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  1. I'm sorry to hear this. People love to cut down a tall poppy. And any official representative who wants us to hide the truth of what we do is on shaky ground for me. Perhaps you could look at changing your platform? Make it a paid or at least signed up for channel?
  2. PX Farms have a paid subscription. You used to get membership as part of the Cambridgeshire Field Sports Association, but I don't know what they are up to these days. The website isn't very out of date so it looks like they may still be going, hurrah! https://cfsa.co.uk/
  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Best thread EVER!
  4. When Uncle Tightchoke is loading he is a delight, handsome and smart in his tweeds and very good at nicely correcting your technique so you can actually hit something. Five stars, would use loading services again . Has in the past been gracious enough to help out other ladies who are not having such a good day and save their days from being a blank. Last seen in Shooting Times as a small blur in the background behind a lady gun. Absolute gem if you can get a slot in his very full diary.
  5. PIE is a clear example of why we should always question what we are being told by those in authority. Usually if they are pushing one agenda they have another.
  6. The whole thing would have been truncated if the Police and other authorities had respected the age of consent. There is no "child prostitute" only a raped child. No girl of 11 is a slag, she's a victim. Children cannot legally consent to sex. We all know it. Absolutely horrific that the basic law is ignored by the Police - but not a suprise 😔
  7. Authenticity, straight from the field! Thank you for the honest report 🙂 Sounds like the day went as well as it could given all the factors such as blue lights.
  8. The fact that you consider protecting the rights of women and gay people trolling is pretty disturbing - but not surprising given your track record of promoting gender ideology over our legal sex based rights. More fuzzy thinking on your part.
  9. The numbers could have increased tenfold, gone from one to ten! My tweet to the NCA: 'Dear @NCA_UK Is it true that the number cited in "This year, an increasing number of fraudulent firearms documents have been used in an attempt to unlawfully acquire legally held firearms” was actually less than ten? @BASCnews members want to know. ' If you have no numbers then it must be a low number. And if you have a low number then be honest about it.
  10. We're not conspiracy theorists, Conor, we're just calling you out on your lack of intellectual rigor, yet again. My concern is that BASC is being represented by you, and you are unable to cope with people who point out you are wrong or you have failed to consider another view point. And I have receipts on that last one.
  11. I made sloe port for the shoot. Used a carmenere for one variety, that went well 😋
  12. If you have a Waitrose near you the Old Boys fortified wine is a very good Australian version of port. Dedent stuff in half bottles, it's the only wine we buy by the half dozen. I learned to like port after trying really good port. A bottle of Cockburn's just won't get drunk here. Something special will.
  13. Cambs were always amazing. Couple of months turnaround time for new grants, lovely knowledgable FEOs. Now they are merged with Herts, Beds and who knows whoelse the service is nowhere near what it was.
  14. I've been on two shoots this year and both shoots gave me prepared partridge to take home. I prefer shoots where I can load the back of the car up with birds in the feather and the gamekeeper is pleased to see it. I am obviously a peasant.
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