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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Anyone going to watch this on Thursday, Channel 4 at 21.00.


    It is about legislation and how it impacts on countryside life.


    I think there is a bit of shooting included in it aswell.



    I did wonder about the backdrop when they were lamping the Fox with a .243, all I saw was the lights of the "new sports centre " some distance away over some very flat land?

    It was interesting to see the way they "clipped" the poults wings, we have always used HD scissors, they just yanked them out, how stressfull must that be? B)

    Also the hunt fleshmans method of skinning the calves, very quick and came off cleanly.


    :good: D2D

  2. yes i did

    was a good program and showed it as it is






    Yes I agree it was a good program, I bet it has opened a few eyes, I had to pass the tissues at one point even though shes a country girl B)


    :good: D2D

  3. Went out tonight for an hour to see if i could get a couple of pigeon for the magnet on saturday. All i managed was 2 crows and a bl$%^y feral pigeon :good:


    Is it worth putting a feral on a magnet or shall i just bung it over the hedge??



    I would have thought that any pigeon feeding or appearing to have discovered a good place to eat will bring in others, after all they do mix when feeding, try it and let us know so we dont waste our time as well :D


    B) D2D

  4. Hi, I have a problem with a Simmons Scope, it will not zero, when using a Tasco shot saver it shows that the windage is climbing diagonally instead of horizontally, any thoughts? :good:

    Has anyone come across this before? What is causing it?




    B) D2D

  5. i was having a bit of a sort out..& came across a couple of old pink floyd albums..the wall( every one has) & delicate sound of thunder..


    wow..the memories they brought back, from 79-90's ,the good ol' days on the cycle, plenty of party's ,girls & great sounds..


    sure brought the hairs on ma back up!! niiiiiiiiiiiiiice.. :lol:


    what a sound!!!!!!!! :good:




    We went to see Floyd at Earls Court last time round and yes completely blown away, brought it all back grown men were crying.......


    Whist we are on the subject of the good times did any of you go to see Hendrix last gig at Freshwater Isle of Wight, would have been very early 70,s from memory?

    They coudnt bake enough bread to feed us all (thousands upon thousands) and everything was in very short supply or running out, one morning there was a mass exodus to the sea, everyone was naked, :lol: good days.............showing my vintage now :D:lol:


    B) D2D



    Well cared for Anschutz 525 .22lr semi auto rifle,


    threaded for mod, end cap, TWO 10 shot metal mags, sling and slip.


    Face to face with FAC or will post to RFD .......£195


    Parker Hale moderator and Pecar (Berlin) 4x81 lowlight scope and mounts available.


    Google "Anschutz 525" for all info pics etc.



    Based Kent but could meet half way.


    :good: D2D

  7. :)-->

    QUOTE(steve b @ May 2 2007, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    I am a sgc and fac holder in kent have put in for .17 hmr on same land (5000 acres west kent) I put in for it on 22nd jan and still not had it back although it has been approved it is madness as i have now run out of ammo for my .22lr, it should not take this long though madness



    Hi Steve I come under the same Firearms office as you, I waited 3 weeks and then called them and complained, they said it was there in front of them but I was in a pile!!!

    I called my FAO and explained that I needed the cert back pronto to get new rifle waiting at dealers, as lambing was well under way, I had it back 2 days later. This was as addition with mod.

    If I were you I would complain as I did, It shoudnt have taken this long, best of luck.


    :good: D2D

  8. Hi just bought a parker hale moderator but was in two minds as to go for this or the logan moderator. Which is the better. The parker hale is still under guarantee from the shop if i didnt like it i can take it back :good: . iv got a falcon fn 19. any ideas/advice would be great.






    Hi I have had the same Parker Hale fitted to a succession of .22 RF rifles and it has been very reliable it is very easy to strip, clean and reassemble.

    Someone mentioned it being heavy but I dont think so, it also fits easily in your pocket as its so slim. Hope this helps.


    :good: D2D

  9. The mods on here did not remove the link to the clip ! I myself removed the link as some have pointed out that some of the shots looked unsafe and to be honest looking back at the clip some of the shots do .But to be fair the place where the cam was set very low to the ground you can,t see the lay of the land .




    Sorry Mods, the situation was not as it appeared. Members kept a little in the dark by both sides? :oops:

    Father always said "believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see"

    Good advice but didnt help here though did it? :oops:


    B) D2D

  10. hi there, anyone know of anywhere that i can get some cheap springs for making larsen traps??


    cheers tom B)



    Hi Tomo, I thought I saw some in a BASC mag recently, If you dont have it I could dig it out for you maybe?


    :oops: D2D

  11. Hello there ive just bought a semi auto. Do you put 1st cartridge in barrel then next 2 in bottom?:lol:? cheers!!! ;):good::lol:






    Hi mosa, buy yourself an "autosafe" to use at clay grounds, if you havnt already got one.

    I put one up the spout and four in the tube on mine, good fun and deadly on a flock of woodies.


    :good: D2D

  12. :good:


    But he does have a very nice website :lol::lol::good:



    Come one mods now you've removed his website




    Mods, ten members including me have asked you to reinstate this posting, by ignoring our requests you are not acting in our best interests, it should be left up to the majority to decide what is fit material, we all have an input and we would very soon tell you by public posting if we thought anything should be removed. ;)


    Please refer to the "Village Sniper Removed" posting, members made their feelings quite clear on the subject of overmodding. :lol:


    So come on let us make our own minds up, run a poll and you will see if the majority feel that your decision to remove the post was valid.


    :lol: D2D

  13. Had a fright this week when the dog went missing for 24 hours. Ive decided to have her chipped and also considering buying a collar.

    I dont like collars generally and I dont like the idea of collars getting caught in undergrowth and hedges etc.

    Shes not a working dog but all around us are fields and hedges and woods.

    Is there a kind of collar that will release with pressure perhaps?


    Cant decide whether to get one or not.

    Any thoughts guys?






    Hi Mack, when you fit your collar tag dont put your dogs name on it, it could lead to complications should someone find your dog and take a fancy to keeping it, the police would have to make a decision maybe based on who the dog went to when called, but a chip is the best way forward.


    I just put our phone number on one side and postcode on the other, never lost any so hope never to have to go through the "not knowing" bit if they disappeared. :good:


    :lol: D2D

  14. I removed it earlier, I should have sent a PM to the original poster- I usually do if I pull a topic- sorry. Had presentation for my finals this afternoon so wasn't 100% concentrating on pw. That said, the video was removed for the same reasons as when it was posted the first time. Bearing in mind the recent shootings, and also taking into account that this is a shooting site. It doesn't look great if people are chuckling over a video supposedly of people getting shot.




    Yeah, right! Do you think that members of political parties were band from laughing at 'Yes Minister' or 'Spiting Image'?




    The humour wasn't in the shooting, it was in the PC bloody reaction of the cretinous population of this country. A population that - and I hope you take notice of this bit - care far more about 'how' their views are perceived, than they do about 'what' their views actually represent.




    I may not be free to say what I think, but I am free to think it. And believe me, I am thinking it.



    A fair enough comment and I believe that if the decision to remove a post , not via PM complaints, but by public postings were left to the majority of members, then common sense and decency would prevail, and we would all know what was happening, there really is no need for "over modding" :lol: as some describe it.


    :good: D2D

  15. i would just go for body shots on magpies as they are a really fragile bird, you hardly need to touch them and its lights out, They are that fragile your pellets will still pass right through the body and out the other-side (even .22). Unlike pigeons which are real tuff cookies. :good:




    If you are patient and can wait til the pigeon has its back to you the pellet will go up under the feathers easily, but as AC says they are tough cookies against the wing feathers, if you are stalking them in trees try the same approach, from below and behind for a killing shot.


    Well done Cupraman, another Magpie out of the way... if everyone of us shot a couple of magpies now maybe we could make a difference to the songbird population?


    :lol: D2D

  16. Although I didn't remove it, I can imagine it was removed for the same reasons it was removed the last time it was posted.


    For every post made supporting such items, we receive many more PM's objecting to them and asking that they be removed.


    If there is a group of like minded souls that like that sort of thing, why not email each other the links and keep it off the Forum..




    But if like me it, or any post come to it ,was missed first time around, and is not reposted how will I/we see it,.. ...

    O learned one? ;)


    :good: D2D

  17. I got 'busted' by the Mods for posting the same video on here several months ago. The furore when I posted the vid was due to the Amish school shootings. I can bet that the Mods will have deemed the vid tasteless now, (in part?) due to the Virginia Tech shootings......



    I didnt realise the video had been posted a few months before, but I still stand by what I said, the content in my personal opinion is not offensive and as Tommy Trucker points out in his postings, which some of the more squemish will find borderline, you dont have to watch it,

    But PLEASE mods give us the opportunity to make our own judgements and should objections be received from members then would be the time to remove any borderline posts, not automatically because it just might upset us poor sensitive souls :good:


    ;) D2D

  18. Hi when I logged on about 30mins ago there was a posting which was serious, yet presented in an amusing way, certainly not offensive yet it has been removed, please tell me and the rest of us why?? :good:


    I am all for removing offensive posts, porn etc :good: but this post contained both serious and amusing material relevent to all our interests,

    there have recently been several comments made on the forum concerning over modding and this removal highlights the concerns voiced recently, maybe the post was taken in a political vein :good: which would make the decision to remove it even more unpalateable to the majority of members.


    So come on now explaination please :good:


    ;) D2D

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