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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. As an old Western fan he was one of my favourites. He was the best Wyatt Warp IMO in (Gunfight at the OK Coral) even better than Val Kilmer when he played the role. Watched a war film with him in it the other week (Paths of Glory) I think. They don't make them like that anymore. RIP Kirk.
  2. It's a bit of a strange one people attending clinics with no real intention of giving up and being not bothered if they did or not! Why be there in the first place? I'm not doubting these type excist but I think the larger majority would be there with the intention of quitting. Ref- How it affected my mood. Yes the tablets had me almost numb and at a loss and in a browned off state. But with no irritable tendencies. Quite the opposite when I went ''cold turkey''. I'd be easily irritated at the best of times and I definitely noticed my tolerance a lot thinner in the beginning. But it did get better. I was on a high when I was off them and remember speaking with a guy in a pub after we called in for a few after work one evening. His words to me where not to be too confident about it as he had been there and all it took was a stressful period to start up again. He was a Lorry driver and he told me of a guy blowing the horn at him and he went bonkers and actually followed the guy as he really wanted him to pull in! He put it down to going off the fags and wanting to take his frustration out on someone. The first one I smoked was when a ''Friend'' I met on a night out was persistent and I was weak and gave in and smoked one. It was a horrible taste but I smoked a few more that night and as soon as I wakened in the morning,the first thing I went for was! Yes you guessed it! I've been on them since. I'm going to try the Vap again soon and couple it with Alan Carr's book to see how I go. I'm 44yrs old with two young children and I want to be there for them as long as I can. My biggest miss was when Wildfowling. I so enjoyed a smoke on a cold morning when out fighting but I managed one flight without smoking which was a start but it was around the time I went back on them.
  3. I have to say I find that comment a bit of a loose assumption and a bit disrespectful to be honest. In my own case I went to the doctors and he prescribed me these tablets and he assured me they were very good. I knew nothing about them or their ''side effects. I started taking them and within a few days I was feeling very down and even had extreme dark thoughts. I said these things to my wife as she knew to look at me that all wasn't well. She read the leaflet in the box and she then threw the whole box in the bin. I read the leaflet and the possible side effects where endless. It could be said the quiting the fags will have withdrawal symptoms anyway but I had tried before and never experienced anything similar to what I did when taking these tablets. Research online and you will see some horror stories relating to people using these tablets. Whilst it's great that they worked for yourself without any major side effects, Its unfair to make the assumption that they will work for everyone and if they don't they are making excuses. They are a horrible addiction and my most successful attempt was going cold turkey. That is the time my hands crippled up! I'd agree that you have to be mentally strong and go at it with a real intention of quitting. But that is easier said than done. All it takes is a stressful period in someone's life for them to reach for the fags again. As I said previously, fair play to anyone who has quit, bit I wouldn't be quick to judge anyone who struggles with quitting.
  4. Been smoking since my early teens. I have tried everything from patches,tablets,vaping! I was smoking with the patches on! The vaping nearly killed me as I was using them incorrectly and smoking them like an ordinary cigarette.The ''Champix nearly sent me off my head as they didnt agree with me! I did manage to get off them for about 6 months but my hands crippled up and I couldn't use them. My girl was a baby at the time and I couldn't lift her out of the Cot in the mornings. I went to the doctor and he told me that it was my body reacting to stopping the smokes similar things happen to heroin addicts apparently. I started smoking again and they came alright. Sometimes I hate them but I really do enjoy smoking. I might give the book a go soon. Fair play to anyone who has quit.
  5. Like greenshank 1 ''Tides Ending'' was the first Wildfowling book I read. It set me off on a journey with 'BB' and his works. I've read about 20 of his books. Tides Ending was my favourite for awhile but I now prefer ''Manka the Sky Gipsy'' My Fowling books gave me a deep fascination about Norfolk/The Wash/Fens ect..! I too found Hawkers diaries tough going but finished both of them. I've read around 80 books on Wildfowling and two that I keep going back to are Ian Niall' s ''A Fowlers World'' and John Humphreys ''Hunters Fen''. I haven't bought a Wildfowling book in years but there are more I want to read at some stage.
  6. What a fantastic birthday present. Childhood book's are important and help define us as individuals. Well done your Wife👏 I loved all the Roald Dahl books as a school child and have come across children's books from my favourite Countryside author later in life. I missed out on a cracker 1st ed about a decade ago of a book I wanted. It had no (DJ) but was in great condition and I passed up on it and as I was overly fussy and wanted one with a DJ. Im now finding it hard to get at a sensible price.
  7. I was fully expecting when opening that link to see other books with the same title as I've seen them when searching. What a Surprise to find that, that indeed is the very book I was referring too🤗 It's been years since I seen it and it was a joy to see the cover and easily recognisable map of the Indians route.There was actually a companion book with the same cover only with a cowboy on front. It was nowhere near as good as this book. I remember in the first chapter when he was wounded and alone that he survived by hunting wild ducks and geese. This always struck a chord with me as their has always been something instilled deep in me when it comes to hunting wildfowl,even at a very young age when it was unexplainable and something primitive in me. Thank you so much for taking the trouble in seeking it out. Now that I know the Authors name I can seek it out.l won't rush into buying this one as I have an inkling it may be in the attic at home but fantastic that I have the full details now.👌👍
  8. ''BB''s (Tides Ending )and Manka the Sky Gipsy)! Although I'm more of a ''Dipper inner'' and often re-read favourite chapters of various books. Ian Nialls "Gun for a goose" and Johhn Humphrey's "Time and Tide" are often re-read. I've lost my favourite childhood book and have searched online for it without success.I read that book so many times.It was one of my mother's books from her school days. It was called "White Hawk" and about an Indian warrior who joined another tribe. The last chapter "The Happy Hunting Grounds" has always stayed with me! He sets off on his final journey with many people accompanying him, but long story short, the only one that made the whole journey without leaving his side was-His dog! I'm hoping it is in my mother's attic that I will someday have to clear out.
  9. Not long after watching the last of the Chris Green dvds I got at Christmas. Interesting to see he has added another barrel to his Puntgun outfit in the form of a 12bore barrel separate to his (Triple Thunder) gun. The idea is to fire this first to make the birds jump before he fires the triple barrel when the birds are in the air. I believe the old gunners used to hit the punt a loud whack to make the birds jump before pulling the lanyard. What are the Puntgunners thoughts on the system Chris Green has employed? Liking the big Single 8 he has aquired also.
  10. The Shooting Mans bedside book?
  11. So just caught the last 10mins of this on BBC1 NI there now. A new programme about rural crime on both sides of the border. From what I gathered it was about the illegal sale of Wildfowl and Game. It showed the Wildlife officers out on Lough Erne on the 1st of September checking on shooters in boats and checking permits,bag ect.! Bit of Salmon poaching apparently as well. Seems the old Breydoner type of poacher/shooter is still around as a Spoonbill was apparently recorded as been sold on. I wont spoil it if anyone is interested as it is on the iplayer now! I can't watch iPlayer on my device but can on my wife's. Funny old place the Border.
  12. Duck generally feed at night! That's their habit, Moon or no Moon! There in fact should be more movement around the full moon phase as birds move about all night. The fact they are gone in the morning is probably due to the state of the tide. If the tide is out then the birds will be out on the muds/estuary. Your splashes would probably work better at evening flight. For morning flight you are usually trying to intercept them going back from their night time feeding forays to their day time roosts/resting places.
  13. I saw a photo this morning of an infected bird shot in the states that was horrendous. I saved the photo to my phone but have no clue how to post it here. There was no way anyone was eating that bird and it was definitely done a favour by being shot. It would make your skin crawl it was that badly infected with rice breast. A horrible thing that seems to becoming more and more common.
  14. Fair enough! Although a quick google reveals it was a resemblence to "the flesh of an animal'' as a baby that the name Meat derived from! Apparently Frankie and Benny approached him and tried to get him to change his name to "Veg Loaf". Put off meat after being served a rabbit with head intact and ears missing in a restaurant.🥩🥖🐰. Had to go back to eating meat because of health problems.
  15. Don't know if anyone has seen John Bishops- Australia series! I happened to catch an episode late at night (probably a repeat) over Christmas. Now I didn't know Bishop was a Vegan/Vegetarian which ever he is. Apparently he was in an abattoir as a child and the sight of a carcass revolted him hence his dicission to not eat meat. In this episode he visited a Crocodile farm and was present in the abattoir with Crocs hanging dead ready for processing. The owner of the farm put across very well how his farm is actually saving the species (I think Saltwater Crocodile) and gave Bishop a whole new train of thought. Well worth a watch if anyone can find it! I also just found out "Meatloaf" is also a Vegan. Think there is a bit of Irony in that somehow.
  16. Good Lad! Never worry what your mates or anyone else thinks for that matter! Books can take you to magical places that some will never comprehend .Nice job on your bookcase also! As I suspected. I have no intention of selling my Wildfowling books and to be honest I wouldn't accept £300 for them.
  17. Some great responses and I think I can take something from most. The one that mentions the OCD/Hoarder comparison stands out and I think I suffer from a bit of both and that could be part of the problem in my case. I have many Interests but being an organised person by nature and like things neat and in there proper place "so I know where to find them" when I need them. We have to move house soon and I'm dreading it to be honest. I have so much stuff and a lot because of various interests. There rarely is a time when there is a case to be idle. I liked it that way. Apart from all the usual duties and countryside hobbies I'm into sports, mostly following my County team in two codes. I used to play and was quite successful at under age up until I was involved in a serious RTA that ended my competitive sporting career. That is were Shooting played a major role in my life after that and Like anything I do I put 100% effort into it. Now I have two children who I put first and foremost and my boy has taken a serious interest in my previous sports. I'm actually the manager of his age group team.I got vetted and Child protection course done and have attended numerous coaching seminars and its basically become an obsession. I'm back involved with my old club and love it to be honest. It is however time consuming and runs most of the year with training nights ect.! It defiently affected my time spent in the countryside. I'm not willing to give up up shooting anytime soon butI I often feel quilty if Im not putting enough into one or the other! I haven't mentioned other interests and some that I feel I won't get around too. I like reading/writing and poetry and also have a big interest in cooking. I feel Ive been run off my feet this year past and am going around in circles sometimes trying to fit it all in. I'll probably continue trying to fit it all in until something gives "Hopefully it's not me'' lol . Thanks for the replies and good to see people are making the most of life with their various interests.👍
  18. As per title, is their such a thing as having to many Interests. I used to think that it was a positive thing,however lately I have found that they are beginning to weigh me down a bit and Im finding it hard to keep up with everything. Having duties and also many things are getting put on the back burner due to other interests taking up the time. A midlife crisis possibly?
  19. Not a lot of money you would think for such famous pieces of memorabilia! Which leads me to the question! Are there much interest in such things by the younger generation of Wildfowlers. I have a fairly good library of Wildfowling books with some special copies that I paid enough for! But apart from their value and importance to me! Would anyone in this day an age be willing to pay for what they are really worth. I'd be sceptical enough that they would hold much value.
  20. Excellent! That is class! Cripple stopper and all. Did you build it yourself? I seen Hawkers gun in the first Chris Greene DVD in the BASC HQ in Wales. I had a deep fascination with Puntgunning and have read most of the classics on the subject. I don't have the actual Stanely Duncan book but have the a signed copy of (Stanley Duncan Wildfowler) by John Humphreys. Edited to say! A happy New year to you and yours also Bill.
  21. That is very interesting about Kenzie. However I don't think it is all that uncommon for Wildfowlers to mellow with age and take a different perspective on things. Especially by people who have done a lot of fowling early in there life's. I've known quite a few and to be honest I have been coming a bit disillusioned with it all especially after joining (FB) and seeing some of the things I see that pass as Wildfowling. I would have no issue with anyone deciding to stop fowling for whatever reason.But to become hypocritical and critical of others doing what you once did yourself, is another thing altogether and I can't abide that. There is a few of them type local to me and it only spurs me on to continue and fight for our sport. Some seem to find their conscience troubled later in their career,but that is up to themselves to deal with and it should not be a case of criticizing others to help ones own conscience which seems to be the case in a lot of people. IMO if Wildfowling is approached and and done in the true sense then nobody should have any issues with their conscious. But there seems to be a pattern in the case of the fowlers of old and most have overdone it inland..Scott,Savory,Humphrey' s and possibly Kenzie comes into that bracket as well. Apologies for the long winded response but I find all this interesting. PS as to the OP! What a beautiful and unique piece of Wildfowling memorabilia to own.As Marsh Man has already put surely the ''Holy Grail'' maybe apart from Hawkers Puntgun!
  22. That actually came across very well. In my eyes, restraint is the true mark of a sportsman and Wildfowler. I also liked how you let your young Lab carry back the goose after the one that nipped him. I once had a Greylag square up to me and came towards me before I finished it off. It just goes shows how the will to live is strong, even in birds,and animals.All the more reason to respect the quarry we hunt. Fantastic footage and hats off to Chris Green for filming it all without actually shooting himself.A nice touch inviting him back also. Will stick another one on here in a bit to watch.
  23. That most defiently is the case! The new one is well worth a watch and is having quite a positive reaction online.
  24. Well just after watching the (Coast to Coast) dvd.I tried it last night but the downstairs DVD player was playing up! A tenner well spent indeed! Really enjoyed it. Have to say the "Dark Estuary" looked a challenging environment and the evening flight on "The Wash" with Smokersmith was hairy looking stuff! Any bird shot out their is certainly well and truly earned. Really impressed with the homeloading set up and equipment! All alien to me is that! The flight on the Washes was up there not only in the quailty of shooting and dog work but also in quailty of filming. Whilst not a fan of the American dvds the quailty of filming is usually top notch and this easily, is on par in that sense. Them Fenland boys are living in a Wildfowling paradise, no doubt about that! I'm layed up with a bad back again "hence so much screen time" the dog is bored stiff but I think I have just found a cure for a bad back in the form of Chris Green dvds lol
  25. Totally agree. I don't think they needed to mention Fox hunting at all. What I meant was the message they portrayed about the Bee's and general changes that have taken place in the countryside.
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