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The Croc

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Everything posted by The Croc

  1. Fill the waders inside, watch for the water outside other than that I don't know Brian
  2. Thanks Henry I will pass that on to her, Brian
  3. Wrong, the Canada I shot on the 3rd is what went into the pot, never had a Canada yet that wasn't great. 5th post down http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/258050-wildfowling-season-2013-2014/page-6 Brian
  4. ~ 4 - 6 goose breast fillets ~ 1 apple, chopped ~ 1 medium sweet onion, chopped ~ 2 tbsp seasoning salt ~ 6 cups water ~ 1/2 bottle red wine ~ honey Place the apple, onion and seasoning salt in a large pan. Bring to a boil. Add the goose fillets and boil for 10 minutes. Remove the filets and place in a baking dish. Pour enough wine in to half submerge the fillets. Spread a heavy coat of honey on each fillet. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes. Serve with fresh green beans, rice and of course the rest of the wine. My Goose, Just had this for dinner, o yes, mmmmmmmmmmmm My Mrs varied from the above by browning the fillets first, then chopped apples onions, added mushrooms and baby new pot and put them in the slow cooker, covered fillets with honey and placed them on top of apples etc, added 3/4 bottle of red wine, and slow cooked for 6 hrs OH YES
  5. Mallard for me I miss too many Teal but I do like eating Teal
  6. I'm skivin at home for a change Steve, "Who shot that for you Brian?" , hard to believe innit, even I was gobsmacked
  7. Canadas for me as well, specially as I got one this morning We don't have Greys here, and Pinks don't come this far south. We use to have very good numbers of Canadas here, 2500 plus, but since they've been put on the GL , I doubt we have as many 200 this season. But I still think of them as a very sporting quarry Brian
  8. Nice one Ack Ack Went this morning, shorts and tee shirt weather, even at silly o/clock this morning. Great to be back on the marsh. Saw about a dozen Mallard flying about 2 gunshots up, right down the middle of the river, well at least we've seen Duck, good start. Half hour later a small skein of Canadas lifted from the bottom end of the marsh, headed out to the middle of the river and headed our way. I gave them a few honks, and they changed direction and came towards us, a skein of about 10 Geese crossed in front of us at about 35yds, my mate went for the lead bird and I swung through on the wing bird I was well chuffed to see it fold and drop in the river, no bend in the barrels today and the dog did well, got it to the bank, and was trying to get it up a 3ft drop
  9. Going in the morning just hope my barrels haven't got a bend in them
  10. Had that problem at work years ago (working away) the drive home was "interesting" Quack sent me to A&E, they drained the fluid, then put my leg in plaster from hip to ankle??? for 3 days, back to work next day when they took it off Hope it better soon
  11. We have got one of these, http://www.gtechonline.co.uk/floor-care/cordless-vacuum-cleaners.html Very light, and knocks all the others into the proverbial for cleaning power, had a dyson before,
  12. The Croc

    T Mobile

    Thanks guys looks like I'll be going to T Mobile, travel all round the country with work, so a good signal is vital
  13. The Croc

    T Mobile

    Anyone got any opinions on their coverage and reception, looking for a better PAYG deal, on O2 at the mo found this one £18.00 30day 1000mins Unlimited texts 3GB data And this one from 3 3000 texts and 300 minutes plus all-you-can-eat data for just £15. Brian
  14. Cracking flight for the lad, couldn't of asked for better, ", but at least he enjoyed it!" the main object of the day, well done that man
  15. Ain't that the truth Won't be able to shoot the 1st (No Sunday shooting in Devon) one day during the week, work permitting
  16. Any local boys know what the truth is to this story http://uk.news.yahoo.com/battle-of-pigeoncourt--french-visitors-turning-kent-into--wild-west--104655408.html;_ylt=An0eByeybPVkULo2Gdzy2obEfMl_;_ylu=X3oDMTR1ZmhqM2FxBGNjb2RlA3ZzaGFyZWFnMnVwcmVzdARtaXQDTmV3cyBmb3IgeW91IFJIIGNvbCBvbiBuZXdzBHBrZwMwNmQxMTc1MC00YTM1LTMwZDgtOGM5ZS0yZmNkYTRkYTY0YzQEcG9zAzEEc2VjA25ld3NfZm9yX3lvdQR2ZXIDNWVhNzgxYjItMGJlMS0xMWUzLWI5ZmMtN2JkYTkzM2Q1ZmY4;_ylg=X3oDMTBhY2IwdWc5BGxhbmcDZW4tR0I-;_ylv=3#XKgTlce Brian
  17. I think these might be a bit close for comfort http://www.youtube.com/embed/5RAaW_1FzYg?autoplay=1&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0
  18. Got a friendly log merchant, see if he'll put them on his power splitter, or take them to a saw mill Or just make a garden feature out of them
  19. Terry,get a splitting maul, make short work of those rings http://www.screwfix.com/p/roughneck-splitting-maul-8lb/87268 Brian
  20. Paddy this is what I use Drill (one like this, but not that price )http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hitachi-DW25EF-SKP-Forward-Drilling/dp/B0035JKBEI%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJGH22R74RS37SYSA%26tag%3Dsupapricouk-21%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB0035JKBEI Mixer http://www.belmoretools.co.uk/acatalog/copy_of_mixing.html best mixer paddle I've used, mixes a giant gorilla tub with ease Sanding http://www.belmoretools.co.uk/acatalog/Flex_Edge_Multi_Layered_Sanding_Tool.html and http://www.belmoretools.co.uk/acatalog/Radius_360_Sanding_Tool.html Just fit them with an extending pole http://www.tooled-up.com/product/faithfull-professional-paint-roller-extension-pole-160cm-300cm/184212/?Referrer=googleproductlisting&gclid=CKextO7Ey7gCFU_MtAodgn0A4g Do all our Drywall sanding with these Brian
  21. Did you have the day you was hoping for? ( say's he, this sunday or next?) Brian
  22. Well done the lads 2 down 1 to go, 3 matches to do it in Go for it boys
  23. Hope not, do like it when we wallop the Aussie's in the Ashes, they don't like it
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