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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. My nan is coming over from Ireland to stay (on here way in the car as we speak!) and as much as I am looking forward to seeing her (she has just got over cancer, thankfully) I do get a little bit annoyed/stressed with the whole house guests situation. As ever, in true house guest style they come at the worst time, I am TRYING to revise (never really been able to before but this year's exams are difficult) for my 2nd year uni exams. Also, my nan has taken a particular shining to my room so as normal I am moving out for the ten days.


    I have just spent the last 3 days running around like a man on fire. Tidying my room, filing my work, relocating to another room and shouting at my younger brother (trying to get his rear into gear!) and its just all that effort for 10 days, when really without being disrepectful i have lot more important things to be doing!


    Thanks guys, rant over...... :good:





    Whats 10 days in the grand scheme of things, as Cranners said enjoy your nan while you can, she has probably been looking forward to seeing you and would be very upset if she knew how you felt, I think your a nasty person :lol: begrudging a poor old lady of a little comfort at her time of life.

    Be nice to her :)


    :good: D2D

  2. ***** brats, I remember one tried mugging a friend of mine who was on the phone. The reason they went for him was because he was looking all dapper in his suit & briefcase (looked a right poof) what they didn't know was....he was actually a martial arts expert. Been fighting 20yrs, trained bouncers, used every weapon under the sun and could launch me around 20ft with a kick when I was holding the pad (I am 6ft around 80kgs). Needless to say the little **** suffered a painful detention & apprehension before the police arrived!


    Nothing better than the scum having the table turned on them :lol:






    *****.. now theres a good old Kentish word, not heard that for a while.


    Im afraid these days being on the streets after dark has become a matter of risk assessment, avoiding the unlit side of the street, not showing any goodies, even making eye contact, not pleasant at all and its spreading slowly throughout society.

    It makes my blood boil :rolleyes: when I read of cowardly attacks on the old, weak and defencless, and for what a couple of pounds to fuel their habit.


    :lol: D2D

  3. i'm serious.


    the 'squeezy bottle'. :rolleyes:



    this invention has made life so much easier. the precision in relation to how much and where, is astounding. it no longer necessitates the use of a knife to spread, causes much less mess, and the patterns with which you can squeeze out its contents provides me with endless minutes of fun.


    once upon a time it seemed the only products which came in the squeezy bottle were sauces like ketchup (red sauce to all you divvy's), brown sauce and burger mustard. then helman's mayo branched out! life suddenly became so much simpler.


    currently my fridge is full of em. squeezy cheese, golden syrup, marmite, honey.... and as of friday night's trip to asda? colman's mustard!






    Im all for cutting down on the rinsing out and weekly trip hauling all the glass to the recycle bins, what a chore that is :sick:


    :lol: D2D

  4. I had 2 possible options to restore the handling on my moderated CZ527 (3 if you include not using the mod)

    One was to flog the PES and get a smaller/lighter moderator, the other is to get the barrel chopped.


    I like the quality of the PES and selling secondhand, on ticket mods, isn't that easy.

    So having found a good riflesmith that will do the work at a reasonable price, and a very quick turnaround (mail order as well :rolleyes: ) I am getting the barrel chopped.


    My gun is the Lux which has a very thin 23" barrel, my intention is to reduce that to 19"


    I have had a look round and found a few articles on it, but before it goes away can anyone think a good reason not to do this?



    What is the minimum legal length a rifle barrel, is it not as per a shotgun? I dont believe the moderator can be considered part of the barrel as it can be easily detatched.

    If I chopped my Anshutz semi with 10 round mag and mod it would make a very useful "sawn off" :lol:

    That is until the SWAT guys turned up!! :lol:


    :lol: D2D

  5. agreed, badgers are becoimg a problem again, they are doing vast amounts of damage and there population has exploded. They definalty should be looking at revising the law regarding badgers.





    Next time you are out walking and you see a "road kill" turn it over, amazing the amount of damage a "car" can do! I wouldnt be at all suprised if alot more Badgers become traffic accidents in intense farming areas:yp:


    :good: D2D

  6. Hi all, I have a non shooting related problem I hope someone can help me with. :lol:

    I have been given a nice sized electronic safe to store ammo etc.

    Trouble is I have the keys but dont have a combination, there is no makers name and inside there are 4 batteries, there is a red push in button on the inside of the door between the hinges.

    The keybad reads 1 to 9 with A 0 B as a bottom line.

    Has anyone got a similar safe, how do you change the combination? :good:


    Thanks in advance for any help.


    :good: D2D

  7. Ok,


    caught a rat by it's back leg last night, and it managed to crawl back under the chicken coop so all I could see was the leg and the trap.


    I shot it with the air rifle and despite it being a rat, and it having eaten loads of our chicken eggs, I still felt for it and don't want to cause any futher suffering to other rats. Made me feel quite sad really.


    Where did I go wrong?


    I was using a Mk4 Fenn in a tunnel, the trap was buried in the ground and then had a light covering of soil over the top. The tunnel was a little bit higher than the fenn when sprung. I know that the peg and chain needed to be tighter to stop the rats from reaching their hole, that is an easy one to fix. But why did it catch the leg, and not the main body?


    Are there any obvious things I did wrong?










    When you say the roof of the tunnel is a bit higher than the spring it only needs to just clear it, the immediate reaction of a Rat when spooked is to jump upwards and they can out-jump a trap, so if your roof is as low as it can be there is nowhere for it to go.

    In case you havn,t already, put some sticks or bricks at each end to restrict the openings Rats can go through very small openings but most other wildlife cannot.


    :good: D2D

  8. I have found several very large hedgehogs in our garden in the last week, there were five out there last night.

    The dog has great fun trying to work out what they are. :good:


    The strange thing is that I normally only see about one or two a year.

    Is this a population explosion, an invasion, or what ?


    Anyone else noticed a lot of hedgehogs ?




    I read an article recently , Country Living mag I think, it said that there was a noticable decline in the Hedgehog population due to their breeding cycle being disrupted by the warmer weather, apparently they were breeding too late and the young were unable to put on enough reserves of fat to sustain them throughout the hibernation period, We have only one in the garden at the moment.


    :good: D2D

  9. To end this debate for ever.


    Try and acquire your OWN land by approaching farmers in your own right.


    Here is THE reason why pigeon controllers and pest controllers are very protective about their permissions/


    had a member of this forum pop round and speak to my colleague and asked him how we were doing and unfortunately he not only commented about our most recent bag, but also where we shot them.


    and lo and behold whilst we were at work he and a friend went and approached HIS farmer and went shooting pigeons on the same field we had been on.




    DIRTY! DASTARDLY, BACK-STABBING TRICK that we HATE and never expected to happen.


    P*****D my mate off big time.


    The culprits know who they are but will never be invited or spoken to in our shooting circle as friends?:good:?? AGAIN.





    Dave K




    All this bad feeling could so easily been avoided by just getting together, if they had asked you what days you could not be on the fields and out of courtesy would you mind if they shot on those days. Remember the name of the game is crop protection and providing a service to your farmer.

    What annoys me is when I build a perm hide, maybe taking 2/3 hrs bringing materials then someone uses it and leaves it trashed with empty cases and food wrappings, its a good job my farmers all know I pick up all my empty cases.


    :good: D2D

  10. Hello on saturday for a look & it was a great morning saw 19 beast's & whatched this 2 as i couldent get a shot at the doe.Another buck came when i stopped they were 120m or so cant remember.






    Well done for sharing that with us, good idea through the scope, was just after daybreak? listening to the Rooks (first out and last to bed).


    :good: D2D

  11. So, little lad had me up quite a bit last night....


    We all went to bed around 11 ish.....Put the little lad in his bed, he kicked off for a bit, we then had a bout an hour and a half till 2am....


    He was then up, kicking off big time........quite a cute howl....but wouldnt settle.


    Ended up going down to him, giving him some milk and putting him back into his bed,,,,,stayed with him for a few mins near to his basket, then moved bit further away to the stair gate. Had to "drag" him back a few times after saying "bed" but he then got the idea, a few mins then over the gate, few mins then up the stairs, about 5 mins to the top and then it was back to bed.


    Till 6 am............ (which aint bad as Im usualy up for 6.45 for work, and we will have to re-adjust times to take him out etc etc, so was thinking about 6 anway).



    So, what are your hints about bed times and getting them to settle without little ones waking the whole house.



    Understand he has got some settling in to do, how long does it usualy take.




    "Little Lad" I wouldnt treat a little boy like that, you will get into trouble :good::good::good:


    Seriously, have you tried an old fashioned wind up alarm clock with a loud tick, it has worked for us and doesn,t intrude on the rest of the house as a radio might, good luck.


    :good: D2D

  12. Spoke to my Dad tonight about his jackdaws. He was saying that he has only had a problem with jackdaws since my brother reduced the magpie population with his larsen trap :good:


    I was wondering if anyone else has had such an experience?


    Do magpies generally keep the jackdaws away?


    Or do you think that as a result of the magpie population decreasing so rapidly thay the jackdaws have simply filled the ecological niche - as they are such fast adaptors :good: ? In which case will the jackdaw population decrease as the magpie population increases again...or are the jackdaws here to stay now?? :good:



    Hi Oly, We have both Magpies and Jackdaws living happily side by side, have noticed that if there is any bread out on the lawn and Jackdaws are taking it a Magpie will launch itself at the Jackdaw to steal the bread,but have never seen this aggression from the Jackdaws toward a Magpie.

    There seems to be far more Jackdaws around lately and the neighbouring house has them in the chimney this year. I can remember not many years ago that they were fairly rare around here, Global warming perhaps and they have moved up from the west country, also have a pair of Buzzards nesting



    :good: D2D

  13. Help needed for ideas on short quick dog names and for bitches. My daughters only come out with barbie etc thats why i need some help!!!!! :good:




    I had two lab bitch pups at once ,3 days difference but from opp ends of the country, I trained them myself and named them Bracken and Flight, because one name had two sylabuls and the other name shorter with just one, The names I thought had a nice country /shooting feel to them, we went on to be an excellent picking up team (we once eyewiped the Queen) :lol: and they were good peg dogs.

    I became very ill and because they were trained and kept as working dogs in outdoor kennels, I let them go, after vetting the many enquiries the ad in Shooting times brought, I have now 95% recovered and often wonder how my dogs finished their days. Maybe I will get another pup when I am given the OK. :good:


    :good: D2D

  14. wouldnt like to say weather the .17 would have killed it out right think its just where it hit it i did notice there was a hole in the rooth of its mouth and a lot of bloodit had its mouth open when i aimed as it was looking at me so think the bullet was a bit low and went in there dont think the from the federal balistics chart there is around 80-100ftlb more at the muzzle on the .22mag than the .17 but theres not mush difference over 150 yards ust the difference on bullet size 40grain compared to 17grain its dead so would say its a succesfull kill even tho took a couple to kill it.the flo wont issue a .17 for fox now in derbyshire so be carefull they said minimun ya allowed to use is .22wmr but for energy transfur id say was better had a log at 110 yards with target on shot it with .17 didnt move shot it with .22mag was knocking it over was a goot size too14inch across by 9inch thick so was definetly hitting harder am gonna try some higher velocity rounds soon




    Excellent start, maybe one in the Engine room would have dropped him. Always a risk with head shots of blowing half the jaw off, or worse, and condeming the fox to a slow death by starvation.


    :good: D2D

  15. As Camilla was making last-minute preparations to walk down the aisle, she found that her shoes were missing. She was forced to borrow her sister's, which were a bit on the small side.


    When the day's festivities were finally over, Charles and Camilla retired to their room, right next door to the Queen's and Prince Phillip's.


    As soon as Charles and Camilla were inside their room, Camilla flopped on the bed and said, "Darling, please get these shoes off. My feet are

    killing me."


    The ever-obedient Prince of Wales attacked the right shoe with vigour, but it was stuck fast.


    "Harder!" Camilla yelled. "Harder!"


    "I'm trying, darling!" The Prince yelled back. "It's just so bloody tight!"


    "Come on! Give it all you've got!


    There was a big groan from the Prince, and then Camilla exclaimed, "There! That's it! Oh that feels good! Oh that feels SOOO good!"


    In the bedroom next door, the Queen turned to Prince Phillip and said, 'See? I told you, with a face like that she was still a virgin."


    Back in the bridal suite, Charles was trying to pry off the left shoe.


    "Oh, my God, darling! This one's even tighter!" exclaimed the heir to the throne.


    At which Prince Phillip turned to the Queen and said, "That's my boy. Once a Navy man, always a Navy man!"




    Very good :good::lol:


    :good: D2D

  16. See http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6506361.stm


    Why the **** are they making our service people wear head scarves?


    If they are not careful they will end up getting bombed back into the dark ages :good:



    Why are our people patroling what are very dangerous waters so lightly armed?

    How many rounds did they have I wonder?

    Why only sidearms and no LMG ?

    They were incapable of defending themselves.

    If it were the 1900,s and they were attacked by FuzzyWuzzys they would have been wiped out, I dont see the point of risking lives, if they were not fully able to do the job they should not have been sent out.


    I pray they all come home safe.


    :good: D2D

  17. Hi all new 2 decoying pigeons any tips on how many decoys 2 use and what pattern will be most effective ive 10 decoys at present is this enough ? tips welcomed and thank you




    Hi get yourself a copy of "Pigeon Shooting" by Archie Coates, you will have all the info you need.

    On Ebay a fiver, good luck.


    :oops: D2D

  18. You would think that the people that criticise the vids dont shoot many rabbits. no.gif


    my point!!! :oops:


    The voice of reason :P




    I take it this comment may be indirectly aimed at me, I have shot more than my share of rabbits since starting at the age of 10 with a .410 and learning along the way all the time,your "voice of reason" post is therefore inaccurate.

    My comments had nothing to do with the actual culling of rabbits but the video itself, the marksmanship cannot be faulted. :lol:

    Since Kirky asked for my opinion we shared views via pm and in the main he agreed with me, again I point out it was my personal take on it but I do suspect a few others felt the same. :lol:


    :lol: D2D

  19. With NO disrespect to the people complaining about speeding bikers there are MORE speeding CARS than bikes and when you get a car in a 40mph zone doing 50mph then the chance of survival is about 0% if your hit head on.


    A bike or a Car If your hit head on there will be little difference.




    My greivance is WHY limit Bikes to 60MPH (about the average from a 4 stroke 125 other than the Mito) and allow Lotus Porche Lambo bently or any other car manufacturer to make CARS capable of more than the 70MPH speed limit?



    The major part of idiots are Young bikers and drivers with balls as big as fists taking crazy chances. The more mature you get the majority is more responsible.


    So effectivley limit people under 25 to 800cc to 1000cc cars and a 125cc bike but to cap ALL bikes is a flagrant p*** take :oops:






    Isn,t everyones balls as big as fists?


    There,s me thinking I was normal!!! :P:lol:




    :lol: D2D

  20. I agree with you LG, however on a Sunday morning having the "tupperware torpedos" bombard you at horrendous speeds and doing daft overtaking etc does not help their case.



    Nothing against bikes at all, but agree that lunacy seems to take over the minds of normal everyday car drivers at weekends when the sun is shining and they get on a bike, all thoughts of family, kids, penalty points and next years insurance premium go out of the window.

    Do what speed you "think" your capable of on unrestricted roads, but obey the speed limits in the villages.

    Better still get a track day, show off to to your mates to your hearts content it wont cost us the ambulance then :D


    :/ D2D

  21. Hi in my quest for a replacement to one of my ailing batteries I looked on Ebay and came across this 300095455433 there are 138 of them so plenty to go round, what do you think, has anyone tried these?


    :/ D2D

    Hi mate you pay the postage Iwill send you one free, I got 2 out of an electric scooter thrown away in the skip brand new aswell :D



    Thanks for your kind offer Charlie but I have now bought new one, appreciated.


    :/ D2D

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