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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Some great replies gent's. The Whitefront and Pintail seem to be the holy grail for some. A Pink was high on my list for many years and I suppose it is the bread and butter goose for many in the UK but not as plentiful over here. Was genuinely one of the happiest moments in my life when I bagged my first. I hope those after their dream bird feel as joyful when they finally manage to bag one. Keep plugging away and it will come good. Dave at Kelton, that is very decent of you to offer such help. I certainly will make the effort to get over at some stage. Thanks for the replies folk's, a bit of off season wildfowling talk keeps the fire burning.
  2. As per title, are there things you really want to do to add to or make your Wildfowling career complete? Such as a a specific species you want to shoot, or a certain place the would like to go Wildfowling, or a certain gun you would like to obtain? I'll start with a short list. 1. Shoot the Solway Firth 2.Shoot a fully plumaged drake shoveler 3.Go on a Puntgunning excursion 4.Fire a Big Bore Gun 5.Have a Go the Snow Geese Stateside. What's on your list? Over to the PW Wildfowlers.
  3. Not an easy decision, I'm sure Gerry. I think if fowling is in your blood, then you are never really ''packing it in'' so to speak. Hopefully it will still be there if you ever decide to pick it up again. Myself personally, I am only a part time fowler nowadays as compared to when it was pretty hardcore. I still am always on the shore but mostly with a wading staff and a pair of binoculars. Some people term it doing the Peter Scott, but I genuinely don't like killing as many fowl as I used too. I have been pretty selective in my shooting this past many year's, but then big bags was never my thing anyway. I done very little shooting this year until January and I really enjoyed being out during a few storms shooting fully plumaged birds. I could tell you were never a big bag man either, and got your enjoyment from the whole other enjoyments that are unique to Wildfowling. You were aways a respectful poster also and I hope you continue to do so. ATB S.G.
  4. Also thought who thought he had passed 🙄 I really liked ''Some mothers do have em!' Manys a good laugh was had at Frank's expense! And I was also aware of his talent of singing and mostly for as already put the Phantom of the Opera! Loved the Royle Family too.! Never got that Office one with the Anti shooting/hunting/field sports Ricky Gervais and I thought Mrs Browns boys was predictable pance !
  5. That is a very touchy and hotly debated subject here in the emerald Isle..! You see we have two Tayto's over here. The original Tayto that is made in the ROI and then another Tayto that is produced in N.I. I like both and probably being a bit biased I would prefer the ROI Tayto. It is cleaner crisp on the pallet as I find the yellow bag Tayto tends to leave a clingy film on the roof of the mouth. The price of both packets are ridiculous, I remember Tayto when they had a price of 10p on the packet. They are now over a euro and the north ones are over a pound.! I'm working in the north at present and can by these in packs of 5 for £1.60 and they are more flavoursome than either Tayto.
  6. I agree on frozen chips. Only real hand cut chip's here. That said we went through a short phase of the crinkle cut oven chip's as my little girl had them in a friend's house and requested them. Frozen chip's get a 👎 from me!
  7. Well what an incredible 16yr old. When I watched him in his first round match, I said to myself -nobody is stopping this kid. And he is now a finalist in the World Darts final tomorrow night. It is set up to be a cracker with the other finalist Luke Humphries throwing out of this world darts in his semi final. It would be a fairy tale ending for ''Luke the Nuke'' to be victorious, however I think the now world No 1 . the other Luke,Mr Humphries will spoil the party. 🎯
  8. Thank's for the replies folk's. It was interesting to read all the complaints online about the possible change in the recipe. I'm glad it wasn't just me who noticed the drop in quality and change in taste. Powdered variety it is from now on.
  9. I was a very active member ''Probably posted too much on it" at times if truth be told There was a time that I was totally obsessed with Wildfowling and it was a fantastic place to interact with like minded people. There was some really nice and friendly people on there. I quite liked the fact it was private and people seemed more at ease posting pictures of themselves and giving out advice ect..when not on a public platform. It was quite sad at the time to see it decline for whatever the reason.
  10. The very best English mustard hands down. However my latest jar that is not that long opened,has an off taste. This is not the first time that I have encountered this with Colman's as I it has happened before. Anyone have a similar experience with Colman's..? I have take a leaf out of ditchman's book and bought the powdered variety instead for the compulsory post Christmas dinner ''cold cut's''.
  11. Looks good. I would love to be confident enough to pick wild mushrooms 🍄
  12. That would certainly pack a punch, taste wise to the finished dish 👌
  13. Loving risotto these day's. A labour of love to make but well worth the effort.A simple mushroom ''chestnut'' risotto.
  14. A man after my own heart ditchman! Have that dinner usually once a week. I used to make my own pies 🥧 but the butcher ones I get are quality. Mostly steak, but sometimes mince and onion or chicken and ham. He used to do a lovely chicken curry one, but discontinued it as it wasn't a good seller. Some people have no taste 🙄 Served with handcut , dripping cooked chips from local spuds. PS Frey Bentos where OK but the soggy pastry was very off putting!
  15. If I'm having that ''which is often then it will also include beans..''Branston of course''👍
  16. Well I started the saving card in my local butcher today and usually have enough saved to cover most of the cost by Christmas. I buy a ham joint which will be boiled in stock then the skin scored and glazed with Irish whisky marmalade,pineapple juice and brown sugar. A roast rib of beef, which I often overcook. A boneless,rolled turkey breast with butter smeared under the skin and wrapped in streakey bacon. All the usually and home-made pavlova and there will be some mulled wine simmering away. A few photos of a typical Christmas dinner over this past few year's.
  17. That looks the business 👌 Is that cracked black pepper on the Spaghetti..?
  18. Yeah that quality looking ham is crying out for a good slathering of Colemans 👍
  19. A firm favourite,Seafood risotto topped with baked seabass 🐟🦐
  20. 😄 God knows how much teflon I've ingested over the years! I use it often even to stir fry microwaveable rice as I don't use a microwave. The wok is now in what I would call a perfectly seasoned state, as when heated and a spoonful of stir fry oil is added, nothing sticks 😀 Was pretty good in fairness 👍
  21. I'm cooking for one tonight,so knocked up the ever popular ''Spice Bag''. The Irish /Chinese fusion has been all over the Internet this past few years. It first originated in a Dublin Chinese takeaway and another Thai place has become quite famous of the back of their version. I've had the San Sab one and it is delicious. However it is easy enough to knock up you own. I used home cut chips down in the DFF and frozen chicken. You can go the whole hog and do your own chicken from fresh which would definitely be more wholesome. Everyone from top American youtube chefs to home cooks are making it. I will include a couple of videos for those interested in making it. Has anyone ever tried one..?
  22. They say you ''eat with your eyes'' and that looks very appetising to me!
  23. Poor dog,and sounds like a disturbing experience for the fowler involved. Incidentally the very first time I saw a picture of a CBR ''Over 30 yr's ago'' in a sporting magazine, the article was about shooting sea ducks in North America on a coastal inlet, where it stated that the dogs ran the risk of getting attacked by killer whale's. I still have that magazine somewhere.
  24. Looks very nice indeed..! Bet the chips done roastie style were tasty.
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