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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. That's done by choosing to believe someone, or ignore them. Imho as long as no one is purposefully inciting others to commit violence or other criminal acts, people should be free to express any opinion they wish, regardless how stupid it might be. The BBC is complete trash, or most of it anyway
  2. The problem is, who decides what is utter carp? You could end up like China, where they try to shut up the doctor who blew the whistle on covid 19
  3. It may have stopped some criminal damage, but I say punish those carrying out the damage, not someone for having an opinion, it's a fine line, but freedom of speech is such an important thing and it's being eroded in this country.
  4. Idiotic to believe 5g has anything to do with this, however, if that's what someone thinks, they should be allowed to express it, if official bodies start policing people having an opinion, no matter how daft, I think it's the start of a very a slippery slope.
  5. No, I appreciate the debate and certainly am not offended that we won't necessarily agree. My opinion on this probably isn't as far as you'd imagine, it's not that I want to see wealth re distributed, it's that I don't think it's right or fair for the working masses to pay for another financial crash solely, yet again. On the point of legality of big business tax avoidance (not evasion), just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right or ethical, where the fault for that lays is debatable, I would say a large proportion is with the organisations profiting from it, with great power, should come great responsibility, others would argue it's government. Thanks again for your input and correcting some of my points.
  6. I've edited my post above with the number of UK companies, bear in mind, it was only one hedge fund company exposed
  7. Didn't mean to come across sarcastic, apologies if it did. There's very little that has parity with what's going on. I would prefer to keep my occupation private, but I consider myself very privileged, I've got no grumbles with what I earn. There were many 1st world beneficiaries to, the most famous showed links with the likes of David Cameron, 1924 UK based companies involved, I wonder how many millions/billions of unpaid tax that came to. Don't forget it was only one country with mossack fonseca which was exposed, what it showed was the wider picture of what is happening around the world and how much money is basically being stolen from the people of all countries.
  8. I had a little feeling you'd know what I was talking about and we both know what I'm talking about and it's the ones taking the **** that need addressing, I have no problems with capitalism or working and making a profit
  9. It's the one part I was torn with regarding EU membership, but they've made it very clear which side they are on, which is a shame, it could have been a huge force for good with that issue.
  10. Again spot on, to do it would take a world United effort, or at least western world anyway, which I know is unlikely, but then much of the western masses are angry and I think if most knew what was going on, the anger would bubble over. Have a watch on the documentary of the Panama papers, but then I think we both know what I'm talking about?
  11. Bang on the money and it's what would happen if one government alone tried to tackle it, hence why governments aren't in control anymore. 🙈😂 No, not like nursing Nursing is working for the government who's sole purpose isn't to make money, it is providing a service
  12. The problem is being caused by CEOs of huge corporations, who are paying no tax, offer terrible employment and pay no tax, while literally piling money up off shore through shell company's, the amounts of which would make your eyes water.
  13. That's part of the systems failure, jobs set up which turn people into robots, large companies rely on pre trained migrant labour, so they don't need to pay to offer apprenticeships and decent jobs, with livable wages. But of course a tree surgeon is part of the working class
  14. I would disagree, but if you don't like my posts, don't read them, or block me if it offends you that badly 👍
  15. I've proposed no system at all, I'm simply saying that I believe it would be totally wrong to make the same people, who make up the vast majority of the country pay for a potential economic crash yet again, while the same privileged few prosper from the situation again.
  16. If you genuinely don't know the answer to that, there's very little point in continuing this discussion with you. That's half the problem, governments aren't really in control of the situation that is manifesting itself, it is such a (purposely) complex subject, most people don't have the first clue of what is going on.
  17. And still nobody has answered my question, why should the vast number of average, working class people foot the bill for this mess yet again, the same as they did last time, while huge corporations carry on as normal, filtering money off shore and paying next to no tax and large company bosses profit from it? You know full well what an average worker is in this country. If you don't I can't help you.
  18. Well it looks like I've touched a nerve with a few on here, it's not hard to work out which people on PW are the ones who would be affected by a fairer system for paying for this mess than just robbing the workers again
  19. Im no socialist and certainly no Communist. Million was plucked out of thin air, far bigger brains than me would need to work a figure out, but your right, some on here would fall into a loosing bracket, maybe I'd be one, but rich is a relative term, the multi millionaire who hangs around with billionaires probably doesn't see themselves as rich. Answer me this, why should the working masses solely pay for this mess, yet again?
  20. I can assure you I'm far from a socialist. I agree, the virus is the absolute priority at the moment, but at some point it's going to need to be payed for and expecting the masses to entirely foot the bill this time isn't going to wash, it's not a witch hunt against the rich, but if you want to put it in those terms, there was a witch hunt against the workers last time with the financial crash, it was caused by the very wealthy, paid for by the workers who lost out, through very little fault and the very wealthy profited from it. Your last point is why I've raised it, if it makes 2008 look like a blip, what's better, drag another financial crisis on for the next 10-20 years, paid for by the workers, or reset the books, reset debt and it'd only be the very few, very wealthy who would loose, everyone else would be better off?
  21. No, because currency would be reprinted to reflect what your assets were worth. You've got to remember, money is nothing more than a token to represent value of goods and services.
  22. How would it work if they put the burden on the working masses, again? I think people have had enough this time, the young in the west have been sold up the river, born into a world where they can barely afford to get buy, let alone raise a family, buy a home, or secure a decent job. If it's as bad as the 2008 crash, I say tot up people's assets, anything over say a million, gets redistributed and currency reprinted, debt reset to zero. Tell me, how many average people would loose?
  23. They've got the choice of working for the best of a bad bunch, which doesn't make it good. I think employment has got a long, long way to go and in the future, we will be judged harshly. The way tax avoidance is practiced is a disgrace, democracy and government don't really run the country, there is probably now more money in existence than things to spend it on, it's virtually a Ponzi scheme designed to keep the wheels grinding on. Give those who simply refuse to work more than they're entitled to, for they are dangerous as they have little to loose, keep the working masses just about treading water, so they feel they have something to loose, while those in power keep their grip, it's always been that way, just enforced in different ways. If the wheels come off this time, I say reset the books, there'll be some ex billionaires who wake up, in the same boat as everyone else for once!
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