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Everything posted by jall25

  1. It was commercially grazed but I turned all the grass into proper old fashioned flower meadows - and we cut for hay but not until August to let the birds get away Half of the holding is woodland - it was commercial timber - but i clearfelled it and its now natural generating over the last 7/8 /9 years It brings in a bit of income from HLS stewardship
  2. Mines a Blaser Pro Success - with a lawrence mod - Its nice but does jump I bought it a few years ago as a present to myself - but i would not buy another to be honest
  3. In all seriousness Old Un - i did ask Packman - but he never answered I have had several MPs up
  4. We have 270 and rent for the shoot about 50 I love shooting but i really love seeing all the wildlife
  5. Fortunately its our land - yes we have hundreds and hundreds of duck I put lots and lots of duck tubes up
  6. Fair play Scobydog - my 270 jumps about a bit under recoil - when foxing its nice to see the strike and the 204 as i would imagine 223 allows that
  7. I have tried to create various sizes and depths to provide habitat for as many different things as possible - some i plant up - some i leave to colonise themselves
  8. Thank you No i just track in the clay On the odd one - i have moved clay from one piece of ground into a pond - but usually a few test bucket full tell you if a pond will be possible or not Our shoot for years had so little water - these have changed the whole dynamic - and the amount of insects and small birds / waterfowl is incredible Hi Old Un - yes - i think we have 25 / 30 now I do some of the smaller ones as above in half a day / day - this large one by the time its all done will be circa 4/5 days I am a bit of a one though - and when i get in the digging groove i dont get off it all day sometimes The machine has been great our shoot and wildlife as it has let me put rides in - creating space and light for wild flowers - i can sort the tracks out so feeding and access is easy too
  9. Im using a .204 Scobydog - very flat - recoil of my air gun - ish - and so fast and hard hitting Was using my 270 before this and found i lost the target after the shot
  10. Hhahahaha The lads all say Clarkson copied me ! Hahahahah I wish !
  11. Hahahaha Its not so much "deep" as i need to get down to the "level" I will pull back the overburden and reduce the height of the island Looks pretty good in real life
  12. Good cartridge that creedmoor - presuming 6.5 ? Long way 400 - and too far for me to be honest There will be more where that dog came from Scobydog
  13. Sad really isnt it If it is poison
  14. Awesome ! The osprey comes to a local fishery near us and digests his dinner in our trees sometimes Ta pictures and send the loons the evidence
  15. I hope there will and thats up to us ALL to ensure there is by taking some of these under our wings Im a bit more optimistic as i see lots of young ones coming through - and indeed their parents coming late to shooting
  16. Members 1.5k Posted January 20 A tiny bit of backgroundOur shoot has an end of season thankyou meal for our beaters / pickers up and helpers throughout the seasonDuring this event which hosts circa 100 people we have quiz's , a few speeches - some pie, peas and beersTo raise funds for the shoot and much of its conservation work - supplementary wild bird feeding - bird box building etc we hold a raffle and an auctionThis year ATN has donated an ATN X SIGHT 4 K PRO 5-20 XI simply cannot thank Peter and ATN enough and though it should be shared publicly That was the story - anyway im buzzing today because my young pal won the scope and went out after a red stag last evening He has never shot one before and after 10 mins the opportunity arose and he did the job perfectly - 1 minute later it was number 2 ! Im really chuffed for him - it was his first and second ever and the scope did him proud ! So once again thanks Peter - thanks ATN 2 of the old chaps are off out tonight with their new ATN thermal spotters just purchased from Peter - they have been up zeroing the air gun today like young lads - one is 81 and one 83 i think hahahah Proper chaps !
  17. Awesome Im trying to do the same with the boxes Rim Fire
  18. Totally not illegal as per Dougy
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