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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Its nearly that time of the year again but after last year I felt a bit rotten with my high numbers when asked to shoot branchers by the keeper. As rooks are graded a pest but they are very devoted perents and by shooting adults this time of the year means the young will starve. I need a bit of advise on both the legal aspect timing etc and good field practice shooting code to follow as I have to cover a large estate with say 8-rookeries. Many thanks in advance for any advise. :good:
  2. My trusty old netting has gone for a burton......need some more....does anyone have any they wish to get rid of... don't really want to pay shop prices.....ideaaly 6' by 12'....


    Also wanted......exrendy poles.....the price of them nowadays is outragious.....even second hand ones off e-bay....anybody got spares knocking around in their garage and wish to sell, i'm the man.







    Your Poles you may want to look into washing poles as a lot of others have done!


    Simply need to make a spike for the bottom and the job's a good un AND they are only £2 each :good:







    I just flattend mine and cut to a point, been ok for 2 seasons now, but best value for money (Wilkinsons) comes in green and shorten the inner tube to save weight, paint the extending part... bobs your uncle job done.


    :good: D2D

  3. bloody brill tommy :good:


    just one question though tommy every one one has commented on the gun and scope but that must be some camcorder with a zoom like that :lol:


    keep em coming mate


    its not mate cost £129 from comet :lol: :yp:


    thanks guys, gonna try and get other quarry on film and a bit about our guns reloading etc etc. watch this space



    Re the camcorder what is the make and model ref please, Its something I have been promising myself but not got round to getting, with the quality and zoom on the vids thats the one for me!! :wub:


    :good: D2D

  4. Just wondered, there is a few of us kent lads on here and am considering applying for a fac alongside my SGC and I only want a rimfire. It would come in handy if I could use a rf for foxes as well (as get the odd one on my permission & would keep the farmer happy!) so just wondered if any of you kent lot know the stance of our FLO on rf's for foxes?


    Thanks lads,




    Hi Dan, just checked the wording on my open cert and it says the .22 semi auto is for "shooting vermin in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife" it goes on to say the .223 "shall be used for fox and vermin".

    In discussing the .223 with my FAO I mentioned that I thought the .22 was limited with regard to Fox, he agreed, so I had him to support my application for the.223, he went on to liken it to hitting the Fox with a hammer or a sledge hammer. Both will kill but one makes a better job of it.

    Hope this helps you, TIP.. when you apply for your cert go for a mod at the same time or it will cost you extra later.


    :good: D2D

    Thanks D2D, I have already picked on the tip with the amount of PW guys having to get varaitions (at a costs :lol: ) for mods! Soulboy thanks for that info on my area's flo's view with .22lr and foxes. Just being young and with no FAC weapon exp (is there a local range?) I feel I will only get the one rifle which will be a rimmie but if I could use it on the odd fox which makes an appearance on the farms i shoot (they have conservation area's with pheasants) then I could save the farmer a lot of hassle and get the ******, thus keeping him happy! :good:



    Dan you cant walk around with a .22 under your arm on the off chance that a Fox might just be about, look at the broader picture, vermin control is THE word, fistly and most importantly do you have access to "rifle friendly" shooting land, if not then wait until you do before applying or they will not entertain you.


    You are by right entitled to a shottie so I would go down that road first and keep some BB,s in your pocket.

    That will go a long way towards your cred when you do apply, take a look at your land from the FAO,s outlook, is it safe? Is there sufficient backdrop? If shoot in Cabbage land :lol: I doubt it.


    Get a nice OU, crack some clays, do some pigeon shooting then 12months later apply if your land is up to the mark.


    :wub: D2D

  5. Hey Fieldwanderer, just thought I'd add my 10 pence worth. I love shooting Semi's for pigeon and rarely go above a 1/4 choke. If you get the birds coming into your pattern correctly your Kill Zone should be no more than 35 yds (IMO) so if you do miss with the first shot the bird will still be in range for the second and possibly third. I use to own a couple of Beretta Semi's and loved them, but I purchased an Escort some while ago to see what all the fuss was about, and I have to admit that I adore it. I know their are shooters out there who despise them and I respect that, but I must have got a good-un. Apart from being cheap, it has never let me down and it will eat whatever you feed it. I don't care if it gets knocked about, but it always gets a good clean after each session. But above all else I rarely miss a bird with it. I have many guns in my cabinet and I must admit that the Escort sees the most daylight.....Please don't rule it out of the equation as it would fit your budget nicely.





    "IT WILL EAT WHATEVER YOU FEED IT" not strictly true my Franchi (still 5 shot uncastrated) will not run on light loads or maybe its because they are own brand cheapo pigeon carts, they didnt have enough gas to operate the eject.

    It has a C-LECT twist multichoke which I have found to be very usefull, I have often had several birds dead in the air out of a flock of woodies. I would recommend the Franchi as a good all rounder, easy to take down in seconds and relatively lightweight.


    :good: D2D

  6. i think it improves the day pigeon shooting




    me and lanber have had days where there are no birds for the for the rotary, slow very slow, put a couple of birds on and the day becomes most enjoyable

    start with nothing Se how you get on[ mean no rotary]




    Even though "there are no birds" and the day is "slow very slow", theres no need to shoot the birds you have put on the rotary"put a couple of birds on and the day becomes enjoyable" you will just get dizzy :good::wub::lol:


    :good: D2D

  7. Just wondered, there is a few of us kent lads on here and am considering applying for a fac alongside my SGC and I only want a rimfire. It would come in handy if I could use a rf for foxes as well (as get the odd one on my permission & would keep the farmer happy!) so just wondered if any of you kent lot know the stance of our FLO on rf's for foxes?


    Thanks lads,




    Hi Dan, just checked the wording on my open cert and it says the .22 semi auto is for "shooting vermin in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife" it goes on to say the .223 "shall be used for fox and vermin".

    In discussing the .223 with my FAO I mentioned that I thought the .22 was limited with regard to Fox, he agreed, so I had him to support my application for the.223, he went on to liken it to hitting the Fox with a hammer or a sledge hammer. Both will kill but one makes a better job of it.

    Hope this helps you, TIP.. when you apply for your cert go for a mod at the same time or it will cost you extra later.


    :good: D2D

  8. Excellent shooting :good: So which is getting the most use, 17 or 22 so far?



    on even terms at the moment :lol::lol: :yp:


    thanks for all the reply,s lads nice these summer evening,s hey :good:


    They would be but it's still SPRING :lol::lol:



    Well it might still be spring up where you are but down here on the Costa del Kent its been 26+ degrees, all the girls in micro skirts, planted the garden up, fly fishing in shirtsleeves today its been LUVVERLY..... :lol::lol::lol:


    :wub: D2D

  9. Right then;


    I've got the gun, the land, the time and some deeks but I'm not too clued up on how to go about things.


    I've tried a few times and the pigeons'll come to drop in then they change their minds so I'm guessing my patterns aren't too bad, it's usually a 2sided "triangle" with it's point pointing into the wind and most of the deeks doing roughly the same. Yes, they're only shells but I try to place them to you can't see there's a big gap under them (obscured by a tuft of grass for example). That's one of the things I think may be up. The other's me not being hidden well enough (which I intend to do something about next time I go).



    I know there's a brief guide on the site but I'm really not getting very far with it (no offence to anyone).


    I really need you to go back to basics for me here guys, "the dummy's guide to decoying and shooting the woodpigeon!" :good:


    For a start then, how far apart do you put your deeks and how close is the "pattern" to the hide.


    I've not got as far as magnets yet though I may D.i.y. one in the next couple of days seeing as I've got plenty of time so, how do you use them? surely they're not sat spinning all the time?


    Any helpful tips more than welcome, even down to how to keep from getting too bored in the lulls





    As has been said a number of times before you wont go far wrong if you get yourself a copy(e*ay) of "Pigeon Shooting" by Archie Coates, written a few years ago but a classic, has everything you will need to know to get you started. Good luck.


    :good: D2D

  10. Not much about so Im treating myself to an afternoon/evening at the Trout. There is a very nice local stillwater fishery nearby in a natural setting and as the wife got me a new licence yesterday I have to show willing dont I? :lol:


    If anyone locally fancies half a day with me I would be happy to take you, there has been a big competition there recently so I know :yp: it has been very well stocked.


    As the plebs keep saying "tight lines" and all that. :wub:


    :good: D2D



    Well I had a great afternoon, weather was about right, warm enough to fish in just a shirt, with alot of surface activity from 4pm onwards, I left at 6.15 with 3 good sized fish average weight 2.5 lbs.


    I also spoke to the farmer who was driving around lookering his sheep, about a sheep skeleton, picked clean,that I had spotted half hidden in a hole.............

    ............ YES I would be welcome to return anytime after the fishery closed and ambush charlie........ an enjoyable day and a new shooting opportunity, a very happy bunny. :lol:


    :good: D2D

  11. I have been using the same spot for trapping crays for some time now and this year there is Nada. Not a one. Do they slow down in cold water? Are they breeding?

    advice pleaae.




    Hopefully you have trapped them all :yes:


    :good: D2D

  12. Not much about so Im treating myself to an afternoon/evening at the Trout. There is a very nice local stillwater fishery nearby in a natural setting and as the wife got me a new licence yesterday I have to show willing dont I? :lol:


    If anyone locally fancies half a day with me I would be happy to take you, there has been a big competition there recently so I know :lol: it has been very well stocked.


    As the plebs keep saying "tight lines" and all that. :yes:


    :good: D2D

  13. Leaving spent cartridge cases laying around does get up my nose. Just like the ******* that throw their rubbish out of their car windows, or fly tippers. Apple cores and banana skins thrown into a hedgerow or under a bush is ok, but coke cans, crisp packets etc go in a bin.




    That's a habit I learn young from my parents; when I was a 4 or 5 year old and dropped a sweet wrapper, I was told in no uncertain terms to pick up my rubbish, "Who do you think you are? Lord Muck? There's nobody paid to walk behind you, clearing up your rubbish! If you can't put the wrappers in a bin, you can't have any sweets".




    Well, there's my tupence.



    On my regular road into town there is a really nice looking apple tree in the hedgerow, each year it blossoms and bears lots of deep red apples, this no doubt was the result of someone many years ago tossing a core out of the car window, good for them, lets all do it and make the world a better place by creating more fruit trees. :yes: (But only if its British fruit) :lol:


    :good: D2D

  14. As a little side note I couldn't help thinking that yesterdays debacle with "Suspended" (I never did see the last of it as it had vanished between 16:00 yesterday and 10:00 this morning) is a good reason why minors shouldn't be allowed on here! (Fast reply prevents me from inserting smile here!)



    Now theres a thought,........ then perhaps we could get back to the business in hand, namely shooting and fieldsports. :yes:


    :good: D2D

  15. I saw it last night and I have to say I wasn't impressed about the supposedly less cruel trapping, Having the whole family and camera man surrounding a wild animal thats trapped is not right, neither is the length of time between trapping and despatch or supposed release. The only humane action was the ones that were shot. As for the rescued fox from under that decking the idiot deserved to get bitten. All I can say after watching it is if rabies ever got back into the fox population we would have no chance of getting rid of it




    I must say that I was suprised that the fox reacted the way it did when "cuddled" after being dragged from under the decking, bearing in mind it had suffered at the very least severe bruising from being hit by a car.


    It would have served him right if it had emptied its bowels in fright all over him :good:


    The other thing that ocurred to me was that perhaps that particular fox was actually his long time pet and the shot(film) of him getting it from under the boards was staged. :good:


    Who knows, who really cares they all wind up the same oneway or t,other. :blink:


    :sly: D2D

  16. Hi all,


    has anyone who is a BASC member had the 'Big Task Ahead' letter yet.

    Opened today's post and there is a letter explaining of the task of securing the future of shooting sports, as the next General Election is only 2 years away and the parties are already writing their manifestos.

    Basically when you read the letter it all makes good sense regarding the antis wanting to ban everything and the fact that the main parties need to be lobbied to make sure their manifesto's carry a commitment to support shooting.

    This i think is very good and i totally support these views, but then you get to the bottom of the letter and there it is, They want us to make a donation. They even go on to say that £40 would be a good figure and this donation is on TOP of the fee we pay to become a member of the BASC.


    Now i actually support most things the BASC do, i know there have been a couple of things said on here in the past regarding them, but everyone is entitled to their views.


    But even though i do support the BASC and continue to pay my membership, i personally think we already pay enough through our membership, which a lot of people have in the past pointed out is high compared to others.


    Cheers All


    Chippy :sly:




    I had the same letter and I agree with you, the subs are pretty steep and there should be other ways of raising funds without letters like this, none of us have bottomless pockets. :good:


    :blink: D2D

  17. Im after some netting but dont want to be spending £40 yet on stealth net yet as dont know if there are pigeons on my permission as only been up once for a reccy. I have some net, looks like stuf for army surplus place which will do for roof on hide but need some for sides. seen some on ebay, think its £16 (new), that any good?




    Dont forget that to be really effective a good hide should have an almost solid pattern net as a background behind you.

    sometimes, if you are wearing full camo and you keep still, you can get away without a hide provided you have a good background net.

    The cheap £3 washing line props from Wilkinsons are very good as poles.


    :sly: D2D

  18. Interesting.


    Very worried about toothy boy and lurch his mate who seem to like foxes too much and feed them on cakes :good:


    Nice to see them showing a pair being shot, nice angle on the shot and looked extremely well placed.


    Quite balanced in the end, even if they had to end with the parting "they're back" shot.




    Well I thought it was quite sad really, to see such lovely creatures just shot like that especially as they were about to have a family :D


    :sly: D2D




    Im really disappointed in you all, I thought Id get a right mauling for posting that but obviously I will have to be alot more devious if I want to wind you all up in future :good::D:D


    :blink: D2D

  19. Interesting.


    Very worried about toothy boy and lurch his mate who seem to like foxes too much and feed them on cakes :blink:


    Nice to see them showing a pair being shot, nice angle on the shot and looked extremely well placed.


    Quite balanced in the end, even if they had to end with the parting "they're back" shot.




    Well I thought it was quite sad really, to see such lovely creatures just shot like that especially as they were about to have a family :good:


    :sly: D2D

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