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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Excellent post and result with Rats, I hate them with a passion, good to see you have restricted the ends of your tunnels to exclude our friend Mr. Tiggywinkle.


    Most important thing to remember is always, always wear gloves and then keep those gloves out of the way, rats pee everywhere and its not nice if you have a cut or graze on your hands.


    Rats are intelligent, before long the survivors will figure out that the tunnels are bad news (they will see their buds in the traps), when this happens leave the tunnels in place baited but remove the traps for a week, keep baiting, after they have resumed feeding THEN put the traps back in the tunnels.


    Nasty, dirty, things keep it up!!


    Rgds D2D

  2. Cheers lads, the camera is a sony DCR-SR36 I bought it just before xmas when they had an offer on,

    at the time it was just under £200 fairly good value i thought,

    the range well its a long way :hmm: i use a laser range finder then dial in on the scope,

    the rifle is a .223 shooting 75gr bullet.

    I will be using it a lot more this summer so watch this space.




    So what was the range you dialled in?


    Rgds D2D

  3. What is the youngest you would start whistle training?


    Are there specific toots peeps you should use for certain commands or is that down to preference.


    We have been training out Rhodesian to return on 2 sharp peeps (treat based obviously) am i starting to young?


    I don't want to start something that will eventually hamper me and him later on



    My advice is to get yourself a decent training book specific to your breed, before you possibly instil anything you may later regret.


    Rgds D2D

  4. I use two different whistles 1 for each dog. both mine are Springers and 1 is on a 210.5 and the other 211.5 and it seems to work.


    Cheers :good:



    I did this on a pair of Labs I trained myself and could stop and redirect either of them quite easily.


    Non dogmen were always amazed on shoots to see them working with so little effort from me..... yes I was extremely chuffed with them.


    Rgds D2D.

  5. Stuart,

    You can pay top dollar and get


    I have one and it works really well :good:


    But how about a Pigeon Magnet Speed Controller???

    I think it will work in the same way. :lol:

    Control the power = control the rotation/ brightness


    Alot cheaper but a bit bulkier.





    If like me you use the Deben in-line dimmer and change to more reliable and less bulky connections, be VERY sure to connect it up with the correct polarity or it will cease to function forever!!


    I use the in-line dimmer rigged up with my hand held 170, using the auto wiring bullet and socket push in connectors, it works a treat.


    Rgds D2D

  6. The countyside has to contend with enough litter without plastic wads laying around for eternity, they look awful, stock can choke on them and they just dont go away. We all pick up our cases but rarely can we find the plastic wads.


    We seem to live in an age now that everyday we hear, or read of some new law being introduced usually via the back door in the small hours, banning this or taxing that, imo its about time someone banned the use of plastic wads for use other than on registered clay grounds.


    This obviously is my personal opinion but perhaps others are likeminded and if we, the users/shooters, did not buy them then just maybe the dealers would be prepared stock more felt wadded loads to choose from, my local supplier offers just a very small choice.


    Lets have some opinions would you prefer to use only felt wads on your ground?


    Rgds D2D.

  7. I have been granted permission to hunt with a rifle on 1200 hectares of land, some i can drive around and get close with my 4 x 4 however there is one group of fields that i cannot drive a 4 x 4 in due to crop damage and lanes are designed for a tractor gauge not 4 x 4 gauge. This being the case anyone got any tips on carrying large quantities of rabbits.


    Carry as described, evenly balanced on a pole/thumbstick, if you,ve had a good session lol.


    Dont forget to piddle them before you work on them or it can run down your back, just hold the rabbit in your hand on its back and run your thumb down its belly to expell the wee.


    Rgds and happy hunting D2D.

  8. I have an MTC Viper 6-24 x 56 on my .223 and having some really annoying experiences with it, similar to those described.


    Thinking about it, it has never performed well using a 170 on the scope. Even holding the lamp in my left hand I still have problems.


    I have experienced the precise eyeball position scenario as well, in fact I am about to replace it with the S&B currently on my .17 hmr.


    Personally I would not recommend the scope based on my experience. :good:


    Happy to discuss the scope further with other owners via pm.


    Rgds D2D

  9. i went to a working test today with jake my lab and got a third place out of 56 dogs :blink: :lol:



    very well done, now concentrate on where you lost the points and next time aim to be second lol.


    Over the years I got lots of places, second, third or forth most outings, but never the top spot, I just could not get it :good:


    Getting an award is one of the best feelings and makes all that training worthwhile.


    As I said well done and keep it up. :hmm:


    Rgds D2D

  10. Hi Kaz, Warlock, Johnyboy


    Thanks for the replies. Well I am hopng to get my gun this week or at least in the week. Depends on how my work shift end up really.


    After I have got my shot gun I will be looking for some land to shoot on... from what I hear its pretty hard to find any land that is available especially here in Kent.


    Does any one know where I can get a list of all the creatures that are considered as Vemin.. I know basic things like Rats, Mice are Vermin, but are pigeons classed as Vermin? Do you reuire a licence to shoot them apart from the SGC and the permission from the land owner.


    Are there only certain things we can shoot at with shot guns?


    I am hopefully soon aquiring my F.A.C so will be able to add things like .22 etc


    I will also be going to a few of the clubs to shoot at Clays as well. Maybe I will bump into you soon.







    Words fail me :good:



  11. Autos are great for fun but if it was my good name and reputation on the line it would have to be a bolt action.


    However, if you want a project for the winter evenings buy yourself a 10.22 to fettle with and a bolt action to use : it's what I did


    I have to agree with the first line, if it were me I,d go for a cz 452 bolt anyday over a semi auto.


    I owned a semi .22 Anschutz 525, from new It would not give reliable groups, it frustrated me so much I passed it on. Since then I use a cz and it is super accurate, I shoot maybe more than most, lamping several nights a week and it has never missed a beat.


    Recently I did have a yearning for another semi, a 10/22, so I tried several(4) at our club using a bipod on a 50m range, went off the idea rapidly as none of them could reliably better a 10round 4" group ( some may poo poo this, but I tried AND I can shoot :good: ) unable therefore to perform anywhere as good as the bolt action with which using a bipod I can achieve 10rounds in 1/2" allday.


    As said later in the thread as a fun gun, but imo not as a tool to do a job efficiently.


    Rgds D2D

  12. Hi All


    I am having trouble with my .22lr plastic clip , every third or so shot it feeds the round far too high so that it doesnt load into the chamber and requires a bit of fiddling by hand to load the round .... I tried 2 of my mates metal clips today in my gun and they were fine , so wondered where I can buy a new clip and how much they are ? (Rifle is a CZ Style 452)




    Drewrix :good:


    Sometimes problems can arise because the mags are left permanently loaded which weakens the spring, perhaps causing problems with smooth presentation of the rounds into the breech.


    If you are offered used mags always test them before you part with the cash.


    I prefer the plastic 10 round mags having more to get hold of when changing mags with gloves on, I keep the original 5 shot mag in my pocket loaded with HV for charlie!


    Rgds D2D

  13. what are they mate,


    cheers, lee


    Am I correct in thinking they can be used in alarm mines?


    I have a few of these, they can fire via a tripwire a blank 12g and also flares that can be seen for miles.


    Rgds D2D

  14. While it may seem an excessive bag, if the Hares were not there they could not be shot. The largest amount of Hares I have seen was in Cambridgeshire on the Six mile bottom shoot. Without looking for them we must have risen over 50 in one day.


    It might be an idea though if they stopped the Hare shoots at the end of the season and caught up the excess Hares for relocation to areas that have a shortage of them. I am sure there would be no shortage of volunteers for the exercise.


    I would be interested in the legal point of view on this as Hares are game, and as such can be released.




    My thoughts exactly, they are a rarity around here and I have not seen that many that a few more would be a problem.


    Will read the rest of the thread in the morning, hopefully someone has the answer to the legalities of a Hare catch and release exercise.


    Rgds D2D

  15. Had an excellent start to the day, first shot a Squirrel with the .22rf off the side of the nut feeder at the bottom of the garden,


    then half an hour later shot a Carrion Crow :unsure: feeding on the Squirrel.... methinks I will leave the Squirrel where it is for a day or two!


    Rgds D2D

  16. Hi folks this is a 1970 edition of the book in very good condition.

    Open to offers

    410 Phil


    I think you have to state a price, according to forum rules.


    Several copies have passed through these pages if you need a guide price pm me I have sold quite a few books on here.


    Anyone not familier with the book it contains loads of info and is highly regarded by pigeon shooters.


    Rgds D2D

  17. Got my FAC back today with the nice addition of 243 rifle and sound moderator :wacko: Need to start saving now hehe :blink:



    While I am genuinely pleased for you, I cant help thinking that just maybe premature applications contribute to the excessive backlog and waiting times suffered in some counties by shooters who are ready and able to proceed, and in some cases need the firearms for work purposes.


    Not having a go at you personally, perhaps the issuing firearms depts should ask the question and prioritize the applications.


    I was really hacked off recently when my cert was away for the addition of a .17 and I was running out of .22 ammo during a really busy lamping period despite fully stocking up before sending the cert off. It had been 2 months, then I ranted down the phone about rabbits eating us out of house and home :unsure:


    I got it back within the week.


    Anyway said my bit and hope you get your .243 soon.


    Rgds D2D

  18. bin feeding my ferrets dry cat food and raw chicken , can i feed them pigeon if so do i need to take the fethers off and gut them any advice ;)


    Just dont fed them Rabbit in the fur :good:


    Rgds D2D

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