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Everything posted by tonker

  1. yes they work a treat! you can vary the sound and volume by blowing softer or harder, and biting down on it a bit (not to hard) practice makes perfect
  2. Hello and welcome, were you taught to be cautious?
  3. Yes please Jonty I'll have that,was only just talking to the kids about our wireless
  4. Hi Rimfireboy, I don't mind you asking at all. I use a Gamebore Buffalo special load, or so it says on the box. They are 42grn 3s I shoot at a sensible range, longest shot up to now has been 35yds. Nothing has even thought about moving after taking a shot. Quite impressed with how they perform.
  5. Trust you rimfire, hadn't noticed that, but then I don't go round looking at @r$&$. Nice one!!
  6. J3. Haven't you gone yet? don't know about the container but i expect it will be fine as long as it's secure to their liking. Have you decided on those pigs yet? I'd still go for G O spots and have a quicker turn around.
  7. Simon , Got it with a s/s of a tower. have a look at my other charlie posts , i'm just learning with these pictures (thick or what).
  8. Here's the one I got early doors. Begining to get to grips with these pictures.
  9. Third one i'm not going to try
  10. Hi Guys, My mate milks near enough 600 and has a big purpose built calf shed because he also gets a lot of calves. He also gets some die now and again, he normally phones me one day and the kennelman the day after, that night I normally go and sit out and use it as bait. The other day I decided to put a twenty foot tower up alongside his feed silo. I put a roof on it and Silage sheet around the side and back, a camo net across the front this gives me a nice dark hole to sit in well above charlie height. This is right in the middle of his farm buildings, (Calf shed ,Parlour, Cubicles and hay barn) Concrete everywhere so I can only use a s/s. The lights from his buildings means that once my eyes get adjusted I don't need a lamp. Long story short. Had one early doors one that night, and one the next night with Gamebore Buffalo special load 42gfn 3s That makes eight from the same spot in a couple of weeks. Where they all coming form?I'll try and attach pics, but they are only taken from my brick of a phone ( no flash so used the lamp sorry). I've Given up on the pictures, I can get one on and no matter what I do can't get the others on as they are to big it says, and I'm pretty computer dumb.
  11. Sorry guys,I replied to this in ...view new content. did't realize it was for pigeons.
  12. I Hold the head of the bird (Pheasant) between index finger and middle finger,let the weight of the bird hang in your hand and then flick it as you would a teatowel aimed at your wifes behind. (that was a polite way of putting it wasn't it) Be careful to keep a firm grip because the weight of the bird flicking, which is the thing that breaks it's neck will sometimes take it out of your hand, if your not holding it tight enough.
  13. tonker

    Mr fox

    I've been using Gamebore Buffalo special load 42grn 3's in a s/s 1/4 and 1/2 choke. Had 4 in the last week, with bait at about 25 yds and me sitting up a scaffold tower behind a net, none have moved after they dropped.
  14. Been in both, in the AA I had relay cover (be warned that is exactly what it is) a relay. When they eventualy get round to picking you up they transport you and your car to the edge of their area and drop you off, you then have to wait for that area to have a spare truck to take you on to the next area. Twice I broke down in Cornwall many years ago and got myself home via mates quicker than the time they estimated it would take them to get to me (summer holidays) - - - finished with them and joined the RAC. Broke down in Ullapool, Scotland some years later, In a merc 608d (23' camper) at 10at night within an hour they had a wagon there and transported the family and I all the way home through the night. to me it's a no brainer.
  15. Hi Charlie T, Believe it or not, no I didn't. When I joined the CA it was at the North Somerset show and realizing that returning to shooting I needed insurance took out membership there. Stupid of me really not to think of them but everyone was on about BASC so that's the way I went. You are absolutely correct I'm a member and should use the membership and all it's advantages. Thanks for the (head bashing) sense and all that.
  16. Hi Chaps' Thanks for all the replies, Took on board what some have said and phoned BASC. They said there was no truth in what I was told by the lady!! So I am going to proceed, If I get grief I'll get them on the case for me. Mind you I'll have to join first as at the moment I'm only in the CA .
  17. Hi Chaps Need a bit of enlightenment please. I've been shooting from the year dot, and hold both SGC and FAC I have a 22lf and a .222 . I have been asked to clear some problem Roe. Went to Newavon arms today to get some 50grn vMax heads for the foxes,and Avon and Somerset police reps were there! So I asked what I had to do to get a.243 on my cert seeing as i have had a centrefire on my licence for 10+ years. The lady told me The only way I could get a deer calibre rifle was to have proof of stalking or attend a Deer stalking course Is this correct! or is it one of their stipulations that they are trying to add on. Attending a course is no bad thing mind you but is an added expense I could do without. After all a safe shot with any centrefire is just that! If this is correct could someone let me know please, as it would be easier to invite someone with an open ticket of a suitable calibre.
  18. Hi everyone, as the header says help needed. One of my permissions has asked me to clear a dose of newly relocated foxes (no problem with that) I normaly lamp with a mate who is happy doing all the lamping while I shoot. Now this Farm is surrounded by fox huggers, and are giving him a hard time when they see anyone out lamping. I could put some wires about the place, but I prefer the triple with a mod. I told him I'd do it anyway, but he'd rather keep the peace with his neighbours so my question is. what nightsite on a buget of about £500 pounds? is it possible to get anything of any quality or am I hopeing for something impossible. Thanks for any future suggestions.
  19. tonker


    I find on a skittles night when asked to do the board I really struggle just adding up the totals and often get it wrong when there is odd numbers involved! My brain does just not compute numbers. When I write, I can only do it in capital letters, if I try hard to use small letters then all i get is a mixture of the two. (quite common apparently) How many of you suffer from this? Most dyslexic people are either artistic, clever with their hands, or are very practical or so I've been told
  20. Was given a BSA 410 single bolt action by my mate! Strange looking bolt (never seen one before) funny sort of safety system on it. Was also given a Miguel Uggartachia (spelling) imported by Page wood s/s 12 which hadn't had a box of cartridges through it, so like new but plod had broken the but plate when they had seized it of him a few weeks before, I expect they thought they were going scrap it! So I've been very lucky and still use both today
  21. Mine came about after having my knee rebuilt after loosing all my ligaments and cartlidges in a football tackle !! At the time there were indistructable Toys about called Tonka toys. When I started playing Hockey in goal cos I couldn't run, I wore a leg brace, people thought I was like a tonka toy. Being broad WestCountry Tonka morphed to Tonker. I've been called that in all walks of life ever since. (sad or what),
  22. Hi guys, Do any of you lads up northish know any stockist of 50gr V-max or nosler heads for my tripple? The wife and I are going to the Lake district for a few days and then going over to the Yorkshire dales for a few more. As I like looking around gun shops anyway,I thought it would kill two birds with one stone. Local gunshops down here are out of stock and have them on back order, I thought it would be nice to have something to get on with when i get home. Thanks in advance for any help given. Cheers Steve
  23. Porn Film star (you've probably seen me)
  24. I had a phone call whilst on the way home from Exmouth yesterday, I'd been down to see a couple of chaps from here (Wymberley and Jasper 3 ) Twas a pleasant morning thanks lads! It was from a Farmer friend of mine who has about 2000 head about and farms as many acres, he told me that he had put a dead calf out for the Kennelman, but he hadn't picked it up. By the next morning at least half had gone. He wondered what would eat that amount overnight? He started getting carried away with his big cat theories, so I said I'd have a look. Now everyone knows that if you have livestock you also have dead stock and there was another calf there by the time I went down. They were right outside and to the side of the calf shed and Hay barn. As they had been feeding there already I didn't want to move them. So I just parked the Disco up amongst the other machines lowered the passenger window and waited, After about an hour I was getting careless and realised that something was tugging at one of the calves legs. As I moved to bring the gun up my leather seats creaked, and it legged it. Not being frightened it was soon back 20 mins/ish no mistake this time, one less Charlie! My mate was pleased, but said he thought there may be more than one, I agreed because of the amout they were eating. Anyway went back again tonight and within an hour and a half, had a really god conditioned Vixen and Dog Maybe I'll see some well grown cubs in a day or two. Three in two nights and another five in the last two weeks. These three were taken with a tracer on an o/u four were taken with my .222 and one cub was head shot with my .22r/f (close range) before anyone gets on there high horse. Anyway for me thats by far better than normal So i'm well chuffed
  25. Evening everyone, Further to my post on 222 rem reloading, could I get your thoughts on the question above? I've always used 50gr Sako arrowhead and got on fine with this. But as I'm going to have a go at loading my own and some on here and other boards swear by Hornady 40's, I thought I'd ask for opinions! I,d like to thank at this stage Hawkeye and Wymberley from here helping me out with some reloading kit. I've also had reasonable results with 40gr winchester silvertip but the're getting a bit pricey for me now to be honest. Thanks in advance for any comments
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