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Everything posted by jamiedenny

  1. there is a you tube clip of a squizzer deek. take a look you could make the sound of an acorn falling. But then if no one is there to hear you make the sound do you stay silent . Oh no that would then be hunting, silly me. :lol:
  2. Let us know Steve, I would be interested to find out.
  3. I agree, A well placed campaign that doesn't just use the "we have a right" motto can be organised by one person. Clearly it will always be a sticking point that any pro campaign will be an easy target when compared to the loss of life. However, as sensible individuals we must stand up against disproportionate laws. What are peoples thoughts on a petition?
  4. yep working today!. just messing around on PW whilst I should be working :-).

  5. really interesting topic. I was just deciding between a AL and a bolt action 22lr. Decided on the bolt action for reliability reasons. Also local shop put me off an AL because in their oppinion it has a loss of power. Although he was very willing to sell me anything I wanted .
  6. Hunters jacket has seen some very rough weather and no problems. If anything I wish it had more vents. Mine is the pre-built in seat and it gets mighty warm.
  7. just outside canterbury. only been here 6 months but love the place
  8. Also if anyone knows how to edit the title of a post please let me know. My damn typo is annoying me now
  9. Ha, I know, I know. Just interesting that there was no change in the output. Thanks for the PM, really helpful. The valve etc.. all needed a damn good clean. I had to push the thing out with a hex key!. A bit of gentle smoothing with wet and dry paper and it feels much better. Chrono when I have time this week. I'll report back.
  10. well the good news is I think I have basingstoke all wrapped up!. Meeting him this weekend when I'll try to get permission forms signed.

  11. lol, thats excellent. Not sure when I'm down. I need to make it worth while this time as it take ages. How about we start looking at new permission. Or I could get consent from the chap in basingstoke. He took me around his woodland at the weekend. Its bloody amazing. He has driven game, foxes, deer stalking, high seats etc...

  12. I'm not sure if this helps with the fault finding but I have fitted a mainspring from an FAC s410 and the results are lower. Makes me believe it is an issue with the valve. Back to the work bench it is.
  13. Hi, Thanks so much for the reply. The more I test and play with it the more I'm sure there is something a bit strange. By re-filling to different pressures I can prove the "sweet spot" doesn't really exist. Its just inconsistent at any pressure with the first few shots reading much higher than the following. I have already made sure the hammer and hammer rail are super smooth. I barely have to tilt the rail when the hammer is on it to get it running down smoothly. The only thing I didn't check was the valve as I haven't gone that far before. Interestingly I also found the o ring (that sits between the vavle and the top part of the action with the barrel) looked a little worn so I have ordered some replacement seals. I have sent you a pm if thats ok. I want to check I'm fiddling with the right bits. J Na, they only appeal to cow wrestling farm folk.
  14. Jeep, Jeep, Jeep. Grand Cherokee Ltd. Get the deisel if your young (not the v8 6l). I have had the fortune to own some very luxury cars in my driving career and the jeep has been the best allrounder I have had. Bulllet proof, good off road and easy on road. It doesn't drive like an x5 but thats not a real 4x4 anyway. I'm looking at getting another one. Has any one ever seen a phaeton lamping in a field?. I have and it never ends well, trust me.
  15. where?, where?. Me wanna. :good:
  16. Thanks Turbo, I leave the scope at x6 mag almost all of the time. I have yet to not drop any quarry in any situation. Maybe I'm looking for an excuse to get a new toy :-).
  17. Good thread, not sure I have learnt anything but good thread all the same.
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