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Everything posted by jall25

  1. Yes - im pretty lucky as i have access to that I just found it interesting how far your money can go - a bit like a few decades ago buying an estate in Scotland was a seriously shrewd move
  2. Thank you Without being rude - or too nosey - any idea on true cost - as LB says - would also love a few hundred acres
  3. Top post Lloyd Its like the badgers lovers - most have never even seen one !
  4. Brilliant news ! In all seriousness though i had no idea of the value of mudflats in pounds -cheap aernt they really
  5. May have said it elsewhere but thermal on a shotgun at night is super effective
  6. Brilliant and great fun ! Nice one !
  7. Not sure of a pen The duck tubes work very well and dont take much building We have circa 25 up and circa 20 were used last year On our big pond we had over 100 ducklings The key in my opinion to success is vermin control - and just as important supplementary food for them when they hatch The weather always seems messed up these last few years and the insects are not about so we feed a bucket full of meal worms for a few weeks I have seen some coral duckilings together and other mothers be very protective and attack others - so a pen may cause major issues
  8. So sorry for you loss Crossy May he rest in peace and prayers for the family
  9. Same with us - getting on for now 50 / 50 - lady beaters and men The ladies really like working their dogs I dont see the need for a big campaign from BASC to be honest If they do - why not make BASC free for ladies for their first year of membership ?
  10. Just cant understand why solar is simply not on the roofs of all the new mega factories - warehouses etc etc Have them in the fields near us and its a bio desert
  11. Woken up this morning by the sound of spring and the pigeons cooing I know they do in winter sometimes - but a good dozen at it this morning
  12. Indeed - Hhahah Me neither but scaremongering is not good We roost shoot to protect crops - Simple really
  13. You are making an issue out of nothing at all
  14. Thats a shame - sounds like a good day to be had I wonder if most people are already out with it being the last Saturday in the season
  15. Frightening really Thanks for posting Rewulf
  16. I think thats the issue now - so many dont integrate - They dictate
  17. @Teal @welsh1 Please could you close this thread Thank you
  18. Yes i have seen people do that too Our birds - because we shoot such a small area - probably too much - are wild as wild things ! I walk in one end and out they all go - but they know which side their bread is buttered so they do return
  19. We did a drive on Saturday - a very modest day filler really - in times past it may yield half a dozen birds I have been feeding it - quite heavily with the mix - in the hollies - on the ride through it - for 2 weeks On Saturday circa 100 birds showed !
  20. Steve To keep it simple - any raffle tickets are sold at £1 each - but in batches of £20 The Knife and the high seat session are not in the raffle - they are now to be auctioned on the night So the raffle is for the scope - dozens of bottles - chocolates - hoodies - mugs etc etc A quarter of the sales from here - if any will go the the Royal British Legion
  21. Steve Not heard back but happy to include you Only issue i can think is if you win a prize There are loads - not just the scope - things like bottles - chocolates - gun slips - dog leads etc etc How would i get the prizes to you ? Worth posting the scope and maybe a few of the other things - but a bottle of wine or mug - maybe not Thoughts ?
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