??? D2D

  9. It might be a farce but at least you are still alive.




    Well done and enjoy, I was what you would call a born again biker, I passed in the 60,s and had most of the classic Brit bikes finishing with a 650cc Bonny, I thought that was pretty fast ??? THEN when the mid life bug hit me I thought why not have another bike....... you know the story Im sure, more money than sense.


    But I did the sensible thing and took a 5 part refresher course starting with a humble 125cc and ending with a half day group ride with 6 of us on different bikes changing periodically, the best I found was a Fireblade, could that go.....


    Anyway for my sins I bought a 1340cc Harley Wideglide not fast but a good ride, I had It upgraded usual Mikuni carb, Hi lift cam and Siamese pipes it will do 108 mph two up which is plenty quick enough on what is basically a tractor engine according to all you young lads :lol: (HD = Hardly Dangerous))


    Enjoy the bike and watch out for the black stuff :P


    ??? D2D

    You didn't ride through canterbury on saturday did you? Load of HD hells angel types rode through past millmead sports centre.



    No, that is probably an open day at Robinsons Foundry, I dropped out of Invicta Hog years ago, too many posers and most up their own backsides, I prefer to ride out with a few mates. :P


    ??? D2D

  10. I would be inclined to say as long as his garden is suitable then I don't think there is any specific legislation like with a FAC where the ground needs to be cleared first. Although I imagine he could be deemed to be breaching the peace or another similar piece of legislation.



    Hi Dan, if you have an open ticket the ground is ok to shoot over if you deem it safe.


    ??? D2D

  11. It might be a farce but at least you are still alive.




    Well done and enjoy, I was what you would call a born again biker, I passed in the 60,s and had most of the classic Brit bikes finishing with a 650cc Bonny, I thought that was pretty fast ??? THEN when the mid life bug hit me I thought why not have another bike....... you know the story Im sure, more money than sense.


    But I did the sensible thing and took a 5 part refresher course starting with a humble 125cc and ending with a half day group ride with 6 of us on different bikes changing periodically, the best I found was a Fireblade, could that go.....


    Anyway for my sins I bought a 1340cc Harley Wideglide not fast but a good ride, I had It upgraded usual Mikuni carb, Hi lift cam and Siamese pipes it will do 108 mph two up which is plenty quick enough on what is basically a tractor engine according to all you young lads ??? (HD = Hardly Dangerous))


    Enjoy the bike and watch out for the black stuff :lol:


    ??? D2D

  12. If you go for a Land Rover you will be walking a lot ,as they always breakdown. ??? Stay well clear unless you have a large wallet. ???



    Cant agree with you there, I have had a few series 2 & 3 and now a Defender 300tdi and touch wood no problems but its all down to regular servicing and preventive maint.

    Mine have always been worked hard but not abused, one 4x4 I have had and hated was the 2.8 Fourtrack, that was a juicy so and so, it always wanted the tank filled before going anywhere :lol:


    ??? D2D

  13. Been offered one of these by a friend, but im still looking around for something and im after a first car. I cant stand normal cars after being a biker, I need something enjoyable and ''different'' to drive. Not after a big guzzler either.


    Does anyone know anything about the SJ, have you owned or used one?


    Thanks! :lol:



    Hi hunter, the SJ410 was my first 4x4, it was a good reliable vehicle and cheap to run and insure.I changed it for a 1300cc, because I found the 998cc engine underpowered and max speed 55mph.

    Watch out for rust on the spring hangers, lift the rear loadspace mat you can see the area where the springs are fixed underneath this is a good indication because rust will show here, its also a good idea to ask for a new mot with it, if its your first vehicle you dont want a lot of trouble when it does need an mot.

    Beware of any 4x4 that has been chopped about or used for offroad activities, serious shooters vehicles should be ok, most of us love our 4x4,s. :yes:


    :lol: D2D

  14. Right, so its a feral pigeon on one side and a crow with one wing on the other :yes:



    We are looking forward to the outcome tomorrow, keep us posted ;)


    :lol: D2D



    Lefty must still be sitting out in the fields watching the Crow and the Feral go round and round.......and round

    Someone had better go bring him in :lol::lol:


    :lol: D2D

  15. are you sure that the horizontal crosshair is exatly parralel with the ground?



    Hi yes, also took it to gunshop who confirmed problem with collimater.

    Just curious to see if it a problem that could be put right easily.


    :yes: D2D

  16. haha not much experience in rearing game. yes ok mate, only reared about 60,000 birds last summer working on a gamefarm. now an underkeeper rearing about 16,000 birds.


    and what am i meant to say you cant do alot more than 'look' when your watching TV....




    Yes righto......... worlds full of I done this and I done that


    :good: D2D

  17. they didnt show the foxes being shot so how do you know that he didnt have a safe backstop ?




    If you read the post properly I said from what we were shown.

    You obviously havnt had much involvement in rearing game or you would know better than to say they didnt "look" any more stressed than using scissors.


    :good: D2D

  18. Anyone going to watch this on Thursday, Channel 4 at 21.00.


    It is about legislation and how it impacts on countryside life.


    I think there is a bit of shooting included in it aswell.



    I did wonder about the backdrop when they were lamping the Fox with a .243, all I saw was the lights of the "new sports centre " some distance away over some very flat land?

    It was interesting to see the way they "clipped" the poults wings, we have always used HD scissors, they just yanked them out, how stressfull must that be? :lol:

    Also the hunt fleshmans method of skinning the calves, very quick and came off cleanly.


    :good: D2D

    you realy did miss the point of the program sounds as if its way over your head d2d??


    back stop my bottom he was on a farm he has farmed for 9 years he knows what hes on !!


    also any animal is easy skinned when freeshly killed

    i have skinned many dead lambs and can vouch for that




    Thats a bit strong Kirky, From what we were shown the land would not have passed with my FAO, my reference to the skinning was the use of a vehicle to drag the skin off the carcass, and no it was not "way over my head" as you put it. :D

    I have lived in a farming community all my life and know only too well what is happening.


    B) D2D

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