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Everything posted by jamiedenny

  1. really good idea, I shall try with mine. Swearing at the sticks generally isn't conducive to a discrete stalk.
  2. excellent work, if only I had the skills
  3. I wouldn't bother with a regulator but I used Tweaky for a service/ repair on a knackered old dog or an Ultra. He did a good job (I now hold the trophy of the roughest looking air rifle he has ever seen ).
  4. +1 Ultra for me . The S200 is fab and I have nearly purchased one a couple of times but by the time you add the mod for a multi shot its more expensive than the ultra with absolutely no benefit.
  5. cool, let us know how it goes?.
  6. I need to start taking the camera out with me I think :-).
  7. Excellent, really good frame to the image.
  8. Informative answer, punt gunning is illegal in the states (or at least the state I was dicussing with someone) so its nice to see there is something we have managed to keep hold of. There was also a good article in a magazine. I'll dig it out when I remember which one.
  9. join a club or get a permission local to your home to be sure. You will want to practice with the rifle any way, lets face it when you get it you'll be as addicted aas the rest of us
  10. Thanks guys, we were expecting a bigger bag but there is something good about a mixed bag and just as important is the happy land owner.
  11. I wouldn't use them, love to see what you think though
  12. CZ455 th is cracking, I had a WMR and shot the HMR quite a bit, its much heavier than their 452 offerings but for good reason. Its been a long time since I've shot anything that fitted me as well.
  13. Damn I'm out, just can't compete.
  14. funkey monkey in super stealth mode
  15. So I was lucky enough to get an invite to a new permission. It turned out to be 2000 acres of crop, cover crop (for driven game) and partially managed woodland !!. With terrible weather and no idea of the permission what was meant to be a reccy turned out to give a nice mixed bag with the rimfire. Fellow PW member funkey monkey came along and we now have an open invitation to return from the happy land owner. There are massive numbers of woodies and no one shooting the land so it looks like this is going to be one hell of a permission . I've known the land owner for several years so its taken a long time but its worth it
  16. 2ftlb doesnt surprise me. shotgun and airgun are used for different reasons. I wouldn't take my motorbike lamping now would I (hmmm, or would I ).
  17. :good: :good: :good: :good: Congrats,
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