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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Excellent! That is class! Cripple stopper and all. Did you build it yourself? I seen Hawkers gun in the first Chris Greene DVD in the BASC HQ in Wales. I had a deep fascination with Puntgunning and have read most of the classics on the subject. I don't have the actual Stanely Duncan book but have the a signed copy of (Stanley Duncan Wildfowler) by John Humphreys. Edited to say! A happy New year to you and yours also Bill.
  2. That is very interesting about Kenzie. However I don't think it is all that uncommon for Wildfowlers to mellow with age and take a different perspective on things. Especially by people who have done a lot of fowling early in there life's. I've known quite a few and to be honest I have been coming a bit disillusioned with it all especially after joining (FB) and seeing some of the things I see that pass as Wildfowling. I would have no issue with anyone deciding to stop fowling for whatever reason.But to become hypocritical and critical of others doing what you once did yourself, is another thing altogether and I can't abide that. There is a few of them type local to me and it only spurs me on to continue and fight for our sport. Some seem to find their conscience troubled later in their career,but that is up to themselves to deal with and it should not be a case of criticizing others to help ones own conscience which seems to be the case in a lot of people. IMO if Wildfowling is approached and and done in the true sense then nobody should have any issues with their conscious. But there seems to be a pattern in the case of the fowlers of old and most have overdone it inland..Scott,Savory,Humphrey' s and possibly Kenzie comes into that bracket as well. Apologies for the long winded response but I find all this interesting. PS as to the OP! What a beautiful and unique piece of Wildfowling memorabilia to own.As Marsh Man has already put surely the ''Holy Grail'' maybe apart from Hawkers Puntgun!
  3. That actually came across very well. In my eyes, restraint is the true mark of a sportsman and Wildfowler. I also liked how you let your young Lab carry back the goose after the one that nipped him. I once had a Greylag square up to me and came towards me before I finished it off. It just goes shows how the will to live is strong, even in birds,and animals.All the more reason to respect the quarry we hunt. Fantastic footage and hats off to Chris Green for filming it all without actually shooting himself.A nice touch inviting him back also. Will stick another one on here in a bit to watch.
  4. That most defiently is the case! The new one is well worth a watch and is having quite a positive reaction online.
  5. Well just after watching the (Coast to Coast) dvd.I tried it last night but the downstairs DVD player was playing up! A tenner well spent indeed! Really enjoyed it. Have to say the "Dark Estuary" looked a challenging environment and the evening flight on "The Wash" with Smokersmith was hairy looking stuff! Any bird shot out their is certainly well and truly earned. Really impressed with the homeloading set up and equipment! All alien to me is that! The flight on the Washes was up there not only in the quailty of shooting and dog work but also in quailty of filming. Whilst not a fan of the American dvds the quailty of filming is usually top notch and this easily, is on par in that sense. Them Fenland boys are living in a Wildfowling paradise, no doubt about that! I'm layed up with a bad back again "hence so much screen time" the dog is bored stiff but I think I have just found a cure for a bad back in the form of Chris Green dvds lol
  6. Totally agree. I don't think they needed to mention Fox hunting at all. What I meant was the message they portrayed about the Bee's and general changes that have taken place in the countryside.
  7. It was a tough job and big shoes to fill in getting a Worzel character as endearing/loveable as Mr Pertwee played. I think they did well in that respect. Loved Worzel Gummidge as a kid with the Crowman,Aunt Sally ect..! The sound of the rooks in the field is a country sound that I love.
  8. Yeah, caught that near the end! Obviously an Anti input. The message they portrayed was fair enough but the (Red Coat) comment spoiled it.
  9. Gutted I missed the 1st episode,and was sceptical when I first saw a photo of the new Worzel earlier this year. Have to say it's funny and quite good although it will never compare to Worzel of old. BBC1 now!
  10. Hi Marshman, Yes I already had the first two dvds I now have the last one in (The whole story) volume and also Vol one in (New Wildfowling adventures). Funnily enough the 3rd one she bought me was Vol 1 in (Coast to Coast). Going by the photo on the back cover they certainly had a flight of a lifetime! or two! Looking forward to watching the Fenland boys in action👍
  11. The Missus actually ordered an extra one for me and got them as a part of my Christmas gifts, so have 3 Wildfowling ones to catch up on. The first one in the Wildfowling series was excellent apart from all the ''Yahooing'' and ''high fiving'' shooting Canada's inland. The 2nd one was ok ! So looking forward to seeing what the Cornish country man's adventures have in store Might stick one on after watching Liverpool hopefully put a stamp on the Premier league trophy.
  12. Burned the midnight oil on Christmas eve/morning watching this! I found it enjoyable enough! Classic roles for the actors involved and I thought Al Pacino was brilliant.
  13. Ive never travelled with a gun before, but buy most of my cartridges over the border in N.I. I'm lucky in the that sense as to get a (Firearm travelling pass) you need to have a sponsor who lives in NI to sponsor you! My interest is shooting some of the famous Wildfowling firths around Scotland and English estuaries. I know a lot of Irish from South of the Republic don't bother with taking guns to go to Scotland and just rent guns off the guides. Not sure if much paperwork is required for this! I've heard of story's of Irish shooters getting their guns confiscated at the ferry ports for not having the required documents.
  14. Anything with Diane Lane in it, is always worth watching😉 Loved the Cinema/pictures as kid but not so much now. My first expedience of the big screen was at a local parish hall and it was Brannigan with John Wayne. Usually go to children's films with the kids nowadays and enjoy seeing them enjoying it! But like somone else has said the noise,getting the back of your seat kicked and the rattling would get on my nerves too. The last film I had interest in and went to see was (Southpaw).
  15. Thanks for the reply. Like I said politics is not really my thing but living where I do they will no doubt have an effect on my day to day living. Ref-The SNP and shooting, then I'd assume sporting estates and shooting/fishing in general play a big part in bringing money into the country and supporting jobs. Thank you! That is exactly the information I was asking for! There is much I still want to do in my shooting career that will involve travelling. I won't put any more as it is probably not the thread for it,and will just wait an see what obstacles present themselves when the time comes.
  16. I have little interest in politics as it bores me to death! Izaak Waltons; We sit on cowslips banks; rings true with me. A curious question though! If Scotland did become independent and had a hard border, then how would that effect shooters from England travelling North to shoot? For example I need a (Euro Pass) and a (Firearm travelling pass) to carry a gun or ammo in N.I. And another question. When Britain comes out of the European union does that make their Firearm Euro Pass void? And how will it effect shooters taking their guns on shooting breaks on the continent? Will it still be viable and straight forward? And how will it work for say people from Ireland or other European Country's wanting to take their firearms to Britain for sporting holidays or competitions after Brexit?Will there be new procedures?
  17. I suppose it was a no contest really!A Lab doing what a Lab does best. Good story.
  18. Have tried most of the leading brands plus the supermarket ones! But I think I now prefer the pre sliced kind from the butcher counters. I'm liking a pre packed kind in my local shop at present. Made in Ireland by an Irish company. As for my favourite way to use it in a sandwich. I like to use both corned beef and a good local sliced ham, with lettuce,beetroot,mature cheddar,Scallions and topped of with salad cream.And it has to be plain bread rather than pan. For a quickie snack then it's just corned beef smothered in Coleman's mustard. I always use British cheddar as we can't seen to make it anywhere near as good/tastey as the British.🤔
  19. That sounds good and I think a couple of crispy fried eggs on top would work well with it. (With a soft yolk of course)
  20. Remember him well on the ''Telly'' as as a kid.I also have a book where he was the consultant.(The Countryside Detective) RIP
  21. Thompson v Haye ''Vaguely'' I need to rematch. Thompson v Eubanks then I do remember them slugfests. But I think they were at LHW
  22. Fury would have the power to take him out early doors? Really?😂 Fury is not renowned for having power as far as HW's go! Boxing ability yes! Power most defiently not! He has the boxing brain but I for one can not stand his style. He didn't look to hot last time out and never took the Wilder rematch for good reason. As for Wilder and lucky punches, I fail to see how they are lucky. He delivers them right hands with precision and power and it's night' night😴 His footwork is terrible but his boxing IQ is hugely underrated. It's true an out of shape Fury outboxed him however the referee was more than kind to him after the knockdown. It could be said Joshua only had the belts in the first place due to a ''Lucky punch'' a desperate ''Hail Mary'' of an uppercut got him out of jail. Plus the fact Klitschko let him recoup for a full round instead of going in for the finish. And this was a Klitschko that Fury previously went to Germany and took the belts from. Of course these are only opinions and for me Fury would probably outbox any form of Joshua over 12rds and Wilder would finish his career. And Im not buying the all the talk about Usyk making a dent in the HW division.Yes a fantastically skilled boxer at CW but not big enough for the big boys of the HW division.Again only my opinions.
  23. Clinical by Joshua and it went much as expected game plan wise. He boxed on the outside and Ruiz couldn't get close enough to do any damage. To do it for 12rds surprised me I was also wrong about his footwork,Ruiz ended up being the plodder. Will that game plan work against Wilder/Fury though? They are not short with a short reach. Interesting times ahead in the HW division.
  24. Rain smocks in Saudi ☔ It's bucketing down🌧 You couldn't make it up🙄
  25. You would need to add a zero after the 6 to be thereabouts. Joshua (The challenger ) is reported to be receiving a purse of between $65/$85 million. Ruiz (The Champion ) is reportedly receiving $13 million. All in the contract clause apperantly. There are no flies on "Fast Eddie" 💰💰💰💵💵💵
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