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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Italy is starting to struggle. It depends, if you mean do I think the gov will keep control, I've no doubt, the army would be on the streets if necessary, will people start fighting and looting, time will tell.
  2. I'm not sure why your asking gingercat, the police system is huge, it'd be like walking into a bank and demanding the cashier to tell you why banks rip people off. Policing in the UK has pros and cons, I think the vast majority of officers do their very best under very difficult circumstances. They're called upon to fix countless problems they're not trained or equipped to deal with and get little or no thanks from anyone, whether that's the criminals they lock up, the bosses that give them the orders, or alot of the time, the public they serve. There are of course ineffective and bad cops, but that's true of any job. I'm grateful for most cops efforts, Image a world without them!
  3. Interesting view and I hope alot of it is correct, unfortunately, there are alot of very powerful, wealthy people who don't want alot of that to happen. Time will tell
  4. 12gauge82

    face masks

    What a nice thing to do, faith in humanity restored! 👍
  5. I think policing needs some common sense back in the system, cut the red tape, get rid of 90% of paper work, trust the individual officers more and allow them to use discretion, stop recruitment of officers who just tick certain boxes, stop using the police to solve non policing issue's, freeing up the officers to deal with actual crime would be a good start.
  6. I say if it gets that bad, tot up what everyone owns, and reprint a currency. Better than a 20 year recession.
  7. What gets me, is if all countries are in huge debt, i.e USA is in trillions of dollars. Who is all the debt owed to? If it's that bad, why not just reset global currency.
  8. I'd love one of the rabid remainers to explain to me at this point how globalization has been a great thing for the nation. I seriously hope this wakes a few people up to the faults with the way this and most of the western world is now run, it rewards the greedy corporations at the expense of the working masses.
  9. I don't think there's many who find it hard to grasp. It's greed, money before lives, just look at the likes of Astley ect
  10. Know I said I wasn't posting anymore but hopefully this will make all my points irrelevant https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/25/uk-coronavirus-mass-home-testing-to-be-made-available-within-days P.s I'm not a guardian reader 😂
  11. Agreed. Although all that requires is "such and such celebrity believes they have contacted covid 19 and is self isolating" they don't need a test! I believe give it a few weeks and all those out there not taking it seriously are going to take it very seriously indeed. Here's to hoping everyone makes it through this global crisis with as few deaths as possible. I'm going to leave this thread here, I think I've said more than my share on it 👍
  12. Maybe I have misjudged some of your points. My point is, being rich should not prioritise life, but it currently is. Charles has a stronger claim to need testing than a whole list of other celebrities, although I personally feel, he should do as everyone else in his position, they would be told to go home, self isolate and call 999 if this symptoms become very serious. The private sector selling test kits is going to lower availability and raise costs for the NHS and ultimately prevent those who really need testing from getting them. True, but that doesn't mean he has more right to life than you, me or our families. But that's what is happening at the moment.
  13. Theses tests should not be available via private health care whilst the NHS can't get them. It will push the cost up. As for getting tested so they can get back to meeting people during their public functions, that's irrelevant, everyone should be at home, the country is supposed to be as far as possible on lock down.
  14. I agree, ideally everyone should be being tested. However, I absolutely guarantee you if you ring the doctor with symptoms, over 70 or not, you haven't a chance in hell of a test, they'll tell you to self isolate.
  15. I really am calm 😂 In the next few weeks, this disease is going to peak, hopefully not as badly as Spain and Italy but there's no reason it shouldn't, we're going to need every doctor and nurse we've got. So for every person like charles, football players and other celebrity that is getting tested instead of a doctor or other critical worker, many lives could be lost, hopefully not my family or yours, but who knows. The practice is wrong and I can't see a single good reason for it being posted on here, the closest is yours and your right, without crucial leaders, command and control can not be kept, so certain leaders should be tested, but I don't believe Charles is one of them and certainly not half the others that have payed for it. Your making this very complicated, when it is very simple. People with money are being prioritised for testing over those without. When doctors are sat at home instead of giving life saving care due to not being able to get a test, while those with money can, it is wrong. It's really simple and unless you have no morale compass, I can't understand why your finding that reasoning so hard to follow.
  16. Maybe I should say, rich or powerful, but that's just splitting hairs, they usually go hand in hand anyway. And I understand certain functional heads getting tested, but anyone reasonable would want to see a front line doctor getting a test before prince Charles. It should come down to how can we save the most lives? not who can pay the most money?
  17. Your right I'm not! Private hospitals shouldn't even be allowed to buy them. There is a world shortage of kits and only the NHS in the UK should be allowed to source them until they have enough. I'm shocked by the number of people on here who are either completely naive or are happy for people to live or die dependent on their wealth.
  18. Completely twisting my words to suit your narrative. Go on then, do as you say, find my posts where I've wished harm to people based on them choosing to live different lives to me, I guarantee you can't because I haven't. The reason you believe you can is probably because your judging me based on your own morale ideology, like I said, this thread is speaking volumes about your character. No, I'm saying he has been prioritised for a test ahead of normal people but particularly front line workers, like doctors and nurses who could otherwise return to work and get on with saving lives, but can't because there are not enough tests. And I agree, it goes for most other rich and powerful people, Idris Elba was one and there are many others as well. Oh and I'm perfectly calm by the way.
  19. That's the problem though, there are going to be many people who get the exact opposite, they're going to get death and in a few cases it could well be because someone is being tested who shouldn't be.
  20. What a load of nonsense. I am genuinely outraged, if as stated by the government, "by the end of this, everyone will know someone who died from Corona virus" is true and I tend to believe that will not be too far off the mark, then how many lives, could be saved by not giving privilege to those who are in the position of having money and power. If you believe that it is right that those with money and power should be given priority to live over those who don't, that's up to you but it says more about your character than mine.
  21. I don't think she'll answer and I don't think she'll be explaining herself to me. Thanks for your efforts though. I might well write to my MP over this and not just Charles, but the vast number of celebrities and other rich and powerful people who's lives are being prioritised over everyone else's.
  22. Yes and I agree, I certainly wouldn't wish harm on anyone Not saying your refering to me, but I'm just making the point that particularly when it comes to saving life, the rich and powerful should not be getting priority and yet they clearly are.
  23. It's not royal bashing. I agree with the point you make Which is why Charles and all the other celebrities who are displaying minor symptoms should not be tested and priority should be given to doctors and nurses allowing them to get back to work and save further life Do it and you'll see I've spoken out several times in support of many of those groups as long as they're not impacting other people's beliefs and lives
  24. And that's definitely not called for. That's just making it personal.
  25. Yes, like anyone, I really hope he makes a full recovery. I still don't see anyone putting up a credible reason why he and many others lives are being prioritised over everyone else.
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