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  1. I agree. I'd go as far as to say I feel sorry for the French, the main reason their country is full of illegal immigrants (other than EU membership of course) is them wanting to get to the UK. I also feel for the migrants themselves (the ones who don't commit further crime after arriving here), it must take some amount of desperation to get on a dingy to cross the channel. The blame lies squarely with the government, both Labour "smash the pensioners" and Conservative "restrict net migration to tens of thousands" for allowing it to happen.
  2. 12gauge82


    I expect the really juicy ones will have been burnt long ago.
  3. 12gauge82


    I think it does, particularly if your American. The past it might be, but if I lived there, I'd want to know if my government was capable of such a heinous act against not only those directly affected, but also the population. In short am I living in a democracy or a cleverly disguised dictatorship. Like Tightchoke says above, we probably will never know.
  4. 12gauge82


    With the recent announcement of further releases on the JFK assassination (and others), what does the PW massive think happened? Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone? Cia? Or something else entirely?
  5. Easy fix guys. Get reform in at the next election and don't forget what both Labour and Conservative have done when they both make new promises they never intend to keep.
  6. Reform are a new party and I'm sure will have many teething issues and will never be perfect. But everyone who is criticising them needs to ask themselves if they think there's any way they could possibly be any worse than Labour or the likes of Lammy. Because the only way to break the Tory, Labour cycle with neither of them carrying out the majoritys wishes is to get Reform into power.
  7. Your right, it's a cycle and we need to break it. One word, Reform!
  8. Apparently the Chagos islands 'deal' is going to cost us 50 Billion pounds. Yes, 50 Billion for the privilege of giving away our territory. A territory with huge strategic importance, particularly in relation to China. All while Labour is freezing our pensioners to death over a fictional funding blackhole. You couldn't make it up.
  9. A very well presented insight, with much of your point proven right by the thousands of miscarriages of justice in the travisty that was the post office scandal. I think many in the uk are waking up to the fact our legal system, like many other institutions in the UK, far from being the envy of the world, are in reality, not as great as we've been led to believe.
  10. As for Lucy Letby, if someone had asked me a few years ago in a case like hers whether I thought there was a chance she might be innocent, I'd have said not a chance. Since the latest scandales however, while still of the belief she probably did it, I'm not so sure. Like everything else in this country, the legal system is clearly broken. I was going to go into that and your quite right, a two tier system for the rich and powerful and everyone else is very clearly still alive and well.
  11. And it is that attitude that the system is more important than an individual that leads to cases like the grooming gang and post office scandals, which ironically does far more harm to the system than if genuine miscarriages of justice were corrected at the earliest opportunity. I wonder if Lord denning would hold the same views if he were banged up for nothing, what a disgraceful individual.
  12. Normally I'd agree. But when the rule makers were flouting their own laws. People were locked in their own homes, people denied seeing their loved ones before they passed away and life saving hospital treatment cancelled. If your someone affected by things I've mentioned, it's a very bitter pill to swallow.
  13. Yes really, just worded differently 😂
  14. Thats pretty much the reasons I gave 🤔
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