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Everything posted by jamiedenny

  1. i would have kept my license. 4 months without being able to buy ammo, are you mad?.
  2. a previous post mentioned that if he accepted a cqution he would be refused a license, that is not correct. unfortunately i know of a local convicted for a horrible (but nin violent) crime who has a sgc. that said a caution for gbh is very different to a caution for a driving offence. let us know the outcome, i trust the polices decision and would be interested to know the outcome.
  3. let us know your user experience
  4. Wiltshire are known for quick and efficient turn around. Kent on the other hand will have you wait upto 6 months. My FEO is excellent and does all he can but you get the feeling he has to fight to help you. I wouldn't complain, you need them more than they need you.
  5. as above, field craft, a good hide, the right location and some luck. biggest thing i have learnt is you can not decoy them if they are not on the flight line. ive been in fields next to a busy pigeon frenzy and they wont drop in. just enjoy trying :-)
  6. what results did you have when filling to 180/190 ?. it was lucky you didn't damage anything :-). if its still just dropping out the end there are still lots of things you can try.
  7. jamiedenny

    Nikko Stirling

    Hawke tops every time
  8. Yep, just cock it before you fill. A service will only be a good thing.
  9. mamba lite is cracking Also still love the Hawke range for value for money.
  10. Congratulations to Peter Wilson in winning the gold, excellent to see shooting on TV in any form and I hope it does inspire young people into the sport.
  11. Buy fact rifle from the start. I spent a lot of time changing my 12ft air arms s410 into fac and is was never as good as it was 12ftlbs. I ended up changing it back and buying an fact daystate. The hats an rifle mentioned above are cracking.
  12. Excellent, its always worth the hard work.
  13. Chrono or range calc?. Other than measuring sound can't see how a phone would chrono. Measuring sound would be flawed anyway wouldn't it?.
  14. Now this is getting close to being adult material!, very nice!.
  15. Makes me want to try fishing! Looks great.
  16. Try 3 brands, I found hugely different result from aa field, cross an and bisley. Aa field seem to be a good go to pellet as they shoot well enough in anything. Now can you be my dad please!.
  17. I always try to avoid wrapping it tightly around the barrel and stock. A loose wrap around both works just fine, or the barrel and mod only up to the stock.
  18. Mtc scopes if you get on with them, hawke are also great. Had lots of nikko sterling and they are poor, they also are the only scopes I have had that developed faults.
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