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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Good Morning Marsh Man, yes I've watched them youtube films about the Herring Industry in Great Yarmouth in bygone days, long before my time but I take an interest in such things. There was some hustle and bustle and it looked like mayhem, but somehow also looked to have run like clockwork with many hands making light work of things. There is a fishing port here called Killybegs, and you know you are getting close to the town, even when you are a few miles away as the stench hits you. I can well imagine how bad Yarmouth was back then going by the videos I've watched. I suppose its like anything though, you soon get used to it and think nothing of it. I remember when we were doing some construction work in a ''cheese factory'' one time and for the first few days it turned our stomach's, but after a bit ot didn't bother us. Sorry to hear your Old Gran was fond of the ''Black Stuff'' and you never got the inheritance...ARTHUR has a lot to answer for in many,many case's 😃
  2. An Irish woman too.🙈.tut tut..! Probably a city girl. Well played Piers Morgan. Morgan's views and response is similiar to what Kevin Costner's character ''John Dutton'' in the hit TV series Yellowstone, told the vegan protester. I can't find a decent link for it, but it was a powerful scene that went out to a worldwide audience.
  3. Thank you! Making memories is what it is all about. It is hoped he will look back with fondess in the years to come as well. Thank you! Getting one printed is a great idea👍 The season is not over yet, there is Mackerel to be caught yet. Fantastic! A great family tradition continued,long may it last. They did indeed. Simply seasoned with S&P and fried in butter and finished with a squeeze of lemon juice. More importantly my boy liked them and said they tasted like Tuna. He was surprised to learn that Mackerel were in fact small Tuna. I want to try and smoke a few next season Indeed! Thank you. Interesting, I like horseradish sauce with beef, so might be ok with fish too. A posh fish finger sandwich maybe 🤔 Thank you Marsh Man. Sounds like great memories you have,as you were part of the great herring industry that was part of Yarmouth and of course the Scottish herring ladies. A hardy breed of females which were anything but squeamish. My part of the coast is also famous for its herring fishing. It was written that when rowing a boat in the lough when the herring were in, it near impossible to row as the water was thick with fish. I've fond memories of, when local fishermen caught a haul of herring, they would go around the doors knocking and when you sent out a plate you got it filled with herring for very little money. The fish would be fried that evening and the house stunk for days. I look forward to buying and cooking a few herring in the coming weeks. Our boys fish way up in Norway where they reckon the waters are thick with big herring.
  4. Just a few photos from a few hours after the mackerel. My 10yr old boy caught his first rod caught fish "A coalfish''. The first evening turned out very wet and windy and I was catching single good sized Mackerel (the Chopping board is 16'' long) Another evening it was a glorious weather-wise but nothing was taking. I explained to my boy that you don't go fishing with the sole intent of catching fish. High tides and the sun going down, there are certainly worse ways to spend an evening.
  5. It's in the ''coolest place on the planet'' Well that was official in 2017. It sits on the shores of Lough Foyle on the Inishowen peninsula in Co Donegal. Across the lough is Magilligan which once had one of the largest commercial rabbit warren's in Europe. Thank you👍 That's some iteresting info there! Thanks for taking the time to post it.
  6. Forgot to mention, I spent a few hours drinking pints and talking about birds,wildlife,shooting ect..in the company of Mr Packhams buddy, lolo William's! I have to say I found him as sound as a pound and he came across as neither pro or anti shooting. A real down to earth genuine man. A lover of birds but wildfowl wasn't his speciality, as he grew up and lived inland in Wales.
  7. You may well be right! The info I got on it was that they were used for keeping the birds plus their eggs for food. There are some really nice looking ones if you google Dovecotes and go to images. This one sits on the shores of lough foyle, as you can see in the background.
  8. Oops🙈 I did! Apologies I did miss that reply! Very well done for getting it correct👏
  9. https://www.buildingsofireland.ie/buildings-search/building/40903115/red-castle-tullynavinn-donegal
  10. Well done sir! Correct answer👏
  11. A couple more very good guesses. I'll post another photo before posting the ones of the inside, which should reveal all. There is one feature that is a good clue on the building. The building is around 250yrs old.Aldi and Lidl are not as absurd as you may think 😉
  12. Some good guesses folks, but no correct answers as yet. I'll post a photo of the front view to see if things become clearer.
  13. I had a snoop around this interesting old building a few weeks back, as it was in the vicinity of a place we were spending the day. Does anyone want to have a guess as to what it was used for? I'll forward a couple more photos to give more clues as to what it was actually used for. I'd be really impressed if someone knew with just the image in this post.
  14. Thanks for the input folk's. I seem to have managed my first photo uploads to the forum.👍
  15. Thank you! Thank you! I'll give both a try and see how I fair.
  16. So is there a convenient way of putting a photo on the forum from a smart phone? Is photobucket still a thing? I used to be able to upload from the laptop using that, but about 95% of my time on here is from using the phone. I'm not very savy at all when it comes to technology. It seems a breeze for some people to upload photos. Any help appreciated.
  17. I met a few celebs over the years. Met Henry Cooper as a boy and fist clenched Nigel Benn whilst we talked in a nightclub and talked about the McClelland fight. I challenged Brian O'Driscoll(Bod) to an arm wrestle but he never gave me my glory so that doesn't really count😃 I think my real claim is getting a ''Smacker on the lips'' off Whigfield! It wasn't a Saturday night,but the air was getting hot🔥 and I also had a wee smooch with one of the backing singers! I have witnesses. I was a handsome boy back in the day lol They wouldn't look twice at me now👴
  18. The one we purchased was the biggest of the dual fryers with a 9.5litre capacity. The extra money for the 9.5litre as opposed to the smaller dual 7.5 litre capacity is money well spent IMO. I use ours a lot since we purchased it and as put, the oven and gas hob gets used way less now. Even for fish fingers, I'll put them on the air fryer,rather than a frying pan now. I've found there is a lot of trial and error, regarding cooking times. I cooked 4 chicken fillet burgers last night (From the butcher, flattened with a meat mallet and then dipped on flour,egg and panko breadcrumbs) I cooked them for 20mins but I think maybe 17 or 18 mins may have been better as they were a bit on the dry side. I have found this with sausages also. I like to be on the safe side with the chicken, but 20mins was too long. Double drawers have advantages for sure!
  19. Thank you for the reply👍 Teal has put me right. Ah, that's it! I pressed the arrows and now have the full forum categories displayed again. Thank you very much for your help.
  20. The full forum does not load for me anymore! I used to be able to scroll from Welcome to PW right down to Food and Drink. It now gives me the option of choosing one of three forums; Pigeon Watch Community Pigeon Shooting Country Sports I also have a large advertisement taking up the top half of the screen. I thought I hit something by mistake but even when signed in, I can't get the full forum displayed.
  21. Hopefully 🤞 Not sure if it was OTT or not, but it certainly was gruesome and I have no problem saying I put my hands over my eyes and had to look away,I'm very squeamish with things like that. I'd imagine the books are better than the series as books are usually better than what appears on the screen. I probably won't watch the series religiously as it air's, but will watch it in catch up when time allows. Daemon Targaryen looks like he could be and interesting character. I hope we have a stand out character like ''The IMP'' or ''The Hound'' or Joffery for that matter. Doubtful any will live upto them strong characters, but maybe it's unfair to expect that! Time will tell.
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