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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Had a hankering to make a meatloaf yesterday for dinner. I made a few before using Nigella's recipe. I more or less followed an American youtube recipe yesterday and used- quality butchers minced beef,local farm egg's,panko breadcrumbs, grated garlic and onion,seasoned with both black &white pepper, sea salt, garlic granules, and a squeeze of HP fruity and a splosh of ''Wuster'' sauce. Shaped in a cling filmed loaf tin and baked for 30 mins before brushing on a sauce made up of HP fruity,Ketchup, barbecue and brown sugar. Baked for another 30 minutes and then left to rest for 20mins. Had it with homemade Yorkshire puddings, Mash and veg with gravy. Just after slicing up some leftover meatloaf, straight from the fridge to put in a buttered floury bap,with sliced red cheese and Branston ''small chunk pickle''. It was worth making for the leftover sandwich alone. Enough left for another sandwich tomorrow. As I was making the ''sandwich'' I was thinking of the Greylag breasts in the freezer, that need mincing with pork belly. I had burgers planned, but now thinking Meatloaf instead😋
  2. She catches the breeze lovely! Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit ☘
  3. Very interesting watch and I like Lee's approach to Wildfowling. Drove all them miles and shot one goose and was happy with that. He certainly gets the essence of what the sport of Wildfowling is about. Nice big,historic fowling pieces that clearly the owner takes great pride in owning and using.
  4. Ourrr love was on the wing 🎶 we had dreams and songs to sing🎶🎶 🇮🇪 What a gruelling encounter. No doubt the the early sending off had a bearing on the overall game. England dug deep and Ireland seemed to be their own worst enemy at times with the amount of penalties given away. Nothing going right for them but stuck at it and pulled it out in the end. An entertaining game to watch and if we can beat Scotland next, then most of Ireland will be hoping England can do us a favour in beating the French. The prospect of an exciting finish on the final weekend of the tournament.
  5. https://youtu.be/pOAcxUhu8TI There is lots of interesting stuff on YouTube about the Antarctic explorations. The link above is the early plan's about searching for the wreck. Isn't technology amazing, coupled with what notes were made over a 100yrs ago.Just imagine the joy the search team had when they seen the images of what they were actually looking for. Better than winning the lottery for them I'd say. As for tough old boy's, I'd say they didn't come much tougher. What them men did on the Shackleton expedition is nothing short of extraordinary. They must have been made of the same stuff or similiar,as to what Kenzie Thorpe described his old fowling companion Kenneth/Toby Bromley- Every hair on his head was made of rope yarn and every drop of blood in his body was Stockholm tar. To think that when Shackleton was recruiting for men, it was stated that possible safe return was doubtful says it all really. Even modern day divers of wrecks must be made of stern stuff. It's not something I could do, the thought of going down into cold murky waters to search for wrecks sends a shiver down my spine.
  6. https://youtu.be/bP03dBqWTZg How amazing is this! I took a bit of an interest in Antarctic exploration through learning about Peter Scott's father, through an interest in Wildfowling. And lately learning about the mighty man that was Tom Crean and his unbelievable heroics on several expeditions 💪
  7. https://youtu.be/EirPgRRIbU8 This might be of interest to Norfolk fish & chip connoisseurs. I regularly watch a food review fella on youtube (Rate my takeaway) and this fella always pops up in the suggestions. I watch some of his videos also and this one is from a chip van in Norfolk. That piece of Cod would make my mouth water, if it tastes as good as it looks, then it probably doesn't get much better. PS fast forward to around 6mins 30 to watch the fish tasting.
  8. Adult's eating ready-brek? Isn't that for kids. Being Irish ,it's Waterfords finest in Flahavans progress oatlets. They do various oats with dried fruit in them and even one for Kid's called ''Super Oats'' a smoother grade than the adult's, but still not as baby foody-ish as ready-brek.The idea is it will cook faster. I cook it on the hob(don't own a microwave) every other morning for me and the children. Made with non homogenised milk from a local ''Milk bar'' the milk goes into a vending machine from 50 yards from were the cows are milked. I take it with local honey and blueberries and a sprinkling of demerara sugar. If sprinkled on when hot and left to sit for a minute or two, it creates a nice caramel syrup. The children just have the sugar and golden syrup. I used to do the steeping overnight in the fridge but found it created gale force winds 🌬 for most of the day. The steeping overnight makes it quicker to cook but for the sake of an extra couple of minutes stirring, I just make it fresh. One cup of oats to 2 1/2 cups of preferred liquid of choice (No salt) and 5 minutes later you have a nice creamy porridge.
  9. Came on this late last night. These two fella's pull no punches and there is another couple of videos, and in one they are calling out certain peoples possible involvement. PS I wrote the previous post before I watched any of the videos.
  10. You would think it would be a simple procedure to do in this day and age. The fact is Boxing is full of shady characters, from the mob in the states to underworld gangsters. You can go back as far as Sonny Liston to recent corruption like Michael Conlon getting robbed of an Olympic gold medal. There seems to be often other things at play that the general public know nothing about. Like Jamie Moore said, would you want your son or daughter to get involved in such a sport with things like this happening. Boxing is and always was a great way of getting kids off the streets and into doing something constructive. But to dedicate most of your life to a sport, only for something like this to happen ''Such in the case of Jack Catterall'' then why would you even promote it! Of course boxing is still worth while in the sense of keeping fit and learning to defend yourself, but to pursue it as a profession with all the under handed stuff that goes on, would seem crazy. To get a fair shake shouldn't be too much to ask for.
  11. There have been some dodgy and unjust scoring in fights over the years, (John Ryder v Callum Smith) is one that stands out! Nothing is ever done or changed, however the public outcry from this one could be the one that finally breaks that mould. Ben Shalom the shows promoter and Adam Smyth of Sky Sports Boxing are persistent in taking this further by the looks of it. They are talking about trying to make a rematch at a catchweight that would suit both boxers, something like 143lbs. Would a rematch be the just thing to do? I don't think so. For most boxing fans nothing short of a decision to overturn the result will be good enough. Can this be done? It doesn't look like it can going by most account's, but I don't think this is going to be a case of letting the dust settle and it will be forgotten about, this one has left a bitter taste that will linger for years to come. As for Josh Taylor, the decision was not his fault and apparently he and his family are getting dogs abuse by Internet trolls which is also disgusting. But for Taylor to rewatch the fight and still insist that he thinks he won,will no doubt lose him lots of fans in the long run. The belts are with the wrong man and everyone knows it.
  12. For Jack Catterall to go into Taylors back garden and put on a performance such as that, and then to get robbed of his glory by corruption is beyond belief. The powers that be should overturn this decision and clear out the corrupt judges if boxing is going to have any credibility. I really feel for Jack Catterall as he was so quite and unassuming in the build up and Taylor was toted as one of the best P4P fighters in the world and for this to happen is sickening.
  13. The English man won that fight by a big margin. Disgusting decision. Corruption at its finest.
  14. Brook gets the bragging rights as the ref stops it in the 6th round. Both showing respect at the end👏
  15. Khan seems to have learned not to get in to a tear up when hurt. He settled a bit that round but still over reaching
  16. Ingle up to his old tricks by not using contracted gloves. (Made to change them in the ring)Have to say Khan looks to be feeling the pressure more. Brook looks relaxed.
  17. As an exciting way as any to enjoy a boxing match if you have a good comentator.I used to love listening to the big fights on the radio when I had no other access to enjoy them, and to then look forward to seeing the photographs in the paper the following day. First thing I thought off when I awoke this morning. Khan v Brook is happening tonight. I don't think a draw is out of the question but I'd rather see a definitive winner (who ever it may be).
  18. I reckon 6 or 7 yr's late, but it has simmered nicely and has reached boiling point with a lot of hate and animosity built up towards each other, especially from the Brook side. For me,either Khan will put a clinic on Brook over the 12 rounds with blistering handspeed and combinations and win unanimously on the scorecards (albeit with a few hairy moments along the way) Brook will want a tear up and will be hoping on Khan tiring in the mid to late rounds. Khan would be foolish trying to bang with Brook as that will almost certainly end with Khan becoming unstuck. That said Brook might get disheartened and give up again or possibly Ingle will have to throw in the towel to save his man from taking too much punishment. Brook has metal in his eye sockets and no doubt Khan could be doing with some of that in his chin, as Brook has good timing and can bang a bit. Khan ain't no Golovkin and Brook ain't no Canelo, so I don't think we can judge them too much based on both them fights. A lot saying it is too late, but the interest is massive and it is much more appealing than the Eubank Jnr v Liam William's grudge match IMO.
  19. Ref- Eubank Jnr not calling out the Charlo brothers or Andrade and instead going after the Golovkin fight is understandable. Golovkin despite his decline is still the biggest name in the MW division and as he is a fan favourite, it guarantees big PPV and ticket sales. To be be truthful I'm not sold on the Charlo brothers and Eubank could probably give either a right go. Boo Boo seems to be the Bogie man in the division and although I expected him to win against my fellow county and countryman Jay Quigley, I never thought he would blow him away like he did. Eubank couldn't handle that smoke either IMO. Losing to Golovkin probably wouldn't be as bad looking giving his stature and he would be laughing all the way to the bank regardless. It's funny I never liked his dad back in the day as I was a Nigel Benn fan, however as I've grown up I look back and can see what a classy legend he was/is! Can come across mad as a box of frogs but he was a warrior. Jnr comes across very obnoxious and arrogant without any of the charisma his dad had and seems to rub people up the wrong way. For example posting a video of himself and his friends celebrating and gloating Canelo's win over a man who had beaten him was pretty pathetic IMO Interestingly Hamed was mentioned and when it comes to the showboating, it was himself and Snr who were blaming the other for copying the ring entrances,jumping the ropes ect..! A bit of showboating is all well and good if you can carry it off and back it up like Ali,Sugar Ray Leonard or Roy Jones.. but them antics did not suit Jnr. As for Khan, I've never seen Khan in a dull fight win,lose or draw. Anyway it won't be long now before the glass chinned quitter faces the glass eye socket quitter! Years late but still one that will generate a lot of interest. Khan has his haters but I'll be Team Khan and think he is way to fast for Brook and should be able to put on a clinic. That said it is Khan we are talking about, so if Brook can land one of his ''chocolate brownies'' Khan may do his new born lamb impression. One to look forward too!
  20. I think it must be Snipe as in my experience Woodcock would be long gone after counting to 7. Like scobydog has put it was said that you should wait until they stopped the initial ''Zig-Zagging'' flight after being flushed. Personally I had the most success by ''Snapshooting'' as soon as they flushed, much the same with Woodcock really.
  21. Yes I've tried this many years ago after reading that Snipe usually come back to where they were originally flushed after about 20mins or so. So if you flush snipe by walking up and either miss or don't manage to get a shot off, I've hid in cover near the boggy ground they where flushed and waited. The Snipe did come back but usually flying well up in the sky and offered some chances of a high flying shot. I never had much success, but it is a thing if you have the patience.
  22. The showboating was as cringeworthy as it gets! If it was original and his own then fair enough. But my stomach turned when I seen him coming out in the 1st round emulating RJJ's stance and style and then to make it worse, he started copying Roy's showboating moves. Whilst his timing was on point and (Obviously having RJJ as his trainer has helped this improvement in his game) he hardly set the boxing world on fire against a one dimensional Liam William's. Let's also not forget that William's is a natural MW were as Eubank is naturally the bigger man and having campaigned at SMW (Where George Groves made him look amateurish) He has reinvented himself from a gym rat making videos of hitting pads and bags to the aldi version of a RJJ. He is now looking to fight an old man in Golovkin "lost his pen when Golovkin was a force' in the MW division''. I'd still back Golovkin to win even though he is nearly 40yrs old. If he is intent on giving it the big one, then why doesn't he try and get one over on his old rival BJS and challenge the elite Mexican up a SMW rather than looking for an over the hill Golovkin. I think everyone knows the answer to that! There would be very little showboating,if he was to step into the ring with Canelo, that's for sure.
  23. It's a bit quiet on the Cricket front, on here today🤔😀 P.S. I don't even follow the game, but it's always a shame to see a post with no replies😉🇮🇪
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