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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Some years ago I had a Subaru Legacy estate keyed badly in Sainsbury's car park, I think that was because I had two BASC stickers in the window.


    I reported it to the police, just to get a crime number for the Insurance Company, I didn't expect them to find out who did it.






    I wonder how long it will be before the insurance companies start to refuse claims on the basis that the display of BASC or similar stickers would be deemed to invite trouble and vandalism.


    I have them on my Defender but not on the family car.


    Maybe its already in the small print?


    :good: D2D

  2. just a wee update the dog is now fine with the gun being raised the treats and praise really brung her on she dosent cower now she dosent flinch one bit shes happy enough about the gun she has been like this for 4 days now so what id like to know should i give another week of walking about with the gun raiseing it and more praise or is she ready to introduce the gunfire at a distance and work my way in to her





    Thats what we all like to hear, a happy ending to what could have developed into a very difficult problem.


    Something to be aware of when taking on young or inexperienced dogs.


    :good: D2D

  3. Just a side note for any of you that ride/drive in Essex - their bike squad is back in action. I got pulled yesterday on the Blade by a copper on a Pan European. To be fair, the guy was very good and gave me a verbal warning, (well before he asked for ID BTW). That's what's wrong with these bloomin cameras and things - no discretion :D







    You obviously didnt see him coming up behind you :yes: or you could have shown him the way home :lol:


    I had one when they first came on the market , excellent ride :good::lol:


    :lol: D2D


    I'm pretty nervous last sunday I was driving down the m3 and they have new average speed cameras. Needless to say I only noticed the 2nd one, and am not sure what my speed was for the stretch. The limit was 50mph though, apparently they must issue a ticket with 14 days- after that you're safe, so another week to sweat it out.




    Relax,.. if you went with the flow and drove at a steady speed you have nothing to worry about, but if you drove like a Loon....... :P


    :good: D2D

  4. Around my girlfriends place they are over run with magpies, you can regularly see them in multiple groups of 5 or more, they already have a trap, but its old, tired and slightly rotten, it also springs both sides every times a bird is caught, reducing chances of catching another.


    A local shooting/feed place wants over £100 for a wooden made one - I reckon some 2x1 batten and some chicken wire and i can make one myself for under £20.


    So has anyone got any plans/pictures/good ways to make a good wooden trap that will last? Are there any designs that are better than others?


    Look forward to some replies, Sam :good:



    You have PM.


    :good: D2D

  5. just be careful what you do as if the lad or lads who are poaching are a bad bunch it could bring trouble to your door i know lads who where lamping on land without permisson the farmer called the police and when the police arrived and caught them 2 of the lads had there guns taken off them and had there FAC revoked but several nites later the farmer had all his cars , tractors sheds etc set on fire not hard to know who was involved , this farmer suffered years of torment gates left open and cows and sheep left to run onto the roads into other crop fields etc fence cut down all other sorts of things ,so just be careful what way you handle it :good:




    Sad to say but thats what normally follows, its not a new thing either, historically some form of retribution is always suffered by the resident landowner if he protests or even takes the law into his own hands, it is far wiser to let the police deal with it and stand back.


    :good: D2D

  6. dirty plates work well, so did we pop in for tea at coventry :good:




    Dirty plates, obscured or wrongly spaced lettering will all earn you a fixed penalty and 3 points in the post if the camera identifies the vehicle, is it really worth it? :lol:


    The average distance cameras are always working, they do not require any attention as do Gatso cams.


    The cameras that annoy me are the variable speed jobbies on the M25 everyone blasts up to them at 90 mph then brake at the last minute to go through at the set speed. :good:


    Its not until renewal time comes round that you will realise that not only do you get penalised for speeding but the insurance company "fine "you as well for points on the licence, taint fair is it? :good:


    :good: D2D

  7. Hi,


    We've been off on our Easter holidays this week so I thought I would make a short video to go on Bebo for the fieldsportsmen on there. :drinks: (and to annoy the antis a tiny wee bit :lol: )


    What does everyone on here think about it? VIDEO


    Mods please feel free to move if you deem it to be in the incorrect place. :lol:


    FM :lol:



    Nice shot of "patch" terrier coming up for air :lol: good effort, we need more like you.


    B) D2D

  8. went lamping last night managed 3 before my m8 decided to hock 1 of the rabbits he never done it before so pased him my knife pushed it through the leg straight into his finger was an impresive cut blood all over the place id just sharpend it aswell could see fat n tendons so called it a night of he went for some stitchs :blush: heres 2 of the 3 rabbits



    Were you shooting over Watership Down, always wondered what happened to that black rabbit. :good:


    :stupid: D2D

  9. I would have liked to, but of course would not.


    As far as wanton acts of vandalism go it's a goodun and near the top of the list.


    If I won the Euro Millions I could quite easily see me, the lads, a few beers, a few page 3 girls, the guns out and the local model aircraft club running for the hills.




    I didnt think for a moment that any responsible shooter would do such a dastardly deed :blush:

    Think about yes, be tempted yes, but not actually be mean enough to do it.


    We had a model airplane flyer once booked for a summer shoot barbie and his thing was to tow plastic water bottles, with a large fin slotted into the back of them for stability, about 5 yds behind the plane, it looked like a barrage balloon, apparently he made it a part time business out of it and if we had shot the plane the bill would have been upward of £200.


    :stupid: D2D

  10. I was out for the day on saturday, picked a nice spot middle of no where on a large acreage of OSR. Been watching the area and the adjoining fields were freshly drilled.

    Birds came in nicely for over two hours running about 20 birds bagged but then it all went quiet.

    So in the lull in the action it was fag and drink time and of course a little loss of concentration and awareness.

    While I was pouring my coffee, I caught a flash of action over the rotary- dropped me flask and cup, looked up and for a moment I thought it was a pigeon, grey, nice white flash of the wings.


    But no it was a model airplane in shape of a spitfire. I had to duck as it came right over the hide at hedgerow height doing a victory roll behind me. Anyway, I watched it for a while and was looking for the flyer as who ever he was he could fly it really well and it was a pleasure to watch even though it was buzzing the field and putting everything off.

    I made a few inquiries, found out no-one should be there but me and went off to find the person involved.

    He was several hundred yards away when I found him, so I had a word and kept it all polite.

    He was o.k about it I told him you are on private land, he thought he was doing no wrong as him being a true city dweller and only down for the weekend (In his £500,000 holiday cottage) thought you could go on any land as long as there are no crops on it (He was standing on the drillings)


    Well this one is a first for me, and a few people have told me they would have shot it out of the sky -so when you have read this have a think?


    Any of you out there would have been tempted- Yes or No


    Honest answers only please- And I will give a reward to the first person who can design a true flying pigeon decoy






    You asked for honest answers and you got mine, no good saying you was being light hearted, if you had destroyed the plane you would have been guilty of an act of wanton vandalism, plain and simple.


    :stupid: D2D

  11. WELL, as I have just got back from my holiday I went out yesterday and whilst sitting watching some pigeons flying over the fields a man approached me with 2 springers and started to read me the riot act as he seemed to be the local cleaner-upper? /shoooter.


    and related to me that over 78 pigeons had been dumped in the ditch by the lazy shooters in question and the land owner and the local council and Police Department have been informed.


    So I am now going out today to have a word with the farmer's in question and tell them what has happened and to apologise.


    And we hope the two mis-fits are really proud of their ****HOLE actions






    Dave K




    Did he really stand there and count out 78 pigeon carcasses, methinks there may be more to his involvement in this?

    I personally sometimes leave the slain to charlie and come back later :yp: , well out of anyones sight though.


    :oops: D2D

  12. I was out for the day on saturday, picked a nice spot middle of no where on a large acreage of OSR. Been watching the area and the adjoining fields were freshly drilled.

    Birds came in nicely for over two hours running about 20 birds bagged but then it all went quiet.

    So in the lull in the action it was fag and drink time and of course a little loss of concentration and awareness.

    While I was pouring my coffee, I caught a flash of action over the rotary- dropped me flask and cup, looked up and for a moment I thought it was a pigeon, grey, nice white flash of the wings.


    But no it was a model airplane in shape of a spitfire. I had to duck as it came right over the hide at hedgerow height doing a victory roll behind me. Anyway, I watched it for a while and was looking for the flyer as who ever he was he could fly it really well and it was a pleasure to watch even though it was buzzing the field and putting everything off.

    I made a few inquiries, found out no-one should be there but me and went off to find the person involved.

    He was several hundred yards away when I found him, so I had a word and kept it all polite.

    He was o.k about it I told him you are on private land, he thought he was doing no wrong as him being a true city dweller and only down for the weekend (In his £500,000 holiday cottage) thought you could go on any land as long as there are no crops on it (He was standing on the drillings)


    Well this one is a first for me, and a few people have told me they would have shot it out of the sky -so when you have read this have a think?


    Any of you out there would have been tempted- Yes or No


    Honest answers only please- And I will give a reward to the first person who can design a true flying pigeon decoy





    Would you honestly have destroyed what has probably taken the guy all winter to build and is his hobby as shooting is ours, fair enough he may not have had permission to be there but the action you were proposing would have amounted to nothing short of bloody minded vandalism.


    Live and let live I say, Just wish I had the skill to build and fly one as well as you say he did :blush:


    We have the real thing flying over us most weekends and during the week on occasions, a Mustang and a Havard (looks like a Jap Zero) sometimes they are joind by a Spitfire, Im sure Cranfield will have seen them over his way?


    :stupid: D2D

  13. went and picked up a lab 12months old last thursday, the dog has been partly trained and is coming to whistle retreaving land and water and walks to heal, all she needs now is a bit of steading up she also has had shots fired over and is fine enough, apart from one thing she will cringe a bit when the gun is raised and fired but she dosent run off and she then goes for the retreave no bother even while she is on the retreave and further shots are fired she continues with the retreave with no problems, now what id like to ask is this intiall cringe at the start nothing to worry about or should i be wary of it any advice would be grateful



    NTTF is the man for this, but I would offer TLC and treats associated with the gun, the pup has probably been shot over far too early and has bad memories.


    :lol: D2D

  14. I am local. But what you have got to remember is I was doing nothing wrong they just thought " hey a kid lets be big and brave by picking on him " and when I mentioned it to my grandad (farmers freind and drinking buddy for like 20 yrs) he didnt take it lightly





    We appreciate what you are saying, but are only offering you the benefit of advice built upon experience,

    Hope your not referring to us as grumpy old men :angry:


    :lol: D2D

  15. Do a search theres alot of info been posted already.


    Two approachs stalk or sit and wait



    keep very quiet move slowly and keep your head down



    keep very quiet move slowly and keep your head down



    Something I learned when stalking Pigeon in woodland with an air rifle (a good few years ago, a Webley mk3) was that It was a simple matter of only creeping forward when the pigeon was cooing, stop immediately it did and very soon you found you were under it ready for a shot.

    You need good camo especially the head and face and to watch where you put your feet, snap a twig and it was gone.

    As a youngster I can remember my heart pounding as I got right underneath the pigeon and saw it after a 50yd stalk foot by foot during cooing sessions... Good days, takes alot more than that nowadays to get the ticker going at that rate. :angry:


    :lol: D2D

  16. I have recently gained shooting rights to a decent wedge of land mainly because my grandad tried to buy it and his house backs on to it and is also good freinds with the framer i was out shooting targets yesterday just practicing as I am only a new shooter when other group of shooters who had permission to be on the land came over fuming about me being there, I then said sorry as they where on the land first, told my grandad about the incident he got on the phone to the farmer 10 minutes later he comes out to field in the landrover and tells the to **** off his land and not comeback I was well chuffed



    If these people are local and anything other than gentlemen then I should be inclined to watch my back for a while, you all have to live together and its a small world.

    You may well be "chuffed" at the moment but they may not take to being told to "go away and not come back" lightly, it pays to be aware of all possible scenarios. :angry:


    :lol: D2D

  17. Can anybody give me any names of decent cammo clothing and good websites for them please




    Hi, I recently had a complete re-kit from British Military Surplus at a fraction of the cost of all my local suppliers. 1 para smock, 1 jacket & trousers complete with a shirt all for £30.


    Also try www.ishop.co.uk.


    Good Luck


    :lol: D2D

  18. Hello all my partner wanted to shoot another buck her first was quite small so i had been whatching a better lad for her & she got it 157m 22.250 & 37lb at evening.Got my brother out his bed for once & he got 1 that morning i had a mate & we never got a chance realy but saw 25/30 beast's & a couple more cull buck's.




    I went out this morning & got 2 20min apart in diffrent field's my first is no to bad but iv seen load's about.



    Both shot with 22.250.



    Hi nice pics, superb looking rifle, what is the matt green finish,and the scope? :angry:


    :lol: D2D

  19. To be honest I don't think rooks do that much damage on normal grassland. In fact, since leather jackets eat the roots of grass the rooks are actually doing good. I wouldn't be surprised if the bulk of the damage on the course was actually being done by badgers at night and that the rooks and magpies are just hoking around it during the daytime.


    That said they can be a disease risk for livestock, will happily munch through a feed barn as well as contaminating it. The damage they can do on wheat/barley on the summer is unreal though, flattening the crop before eating it on the ground, also at drilling time because they prod around in the soil means that they are arguably then more of a pest than pigeons.


    I have been shown large areas of flattened crops that have been put down to Badger damage, but what do they do, chase each other, roll around in it?

    I have never seen them in a crop field, has anyone witnessed this? :lol:


    :) D2D

  20. I can't say if they're Rooks or crows as I've not been to see the greenkeeper yet. I've got an appointment with him tommorow morning, so things should be alot clearer then.


    So they're after the leather jackets then, cheers for that, at least I can tell him why they're tearing up his greens :)


    The problem with the ladder traps as some have suggested, is he wants no sign of us being there after the course opens to the punters, so a nice quick dawn raid & pack up at 8.15 is on the cards :lol:


    Cheers guys




    A quick way of telling one from t,other,

    The Rook has a grey beak and the crow a black beak remember black beak.. black heart = crow. :lol:


    :lol: D2D

  21. Think we have cracked it....


    Even though he is still having a power nap around 7pm he is going down ok and staying down till up time at 6.


    Get some whining when he first gets put down, if he is still going after 10 mins he gets a shout of "Jasper to your bed" from up the stairs.



    So, guys getting pups -


    Keep em in their crate/cage and close the door.


    Give em a hot water bottle.


    Give em a stinky fleece jacket.


    Give em a clock.


    Job done....




    Cheers for all of your advice............Next topic............NIPPING..




    It was an interesting "journey" glad you got there in the end, think of the years of pleasure you have to look forward to....... enjoy :lol:


    :) D2D

  22. :good: I am a bit Embarrassed about this as I have been shooting for years but have not really unstood why we use snaps caps? can any enlighten me :good:




    If you dont ask you will never learn, or so my dad said :D


    They are used to take the pressure off the firing pin springs,ie place snap caps in barrels and pull trigger(s) this effectively "fires" the gun and relaxes it for storage.

    It was thoght that if a gun is stored "cocked" for any length of time it weakened the springs.

    I hope this makes sense.


    :lol: D2D


    :lol: I am a bit Embarrassed about this as I have been shooting for years but have not really unstood why we use snaps caps? can any enlighten me :)




    If you dont ask you will never learn, or so my dad said :lol:


    They are used to take the pressure off the firing pin springs,ie place snap caps in barrels and pull trigger(s) this effectively "fires" the gun and relaxes it for storage.

    It was thoght that if a gun is stored "cocked" for any length of time it weakened the springs.

    I hope this makes sense.


    :D D2D



    Ps I had not seen Flash,s post but he is also right and I should have included that part, So there you have it.


    :D D2D

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